Late on the First Day


Really Experienced
May 14, 2008
Name: Brandon
Looks: 6'5" 210 lbs, lean build, short black hair, brown eyes, dark brown skin, 7.5" uncut
Age: 27

Brandon knew this wasn't good. He was a freshly graduated law student that just passed his bar and on his way to his first day as a First Year Associate. As he jogged through the street and hurriedly pushed the elevator button he tried to compose himself. He looked in the mirror and wiped away the light sweat from his forehead. He adjusted his tie and straightened his suit sleeves right before the elevator door opened again. He made his way over to the associates desks and placed his bag down on the desk with his name tag. He watched all the other associates busy at work as he looked at his watch..he was 30 minutes late on his first day. This may have been the kiss of death. He sat down and opened up his notebook, unsure of what to do.

As he looked down he heard a stern yet feminine voice say, "You're late on your first day.."

He looked up to see the secretary of his supervising attorney. He noticed her picture from the firm site. She was about 4-5 years older than him and but showed no sympathy. "Mrs. Jacobson is waiting for you. I would be worried if I were you." She said as she turned and walked away, expecting him to follow.

Brandon kept his mouth shut until they got to Ms. Jacobson's office. He was nervous to meet her. From her firm picture she looked not a day older than 30, but from her career timeline he could tell she was 33.

Joyce Jacobson

There was a knock on my door. I stood and in walked my secretary, Jane, leading young Brandon Morris in, with a sheepish grin and what I could tell was a cold sweat.

Id faced enough attorneys in trouble on a case to know the look well.

"Young man. I approved the appointment of you as an Associate in this office. Perhaps I made a mistake if you are unable to look at a clock and tell time."

"Do you have any idea how a judge would react if you are late to a hearing or court appearance? He might even find you in Contempt of Court. I don't have time to listen to an excuse. What we expect here is performance, not tardiness.

"Jane- take him on a tour of the office. Show him the library where he will be spending most of his time doing research until I have a specific assignment for him. Dont bother showing him the mens' room. He can find that on his own time."

"And you Brandon, will be here in my office promptly at 1PM when we will have a little chat about your late arrival among other things. And Jane, please bring me the O'Brien file as soon as you finish your tour."
Brandon looked Mrs. Jacobson dead in the eyes and saw the serious faced yet gorgeous face of his new boss. He knew she was not in the mood for any excuses or tardiness and he was now on an extremely short leash. He just thought best to keep his mouth shut and keep the eye contact, bowing his head down would show weakness and he should really get used to these tongue lashings.

After Mrs. Jacobson's mini lecture, Brandon finally spoke. "Sorry Mrs. Jacobson, it won't happen again. I fully understand the repercussions for my mistake," he stated firmly in his deep voice.

"Other things?" he thought to himself. He was worried what else there could be, at least he wasn't going to be fired. He couldnt afford that consequence after all his student loans. ALl he could blurt out was a "Yes Mrs. Jacobson, I will be here at 1PM."

With that he followed Jane out the door and onto the office tour.

He toured the office, met some other associates, and had lunch. He also had some time to find the men's restroom during lunch. He was down in the basement getting further acquainted with the mini law library when he looked down at his watch. It was 12:45. He quickly made his way back up to Mrs. Jacobson's office. As he approached Jane's desk, she notified Mrs. Jacobson that I was there through the intercom. Jane seemed happy that I had shown up 20 min early for this mini meeting with Mrs. Jacobson.
Joyce Jacobson

"Send him in Please", I responded.

I had reviewed the file wirth which I am totally familiar. When Brandon came in, I pointed to a chair across from my desk. I didn't mention this morning's meeting, nor anything about his late arrival. I was certain the message had gotten through, knowing Jane who is totally efficient, and incidentally my friend and lover

He didn't need to know that while my married name is Jacobson, my maiden name is Sandstrom and I am the daughter of the Managing General Partner of the firm..

I have earned my position, but we all knew that the relationship weas why I have it.

Jane's last name is Sandstrom as well. She is married to my brother so she is my sister-in-law, but she uses her own maiden name here in the firm to sort of conceal her identity.

