Lance, let's pass the peace pipe around


Seraphically Disinclined
Jul 29, 2000
I'm not much of a peace-maker, but there's a lot of crap flying around these boards lately, and it's just not fun for the board. We have enough trolls to put up with. Let's do a little something to get rid of unnecessary board tension.

It occured to me that you probably have no idea what my problem is with you. Neither does anyone else for that matter. A little air clearing is a good thing, I believe. After all, how can we form a peace based on some sort of respect when I don't even let you know what's bothering me so much? Even though you PM'ed me several months ago after you read what I wrote on one of the rape threads and we sorta had a little peace after that, I don't think I told you what set me off so bad in the first place.

It was this post:

You could have thrown anything else in my face I would have taken it in stride, but you chose to attempt to sexually dominate me instead. Not that I'm an angel either, I'll be the first to tell you that I get the crap thrown back into my face that I dish out. And I'm big enough to take it. Everything except attempts to sexually dominate that is. Humorously intended or not. It wouldn't be so bad, I don't think, if you didn't do it sporadically afterwards. Even after you offered me understanding in PM about the rape stuff, you still did it whenever our arguments degenerated into name-calling or your position eroded. But, I can't get on my high horse about this. Even though I don't fight dirty like that, I don't pull my punches, either.

That said, I think it's time to bury the hatchet. No, not in your back. Mine either. I'm not a backstabber and I'm not in the habit of being anything less than forthright. Wrongheaded, yes, but generally I'm pretty honest.

I didn't bring this up to attack you with it or to ask for an apology or anything. I want some clear understanding on all sides. What I would like for you to do is to stop using me sexually on the board. Stop mentioning my name in connection with sexual things. There's fighting dirty and then there's fighting dirty. I'm not asking you to quit attacking me whenever I get into it with you, I'm just asking you to quit attacking me sexually. That sounds bad, but I don't know how else to word it. I get the humor you're trying to use there and that you're just in it to hold up your end of an argument that's degenerated into ridiculous flaming. I'm not accusing you of being a rapist, predator, harasser, or a bad guy. I just think we have a little misunderstanding and this is the only way I could think to clear it up. It'd be a lot different if pretty much anyone else did it. I don't know what it is about you specifically that makes it so bad that I get all teeth-gnashy, but there is. You aren't the first to use this flame tactic, but you're pretty much the only one who has ever bothered me with it.

I know that I haven't been the perfect person on the board. I have my faults and they're frequent, glaring, and in-your-face. I'm not too sure what I've done to you that's miffed you as much as I've been miffed, so I can't tell you what I'll quit on that respect. I will, however, cease and desist snide commentary, quit treating you like you're the original jerk, and I'll quit with the bad attitude. If there is anything else, please let me so we can work something out to satisfaction.

This is what I'd like to see. I'd like to see a board where you say whatever you take it into your head to say and I say whatever I take it into my head to say and we don't fight over it. Not that we have a whole lot lately, but you get my drift.

I suppose all of this was just to say let's make peace. We may never be friendly, but at least we can quit the hostilities and move on.

Of course, I probably fucked this all up because I strung out on Java, but considering the past few days and the number of people getting into it, I think that detente has to start somewhere. We've been more enemies than friends, but you're a very intelligent man and I think that somewhere in all of this we can find a common ground and make this board a better place to come to for both of us.

What do you think?

Man, that post by Lance is really funny!
Re: Hilarious!

Man, that post by Lance is really funny!

Ya know?

This was the most assinine post I have seen you make. After KM clearly explained the "trigger value" to that post, you go off and make such a flip comment.

I may not always agree with your politics, but I have believed you to be sincere and not hateful.

Perhaps I was wrong?
KillerMuffin said:

What do you think?

I think if that post was fundamentally offensive to you that you'd have written me directly and privately about it, as I have to you about this and that in the past.

I think that if it were something that you didn't want to talk about that you wouldn't have raised it tonite.

I think that your post and this thread is a backhanded swipe at me.

I have no sexual feelings for you and never have.

If you're looking to start another flame fight with me, I'll kick your ass until you squeal like a piggy... again.

If you want to blow sunshine up my shorts for us or the good of the board or whatever, you're off to a poor start.

I haven't really been around or been paying attention to all this flame fluff flying around but... I have to admit: Lance's av kicks ass.
Miss Taken

I am sincere, and I'm not hateful. But I'm sorry-- I thought Lance's post was really funny. Killer Mmmmphin-- that's rich! And I'm not worried about pissing off the Killer, since she hates me already.

And if KM was really trying to make peace, why post it on a public BB? Why not PM Lance behind the scenes? By making it public, she invited public comment.

And I'm a member of the public.

