Lady-Witches Wanted for New Coven (open)


Après moi, le déluge.
Aug 1, 2000
Keldra stirred her big black pot full of hot, steaming soup. Some witches might be coming by her cave today, and she didn't want them to go away hungry. She had let it be known all through the land that a new coven was forming, that any female witches who wanted to join ought to come by her cave and "apply" -- if that was the right word for the peculiar series of questions, challenges, and tests she had prepared. An evil smirk crossed her face.

Then for the tenth time she ran over and checked her appearance in the mirror, for she wanted to make a good impression. Wanted to look desirable and authoritative at the same time, after all she was supposed to be the leader. Sort of as a joke she was wearing a big floppy black witch hat, that was her authority. And as for desirable, well who cold argue with her tawny brown hair, falling down in curls to her creamy shoulders and neatly framing her elfin little face, with its short upturned nose and big green eyes. Oh darling, she pouted at the mirror. But in case they missed it, her tight baby-tee and ultra mini (both black of course) would tell the story, let them know just what kind of coven they were getting into.

She went back over to her pot, stirring, waiting, grinning.
Stepping lightly over the wet grass, Sadie Jones carefully made her way to the edge of the forest. She had heard from friends that Keldra was looking for females to begin a new coven. Sadie had always been curious as to what the "witches" did, and was eager to join Keldra's circle.

Sadie had shivers as she neared the clearing where the cave was. Adgusting her eyes, she could make out the entrance by the dim light shinning from inside. She could see herself fairly clearly now. She had chosen to wear her dark blue dress, falling short just above her ankles. It clung to her damp skin, forming her figure. Sadie tucked her bare foot behind her leg, trying to decide if she should just enter the cave, or wait to be invited.

Keldra looked up, she could sense someone at the periphery of her cave. Standing in the daylight about the entrance was the figure of a woman, her damp dress plastered against her shapely figure quite fetchingly. Who is out there, Keldra wondered. I don't think I've seen her before. I shall try to make her welcome though, she thought, striding purposefully across the rich Persian carpets that kept the floor warm and inviting, making her way up to the cavern door. "Hello there," she said with a big friendly grin, offering her hand. "My name is Keldra, welcome to my little home away from home. Who might you be? I'd wager you're either looking for some shoes," she kidded, glancing at the woman's bare feet, "Or you might be here for…other things." She twisted an end of her hair as she said that, smiling.
Sadie smiled back at the beautiful woman. Keldra was everything Sadie thought she would be. She stepped out from behind the tree and tried not to show how nervous she was.

"My name is Sadie" she said, bending her knees in a curtsy. "I'm very pleased to meet you. I hope I am not intruding, but I heard.. well, I was told that you were... well, that you needed someone, I mean, wanted to start a coven and.." Sadie bit her lip and looked down at her feet. "I came because I wanted to join with you" she finally managed to say.

"Well met, Sadie" Keldra said, taking the woman's arm in a friendly manner, after she had curtsied. "Doesn't that mean princess?" she asked, guiding the woman into the cave. She had noticed how delightfully shy Sadie appeared, and the lovely curtsy -- such a quaint old custom, of which Keldra thoroughly approved. She loved old customs. Things of that nature.

She led the woman into the center of the cave, which was a place remarkably full of light and furniture, boxes, sinks, cats, rugs, and a huge old four-poster bed.

Keldra paused at the center of the cave, next to the potion she'd been brewing. Stopped and turned to look Sadie directly in the eye. Then looked her up and down, from her bare feet to her lovely bosom, and walked in three circles around the prospective witch, as if searching something. "Hmm," she said at last, "You're a Virgo. Or a Libra." She stopped, then ran a finger along the girl's chin. "No, a Pisces." She smiled. "Tell me Sadie, what do you know of witchcraft? What makes you want to join?"
Melissa traced through the last of the woods, leading up to what she hoped had been the cave. A whole morning lost to moving throughout the forest, trying to find a way up to this spot. She let a smile come to her face, letting the length of the morning walk finally get to her.
Her clothing clung to her freely, accenting the curves of her natural body. She tried to tear them apart from her skin, but they refused to do so, instead letting it feel like she walked naked.
A feeling she didn't entirely hate.
The last of the litle climb brought her up to the cave, as her dark green eyes peered with curiousity into the darkness of the cave. Two women stood there already, and from the sight and smell of what had been behind them, Meliss felt pretty confident she had arrived.
"I have to interrupt," her voice, soft, but determined, cutting into the cave, she smiled when she looked at them both, "I was told a new coven was about to start here, am I to late?"
She moved further into the cave.
ooc: Really Sorry about butting in or something But Mind if i join? Just making sure before i butt in. Been a long time since ive been to lit and If you dont worry thats ok :)
Re: Keldra

Sadie nodded, answering Kelda's questions. She seemed to know a lot about her. Sadie felt her shyness returning and for a fleeting moment wanted to leave, but Kelrda took her arm and led her into the cave.