I handed Brandon the file and told him to study it and not under any circumstances to alter the order in which the papers are placed. I said I might need to find something quickly and I dont want tio have to look for it when we meet net week with a potential witness, wh9m we will interview in Baltimare next Tuesdasy.

"I want to leave here Monday evening and be in Baltimiore Tuesday morning and return here either late Tuesday, or Wednesday depending on how long we wiill need to be there. Pack for two nights just in case. Come here on public transoportation or by cab or however, but don't bring your car as there will be no place for yu to park here overnight."

With that I stood, as a gesture of dismissal, but he knew he was off the hook on his late arrival, and that he was accepted as a member of the firm. What else he might be acceptable for remained a mystery as he rose. We shook hands, and I held his hand a little longer that necessary, and softly said "Welcome to the firm".

He looked at my crisp white blouse and dark skirt, and I wondered if he had any idea as to what was hiding beneath it.

As he left carrying the file, I asked him to ask Jane to come in.

She did and closed and ocked the door. She came into my arms and we kissed, and when she sat, we talked about the hunk of as man we had just hired, and which one of us was going to sleep with him first.

With a grin, I told her about the Baltimore trip, which was a scam but what the hell- the firm pays for it and it's a tax write-off. I asked Jane to make reservatiions for one room only, with a king-size bed.
I came back into the office as soon as Mrs. Jacobson replied through the intercom. I made sure to keep eye contact with her to show my self-confidence despite my inexcusable tardiness in the morning. I took a seat in the chair that she pointed at. At first I thought I was going to get yelled at, but she seemed to move on from the morning's incident.

As she handed the file to me, I held it carefully. I did not want to upset her anymore. As she spoke I scribbled notes into my notepad. I knew another misstep would be fateful. I nodded at her instructions and simply said "Yes, ma'am."

As she rose, so did I. This was my first full view of her and my quick scan of her was quite impressive. Starting with high heels, sexy toned long white legs, professional yet somewhat sexy dark skirt, and a tight fitting, crisp white blouse that was definitely hiding something. I shook her hand and noticed the longer than usual duration but I slightly grinned when she said "Welcome to the firm." I noticed her big brown eyes and got lost in them for a second before I was able to mutter, "It's an honor to be here, Mrs. Jacobson." Our hands then released and we parted ways. I told Jane that Mrs. Jacobson wanted to see her.

Then I made my way to my cubicle with my first file.I was excited to get to work on it, I wanted to be fully prepared for the trip next week. I was ready to put in the work, I wanted to do anything necessary to become a partner at this firm.


The day passed, and during our lunch hour Jane and I visited the condo. Upon entry, we kissed and undressed each other, and climbed on the bed. We had our lunch, eating each others pussies as we always do, and talking about our new stud, Brandon.

She confirmed that she had made the reservation for late arrival, and left specific instructiins that when Brandon tried to check in, he was to be informed that there was only the one reservation, and they had no additional space available tonight.

We were frequent guests at the hotel and they knew how to take good care of us.

In a 69 I licked Jane';s pussy and asshole and told my sister-in-law that I would give her a full report on my trip, and thay she would have the next opportunity, but not until Thursday or Friday because on our return to the office Wednesday, he would be so fucked out he would be worthless until then.

She giggled and licked me the way I like it. Then we kissed and checked the fridge in the kitchen to insure that we had an ample supply of beer, wine and mixer to go with our stash of hard liquor which neither of us ever touched, but we kept available for whomever might be using the facility.

Back in the office, she rang for the chauffer of the company limousine to drive us to Baltimore. Brandon and I sat in the back seat and we were out of town before the rush hour traffic. We talked about the Obrien file to assure me that he had been doing his homework as directed.
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Brandon arrived to work on MOnday packed for the trip to Baltimore. He had thoroughly reviewed the case file over the weekend and was sure he knew all the facts and understood the laws in play. It seemed peculiar to me why we needed a trip out to baltimore since the case seemed a little basic and a trip to see a witness seemed unnecessary. But Brandon did not dare question the firm, he just did as he was told.

He reviewed the case file throughout the day and followed Mrs. Jacobson into the limo when it finally arrived. He discussed the file with her and was pretty sure he nailed every question correct. It was getting a little hot in the limo so he took off his grey suit coat and folded it next to him. He began to rollup his white sleeves as his black skinny tie remained neatly in place. He wicked a bead of sweat away and nervously smiled at Mrs. Jacobson. "So what time are we meeting the witness tomorrow?" He asked as the limo finally arrived at the airport.

Several times when he spoke to me, he called me Mrs Jacobson. I was used to that, but much preferred being called by a more appropriate and equally correct name.

We sat side by side on the plane and we had a glass of wine and then I napped. It wasn't a long flight and we arrived right at dinner time, and took the limo into town.

At the hotel we went to the check in desk. He stood by while I checked in, and then he stepped up to the desk. The clerk looked at him and he looked at me and said the clerk had told him there was no reservation for him.

He asked about another room and was quite definitely told they had no space available.

Brandon asked what we were going to do, and I said lets have dinner, and to get a table and l'd be right with him.

I told the consierge to have the bellman take both our bags to my room, and gave him a suitable tip to give to the bellman.

Joining him at the table, we had dinner and a couple of glasses of wine, and I told him we had plenty of room and we would make do as we needed to. He seemed relaxed and after dinner we went up to the room.

I went into the bathroom with my stuff and did what I had to do, and came out wearing my skimpy little nightie, completely transparent, showing my nice boobs and barely covering my pussy, and pulled back the covers and got in the bed.

I turned on the TV and to a porn channel while he had his turn in the bathroom, and came out wearing just a tee shirt and his boxer shorts. He slid in next to me and I asked if he liked what was on the TV - a man lying on a bed naked while a woman knelt over him sucking his cock.

He looked surprised and I squeezed his hand and said "As long as we are sleeping together we might as well enjoy it", and slid down and leaned over and took his semi-hard cock in my mouth. I heard him sigh and moan and then even make a few thrusts in and out of my luscious lips.

I certainly didn't want him to cum yet, and I stopped and sat up and kissed his mouth, shoving my tongue in and swirling it around and then told him it was my turn.

Looking at him, it was his turn and this was the test. He passed and he went down on me and returned the favor.

By now the woman was riding the guy cowgirl style, and I did likewise. We fucked until I felt him cum up in me, and we kissed and I told him that the meeting tomorrow was just us and right here in this bed except for breakfast and dinner room service.

He asked about the OBrien file, and I told him that case had been closed for months, but I had taken out all those papers before I gave him the file.

So we turned off the TV and the lights and slept together in each others arms, as I dreamed and thought about how tomorrow would go with his cock in all my holes.
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Jane Sandstrom

7:30 the next morning, the hotel phone rang, waking the slumbering lovers from their sleep.

Picking up the phone, Joyce heard, "Mrs. Jacobson, you have an urgent phone call from one Mrs. Sandstrom. Would you like to receive it?"

"Yes, please," Joyce replied. Hearing the click of the the line change she directed her frustrations to her sister-in-law, "Jane I told you not to call me here."

"I know! I'm so sorry! But Mr.Jacobson was inquiring about your absence. I told him that you were away working on the O'Brien case. He seemed to buy it, but I think he's planning a surprise visit...... I thought you should know. Just in case you need to... 'schedule your appointments accordingly'. He just booked the rest of the rest of the day and said he'd be returning the same time as you.

I told him you'd be busy, but he just said he was your husband, and left!
I'm sorry Joyce, I couldn't stop him!"

Oh My God,. Now what was I going to do?

Thanking Jane to myself, I looked at Brandon who was wide awake eating my pussy, and told him we had a problem.

He looked up and I told him my husband had found out where I was and Jane was sure he was coming here to check on me.

We got up and hurriedly got ourselves together, and went to breakfast in the coffee shop instead of having room service.

"Jane said that she had told him I was here working on the O'Brien case."

Jane didn't know that my husband well knew the case was completed. I don't tell him everything, but I had told him that because he had a personal interest in the matter of the case, although wasn't personally involved.

"He is a lot older than I am. We live together and tolerate each other, but we haven't had sex in years and we stay married for appearance sake. Thank God I had you study the file, but you have to help me convince him something has come up that needs to be resolved."

"Lets see. Perhaps an appeal has been filed and the case is up for review. You can be the witness I have to meet, and maybe we can convince him to leave us alone but we will have to get your stuff out of the room in case he decides to stay overnight, as Jane told him I would be staying here tonight."

