Lancecastrated,you are a FUCKING ASSHOLE

That's a pretty long sig you got there...or are you just happy to see me, Mr. Playground Pirate?

Yo. Ho. Ho.

Fuck off, dickwad.
I was just admiring your magnificent ass-umption, Guru. It's a lovely ass-tute observation, too.

Weak comeback.......

and you still are a fucking asshole...... :rolleyes:
Though, I do have to say that I find the word "Lancecastrated" highly amusing.

I give it a 5 out of 10 for that alone. The rest was hohum until Guru's tuckus showed up.
KillerMuffin said:
I do have to say that I find the word "Lancecastrated" highly amusing.

Yes, right up there with Lancecastoroil and the classic Lanciepants.

He's quite good with emoticons as well.

A double threat, our little pirate friend.
hmmm did the batteries in BB's anal vibe go flat?

Going to agree that Lancecastrated was kind of clever, but otherwise i would be hard pushed to get over a 3 /10 rating.

Do you want to tell us why he is an asshole or you just feel content to rant.

It is my guess that BB got tangled up in the protective hairs surrounding the asshole during birth, so sits in his room all day plotting his vengeance against the world for the lifelong nickname, "dingleberry".
guru's av must not be loading completely on my screen, 'cause i can't even see his ass.
Re: CastratedLance

busybody said:
Weak comeback.......

and you still are a fucking asshole...... :rolleyes: maybe things are different down there on the Pirates of The Caribbean ride, but so far, I count:

* one(1) "FUCKING ASSHOLE"'s (all caps!)
* a :mad: emoticon

I replied with:

* a reference to your Playground length girly sig;
* A Mae West reference, caling you a homo;
* a toy pirate for your fruity AV;
* calling you a Ho
* closing with a Fuck Off

You shot back with a:

*that's pretty weak
* ya fucking asshole


Aside from your scary emoticons and shift key flair, you've said nothing even approaching original other than to call me lancastrated...which has been done before.

I doubt you can read all the big words in this post, pirateboy, but I strongly suggest you run along before you sprain something.



Who else you gonna dump your shit onto?????

You so need to SHIT on people??????

Cant find anyone to talk to?

Re: CustersLANCEstand

busybody said:
Who else you gonna dump your shit onto?????

Thankfully, you've arrived !

You complete me, pirateboy.
cusTURD queen

*Throwin you a stick*

Use it to beat little ole women on the head!

Make you flacid?:D
Spelling buddy says "flaccid".

I find it somewhat amusing to watch one of the more offensive posters on here calling someone else an asshole. What a wickedly fun place this can be when you're almost delirious.
*separating my two fav boys* bb, i adore you hon but this was an unnecessary thread...Lance, you know better too..

Now kiss me and make up!:p
Freya2 said:
Spelling buddy says "flaccid".

I find it somewhat amusing to watch one of the more offensive posters on here calling someone else an asshole. What a wickedly fun place this can be when you're almost delirious.

Always so self righteous Freya...kinda like the pot calling the kettle black. You have called enough people an asshole to sink the entire board. I am proud to be included in that group. :) And he without sin shall cast the first stone.....
roxanne69 said:
Always so self righteous Freya...kinda like the pot calling the kettle black. You have called enough people an asshole to sink the entire board. I am proud to be included in that group. :) And he without sin shall cast the first stone.....

Oooh, the bitch claws are out again I see. You really like to carry a grudge don't you? Get over yourself sweetcheeks - you aren't that important.

I only call people names who rightfully deserve them. My post was basically the same point you yourself are making...except in reference to BB. For one who has been called an asshole himself, I find it amusing that he is so offended by whatever it is he thinks Lance has done.

You may now resume your twittering female ass sucking. Good luck to you. :)