She couldn't help but stare at the beauty and colors in the cave. She wasn't sure what she had expected, but it was a delight to know that Keldra didn't stay in a dark, damp hole in the ground. Sadie couldn't help but smile a little as the other woman tried to guess her astrological sign. She giggles as Keldra got it wrong, and grinned when she got it right.

Sadie followed her with her eyes as Keldra walked around her in circles. Her fingers barely touched Sadie's skin, yet it sent shivers down her spine. Clearing away her thoughts, she tried to answer the question that was posed to her.

"I'm afraid I know very little, only what my mother told me." Sadie tried to act brave, but her voice was timid. She held her hands together in front of her, twisting some cloth of her dress between her fingers. "I know witches do spells and dance around a fire on nights with a full moon." She paused, thinking of her hext words. "I want to join, .. because.. because"... just before Sadie could answer, a voice interupted her thoughts and another woman appeared at the entrance of the cave.

Keldra raised an eyebrow quizzically as Sadie admitted she didn't know much about witchcraft. Keldra would have to teach her so many things, if that were true. But she enjoyed a challenge, liked the idea of having a new apprentice to mold. And such a lovely one, too, with curves that drew the eye. Yes, there was much molding to do. She guided Sadie over to a low-lying couch near the fire and sat next to her, so close there hips were touching. Sadie seemed about to say something, then looked away distracted at the other end of the room.

Keldra looked up too, watching the new girl entered, giving her a warm smile. "Come on in, we were only just getting acquainted. Take a seat, anywhere you like," she said, gesturing at the many couches and lounge chairs scattered about the richly appointed room. "Would you like anything to drink? I have so many things, potions, brews…" She helped settle the new girl in. "Get comfortable now, and tell us your name."

She then nodded to Sadie. "Now you go on dear, you were about to tell me your reason for joining? Don't be shy, we won't have any secrets here," she said, stroking her arm reassuringly.
"Oh, just great."
She smiled, walking through the cave, her eyes wandering from the assortments of things. It looked wonderful, she couldn't help but stare at one thing or another. So peaceful up here, nothing like town.
Resting herself on one of the couches, she crossed her legs, letting her hands fold against her. She introduced herself as Melissa, giving each of them a friendly hello.
"whatever you are having will be fine," she glanced across the various array of pots and pans, something cooking in the corner. It gave off an interesting smell she couldn't quite place. It heated up the room, and that was something she liked.
Her eyes then drew to the woman, apparently also wanting to be in the covern, listening to her story.

"Melissa? That's a lovely name. Doesn't it mean 'Honey' or 'Queen of the Bees.' " Keldra said, rising a little and helping Melissa up again. "You can't sit over there, sit over here by me and Sadie," she said, plopping down on the other couch again, making sure that Melissa sat one side of her, and Sadie the other. She smiled warmly at the two and then nodded to Sadie to continue.
2 pairs of eyes looked as Sadie, expecting her to continue on. What could she say? She racked her brain for something to tell Keldra that she knew would please the woman. She so wanted Keldra to like her. Sitting up a little straighter, she looked between Keldra and Melissa and tried to make her voice work.

"I want to join because... well I want to learn about everything you know." Sadie bit her lip and lowered her eyes. "I know I'm young and naive, but I really do want to learn." Looking back up at Keldra, she saw there was nothing to be afraid of. A gentle and kind woman looked back at her.

Sadie smiled, which lit up her whole face. "I will do anything you ask of me. I pick up things real quickly and I'm not afraid of hard work either."

Sadie spoke of her desire to learn and to serve and to please. This cheered Keldra immensely. But the words, she didn't exactly catch them all. She was too busy looking at Sadie's face as she spoke. Such a lovely face, on such a lovely woman. Such lovely lips, saying such lovely things.

"That is wonderful," Keldra said at last, trying not to stare too intently. "It is all I ask." She ran her fingers through Sadie's hair, pushing it back over the girl's ear, and leaned in to give her a gentle kiss, soft as morning, right on the cheek. "That is perfect."

I sighed and pushed my long black hair out of my face. I couldn't believe I'd bought my friends bullshit story about some coven starting up out here in the woods. She'd told me about it because I'd mentioned to her that I was interested in writing about witches and the supernatural that nobody in our time seemed to think still existed. I was always searching for things to include in my articles and essays, and when Amy had told me that this might help, I jumped on the chance.

I pushed another limb out of my way and then stumbled over a rock. I fell into an open clearing. Straight ahead of me was a cave. I could see steam and smoke coming out of the opening. Must be a fire, so this must be the right place, I thought to myself. I stood up, cursing under my breath at the dirty spots on my jeans and my scratched hands. I wiped the wet leaves from my form fitting jeans and sweater then headed slowly in the direction of the cave. I could hear three seperate voices, all women. Stepping into the opening I saw three gorgeous ladies turn to look at me. I smiled shyly and said, "Hi. I'm Mindy. Am I in the right place?"