We went to the desk and he checked into another room. We also arranged for a meeting room. He packed his stuff and took it to his new room, and I went with him. Holding hands I told him I couldn't go another minute without fucking him again, so we undressed and got on his bed.

It didn't take me long because I wasn't wearing panties or underwear, and while he fucked me I was thankful that I had us pack for two days so I could appear fresh and wholesome to my worthless husband whom I didn't hate, but certainly didn't love.

I had to stop myself from saying too much, because I didn't want him to discover who my father was and why I was in the position I am in in the firm, when really all I am is a slut and a whore and loved to fuck. I started in college and never stopped even when I got married by telling my husband he had gotten me pregnant, and later told him I had a miscarriage and lost the baby.
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Marty Jacobson

The plane arrived about nioon, and upon reclaiming my luggage, I took the limo into town arriving at her hotel in early afternoon. Upon identifying myself, the desk clerk gave me her room number, but not a key. I called on the house phone and all I got was her voicemail.

"Hi Sweetheart. I came to join you. I'm down in the bar. When you are ready or in the mood, come on down and I'll buy us a drink and we can talk."

In the bar I ordered a gin and tonic and as I sat there alone listening to a little combo play, I wondered who she was fucking now.

Across the room was a nbuice loking lady sitting alone, and after a shiort while, I went iover and askjed her to dance. She looked up at me in surprise, but stood and we went to tge floor.

She tiold me she was here in town with her husband on a business trip, and he was out making a sales call and she was expecting him to join her for dinner. I didn't say much except that was what I was here fior too, and that my wife was a lawyer here on a case, although I knew she was here on an affair with someone.

Two dances later, we sat together for a rest and I ordered us each another drink. I confessed what was on my mind. Janice smiled and agreed to play a little truck on her. Pay her back with her own medicine as it were.

We danced again and this time, very closely and in a romantic mood, and we even kissed a few times. She even stuck the tip of her tongue in my mouth and I grinned at her and told her I loved her. We squeezed each other's hand and I told her I'd love to have an affair with her.

She laughed and said if her husband didn't show up, she was willing.

Then suddenly Joyce was there at the entrance looking around and saw us, sitting close together with my arm around her and the other caressing her breast. She marched over to our little table and in a loud clear voice, said OK.iw tiy are here. What do yiou want?

I introduced Janice to her and told my wife. I want her. I want to make love to her while you fuck your latest boyfriend.

Quietly Joyce said she didn't have a boyfriend and I responded. OK, then your latest lover.

Right then, Janice's husband arrived and reclaimed her, and with a big grin she excused herself and left.

Joyce sat and we started to talk. I suggested we go up to her room where it would be more private, unless of course her lover was up there. In the elevator we were alone and niothuing was said. Once in gher room whuich was spotkless and lovely, we sat and had the heart rto heart we shoukd have had over ten years ago.

I told her I knew about her affairs, and that Jason, Jane's husband and Joyce's brother had told me they were lovers when they were in the house living together in high school and that he loved having sex with her, in all three of her holes.

And that she was addicted to sex all through college and law school, and now is Jane's lover too.

Joyce started to cry and admitted that it was all true.

"In fact, Jason told me he wanted to resume fucking you, and that I could have Jane if she was willing, and later Jane kissed me and told me she was."

"So -here's the deal. Either you and I swing with your brother and his wife and nobody else, or we get a divorce and I have enough evidence, even with our prenup agreement to take you and your father to the cleaners if you want that to happen.

Joyce stood and did her strip show for me, and led me to the bed. as we made love, I suggested that this was where she was when Jane called her this morning and told her I was standing right next to her desk when she did.

Then I really shocked her when I asked "and what are you going to do with Brandon?"

Joyce replied that she was going to fuck him one more time and we would all fly home together in the morning.

She called his room and told him to come up. He arrived and were introduced. We shook hands and I sat in the chair by the bed as he undressed, and I watched her suck huis cock and then fuck him.

It was beautiful and I loved watching her take his big cock up in her and hoped I could keep her happy. The look on her face when he came in her, and she came with him was unbelievable and I couldnt stop admiring her beauty and her passion, and told them they could keep this up if they wished, but he would be the only one except Jason and me.