Lancecastor is the new Juicy Lips

RosevilleCAguy said:
Crap. I was hoping it would be somebody interesting, maybe William Shatner.

No, William Shatner is the original DCL. It's a sort of Dread Pirate Roberts thing,
Re: Re: Re: Lancecastor is the new Juicy Lips

Dixon Carter Lee said:
"I never explain anything."
Mary Poppins

Well then! Thanks for nothing, Mary! Hmpf!
Re: Re: Re: Lancecastor is the new Juicy Lips

Dixon Carter Lee said:
"I never explain anything."
Mary Poppins

and as everyone knows:

"Enough is as good as a feast"
Dixon Carter Lee said:
No, William Shatner is the original DCL. It's a sort of Dread Pirate Roberts thing,

So, when you get rich and decide to retire, can I be the next Dread Pirate Roberts?
If he gets the chocolate factory, can I at least have an Oompah Loompah of my very own?
Re: Re: Lancecastor is the new Juicy Lips

estevie said:
I don't get it.

Why would you say that?

All I know is that it's an insult to somebody. :D

And I've got dibs on the Everlasting Gobstoppers.