P.S.-- "UN Pickle Inspector" is pretty funny too.
You're a small portion of the idiots, that make up the lit public.
You can't kick my ass. I live in another time zone and in a country where I exercise the right to keep and bear arms.

I made peace with you once before in PM, Lance. Look how that fall apart. I also explained to you in PM that I thought this wasn't just a personal matter, but a board matter. Not because we've been fighting lately, we really haven't, but because of that debacle I did to Freya.

I'm not going to get into a PM net with everyone who has a stake in our fighting and I'm not going to hide what I've did or what I've done because I find it uncomfortable. I am sincere in my effort to make peace with you. Like I said, we'll never be friends, but at least we can come to some kind of truce. We can make this board better by not fighting.

Like I told you in PM, that post isn't bad other than how it offended me. You can see me maligning you through most of it. I'm not innocent here. That's one reason I chose that post because it shows that I'm not innocent in the fight, that you have just as much cause to fight with me as I do with you.

I'm not doing this in PM because I'm not interested in a brief truce like we had last time. Something gone and done with. This way the whole board knows we've stopped and they know enough details to keep both of honest about it.

Like I also said, the ball is in your court. I did my best to meet you halfway and to make some kind of peace. It may not have been the best way to go about doing it, but it's the only way that I could think of that would not only create a truce but resolve issues that I have with you and give you the opportunity to resolve issues that you have with me in an open and forthright manner.

What you do with it is up to you. I'm not hiding about this anymore. I'm not PMing about this anymore. We either make peace or we don't, but I will have tried my best to do it.
I wish you wouldn't continue to beat yourself up over the other night KM - it's over as far as I am concerned.
Lance the "Bitch Boy"

In all fairness to KM, I thought her story about a woman turning the tables on Lance, and dominating him, was pretty funny too.

Sometimes the hunter becomes the prey.
Re: Lance the "Bitch Boy"

In all fairness to KM, I thought her story about a woman turning the tables on Lance, and dominating him, was pretty funny too.

Sometimes the hunter becomes the prey.

56 minutes passed, my opinion stands. You're an idiot.
Good point, Redwave.

I offered this before and I'll do so again.

If you'd like the Lanciepants story removed, I'll have it done immediately. Just let me know.
Freya2 said:
I wish you wouldn't continue to beat yourself up over the other night KM - it's over as far as I am concerned.

Thank you, Freya. :)

I let my little feud with lance go too far and it's time to put a stop to it. We're equally culpable in the fighting, we've both done bad things. But we can stop it. I'm hoping we can, at least.

This wasn't the best way to start the thread, but it's too late to change it because what's done is done and can't be undone. The only thing that can be changed is what we do from now on.
Oh yeah?

Well I live in a place where we honour the right to keep bear arms.

I wasn't aware we had current issues.

Please advise if you have specific concerns.

I'll take them under advisement.

ohdearlord. I thought we used up all the kitty litter in the pissing match the other day, don't tell me I am going to have to buy more shares in litter stocks.

Geez, the things that go on when I am away for a few hours.
KM, you've gone much farther than I or nearly anyone else here would have in a sincere apology and attempt as a truce.

Well done and you have my public respect for it.
Ohhh NO!

I'll say this: Lance and Muffy always did provide the most entertainment in my opinion. I'd hate to see them become <gasp> friends. I'm sure if ya'll really look into, there's more to quibble over.

ppsstt, Lance, I heard she said you had a little dick.

KM, I saw he called you a fat ho in another thread.

PBW "I found this shit-stirring stick just laying around going to waste"
Re: Ohhh NO!

Ladies & Worms:

Introducing the one, the only, you'll never be lonely.....Mr. P.B. Walker!

Please...give him a big GB welcum.

P. B. Walker said:
I'll say this: Lance and Muffy always did provide the most entertainment in my opinion. I'd hate to see them become <gasp> friends. I'm sure if ya'll really look into, there's more to quibble over.

ppsstt, Lance, I heard she said you had a little dick.

KM, I saw he called you a fat ho in another thread.

PBW "I found this shit-stirring stick just laying around going to waste"
Re: Ohhh NO!

P. B. Walker said:
PBW "I found this shit-stirring stick just laying around going to waste"

You are a funny guy. :)

Be nice around here or else you might end up with a pickle up your ass. ;)
P. B. Walker, you remind me of a slimy squishy thing you find under a rock, not at all like the lovely doodle bugs or cute slaters you could find. Yeah you are right about having a shit stirring stick.

KM, JMJ said what I think.
Re: Re: Ohhh NO!

Mia62 said:
You are a funny guy. :)

Be nice around here or else you might end up with a pickle up your ass. ;)

Well muchas grazzy ass, lil mia.

ohhh I'm kinda scared now... I have this thing about pickles.. they just send me running. pffttth.
