Large Areolas- another addiction of mine

Why on earth would anyone lie about being as old as I am? Anyway, thanks for the compliment. My breasts have always been one of my best features.

Can't say they're your best feature without seeing the rest of you, but they are pretty fantastic!
Very beautiful areolae. I'm quite jealous and may have to find another thread to post my paler and smaller ones. LOL

No need for jealousy, funny but I really don't like them! LOL, always thought they were too big :( ...grass is always greener and all that jazz.

Please post yours!!
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Green is, of course, the color of envy. LOL I'd almost say I'm surprised to hear that you don't like your areolae, but I've never encountered a woman yet, myself included, who wasn't dissatisfied with multiple aspects of her body. Is it in our genes or can we just blame our moms?

My initial reaction is to blame my mom, but as a parent of a quickly growing preteen, I'm going to go with genes. ;)
If I receive such encouragement from a few more posters I may be forced to start a thread of my own, but not till the fall. I'm way too busy this summer to find the time necessary to do so.

I agree with purfecthost, we need to see more of you! Start your own thread! :rose: