Lance, I was just wondering...

sorry I'm not Lance, but Pretty, tell me you are not living that? Is it?

You're doing the right thing. You should be here 24/7.


girl, lance or not, if you know all this stuff is wrong, and I assume you do, since you listed it.

Why are you and your children still there?
You know what I keep my mouth shut about alot of things. But this I wont.

Almost NONE of you have any idea what she has been going through and the efforts she HAS been making to get out. It isnt easy and when you have children you have other considerations.

When you are in an abusive relationship that cuts you off from everyone you know and love you find strenth where you can.

Sometimes you just need to let it out and more and more here people are all to happy to jump in and critizize and condem. Yes it is a public forum and you open yourself up for whatever people want to throw out there, but Im sorry try and remember there are people behind these words that are living things you have no fucking clue about and if you want to take the time to judge and accuse maybe a simple PM would do the trick.

but I ramble...

PLS...stay strong.
pretty_lil_stranger said:
Perky honey, I love ya...but it's not that easy. I'm working on getting out, but it's a game of patience...if he caught any wind AT ALL that I was planning to leave, I'd be in big trouble.

I know it isn't easy. I've been invovled with women's crisis centers for a long time.

There are options. I would be checking those places out while I wasn't around him, and then get it done.

Courage, sugah.
I've heard the rat-poison-a-little-bit-at-a-time-over-a-long-period works wonders...

PBW "Time to make those "special cookies" for daddy again"
anyone in that situation stays because they choose to.
the only thing stopping someone is fear.
why plan? just leave.
SpectralDragoon said:
anyone in that situation stays because they choose to.
the only thing stopping someone is fear.
why plan? just leave.

I would assume you've been in the situation before yourself, giving you the experience to comment?
pretty_lil_stranger said:
Good advice. ...
I did manage to scrape up enough self-respect out of the situation to decide to go, though, so it did help someone.


All the best;

pretty_lil_stranger said:
Good advice. Been there, done that. You can't make someone who doesn't think they have a problem get help, though, so it didn't do him much good.
I did manage to scrape up enough self-respect out of the situation to decide to go, though, so it did help someone.

the counseling isn't for him. It's for you to get out of the situation with your life and your children.

He's not fixable. He's dangerous according to what you're saying. It's black and white.

You stay, your dead, you go you might have a chance.

It's very clear.

Crisis centers and counselors are there for support. They can provide safe housing and career help.
Kitte said:
You know what I keep my mouth shut about alot of things. But this I wont.

Almost NONE of you have any idea what she has been going through and the efforts she HAS been making to get out. It isnt easy and when you have children you have other considerations.

When you are in an abusive relationship that cuts you off from everyone you know and love you find strenth where you can.

Sometimes you just need to let it out and more and more here people are all to happy to jump in and critizize and condem. Yes it is a public forum and you open yourself up for whatever people want to throw out there, but Im sorry try and remember there are people behind these words that are living things you have no fucking clue about and if you want to take the time to judge and accuse maybe a simple PM would do the trick.

but I ramble...

PLS...stay strong.

Very well said. :)

My thoughts are with you and your children. If you ever need an ear or a shoulder ..... just let me know. :rose:
Pretty, I wish you all the luck in getting out of your situation. I have been there before and ran as fast as I could without looking back. I know it takes time and you will get the results you need to live the life you are better off with. Best wishes and good luck!
Darkthought said:
I would assume you've been in the situation before yourself, giving you the experience to comment?

If that were the criteria to qualify people to comment on this thread or any, I think you'd see alot less posting, no?.

You don't have to stay in that situation ... but, you need to be very careful planning how to get away.

Confide in friends and family. Ask for assistance. Be sure to tell them that any and all planning must be extremely confidential. Be very secretive and cautious while you are preparing to leave.

Once you have relocated with your children, file for a restraining order and a divorce. Do not get weak. Go for the maximum child support and have his wages attached with a governmental agency (CPS or welfare) acting as an intermediary (to avoid direct contact). Request that all visitation be surpervised and the kids picked up at a location other than your own.

Buy a gun and learn how to use it. Make sure he knows that you have it and are prepared to protect yourself.

Good luck, dear ... be strong.
pretty_lil_stranger said:
That's what I wanted you to say. I feel better, now I can go back to work. :D

I can be very direct. That doesn't mean I don't care.