Keldra was still blushing over having kissed Sadie so impulsively when in walked a strikingly beautiful woman with long black hair, in a t-shirt and some jeans. "Hi Mindy, yes I think you are, if you managed to find your way here," Keldra said, speaking in mysteries. She stood up and went to the entrance to greet the newcomer, shaking out her long, curly brown hair underneath her silly witch's hat as she did so. "Welcome to my cavern, I take you're interested in -- " and her eyes made a not too subtle journey up and down Mindy's body -- "the coven?"
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"Yeah, I am." I say as I stare at the gorgeous woman in front of me. I've been with my share of ladies, but this girl was absolutely stunning. Even the crooked witch's hat was erotic on her. That hair of hers was so beautiful. I reach out impulsively and touch it, twirling one piece around my finger. I suddenly realize what I've done and pull my hand away, confused as to why I"m acting the way I am. I blush and look away from her, but my eyes are drawn back to her face. I find myself stepping a bit closer to her, unable to do anything else. I reach out and touch her hair again, wishing that she'd kiss me this time. I'd seen her kiss one of the other girls as I walked in, but now I wanted one of my own. And definitely NOT on the cheek.....
OOC: Mind If I join your coven morwen? ;)

The air was cool against her feathers, oh how she enjoyed flying, the freedom, the excitement. She only wished she could do it in her human form, but she had not been able toget to that point yet. Until then she would have to keep transforming into a crow every time she wanted to fly.

She could see Keldra´s cave already... she started flying in circles above the cave, coming closer to the ground until she reached the entrance. There were voices coming from the inside. She flies inside the cave and lands on a chair. there was Keldra, looking as gorgeous as always, sitting between two beautiful girls.

The crow jumps to the floor and is slowly covered in a thick reddish mist... when the mist dissolves a woman is left standing where the bird was. Her Red hair flowing free down her back, reaching her waist, her pale skin and voluptuous figure barely covered by a thin white robe that exposed most of her long legs and showed a fair amount of cleavage.

Her name was Ilandra, she was a descendant froma long line of witches and had been trained as one since she was a young girl.

" Hello Keldra, I hope Im not too late, you know how I tend to be late when I fly ".
Sadie sat stunned. Not only did Keldra touch her hair, she had kissed her. Sadie could feel the heat rising in her face, and she willed herself not to blush. She was about to ask Keldra if she would be permited to stay and join with her when someone new walked into the cave. Keldra rose to greet her, leaving Sadie with Melissa.

Sadie gave Melissa a shy smile, then lowered her eyes to look at her hands. They felt soft to her as she traced one hand with the other. Glancing past her hands to her feet, she raised her legs level with the rest of her body. She turned her toes in, rotating her ankles, then she turned them out, stretching the muscles in her legs. Her dress had began to inch its way up her thighs, leaving most of her tanned legs exposed.

She looked up in time to see Keldra face to face with the other woman. She didn't know what they were talking about, but she imagined it must be something important. She had just turned her head to look at her hands again when, out of the corner of her eyes, she watched in amazement as a bird flew into the cave, landed, then transformed itself into a woman.

"She's beautiful" Sadie whispered to herself. She was a different beautiful than Keldra, but there was something so alluring about her that Sadie couldn't help but stare.
(it says open, so I'm jumping right in. somebody just put me in my place if I'm butting in)

Karen glanced around the entrance to the cave looking for a doorbell, or even a knocker - something to make her presence known, as it is just not polite to barge into someone's home. (This was someone's home wasn't it? You never could tell these days.)

She leaned her broom against the side of the stone opening, and used her free hand to brush her blonde curls back behind each ear, and peered into the cave, seeing the small gathering that had not yet noticed her. "Oh, good," she thought, now straightening her knit vest and smoothing down her ankle length skirt. Her modern (or at least 1950's) clothing contrasting sharply with the ancient looking broom which she again picked up and also with the wonderful aroma coming from the aluminum covered plate she held in her other hand; and aroma that would go unidentified in a room full of master chefs, but hopefully not in this little cave in the woods.

With her newly reacquired broom, she rapped quickly several times on the side of the cave, "Yoo hoo!? Is anyone home?" Meeting the eyes of anyone who heard her and looked, she gives one of the biggest smiles anyone is likely to have seen and gives an exagerrated shiver and shrug of her shoulders, "it's a little wet and nippy out here."

I couldn't believe my luck! Already there were five women here who wanted to become witches. This was a journalists dream. I turned to look at the two newcomers, and was once again astounded by the beauty surrounding me. I stepped further into the cave and smiled at the pretty blonde woman carrying the broom and plate.

"Can I carry something for you?" I asked, extending my hand for either item.
Melissa leaned against the back of the couch, leaning purposefully into Sadie right next to her. Their legs touched, and she coul feel a bit of a spark as she looked back at her new friend.
"Looks like we have a few sisters joining us now," she said, eyeing each one carefully," This is beginning to grow interest by the minute."
She smiled, looking back at Sadie. The woman seemed so shy and quiet. She probably just needed a push in the right direction.
"So, have you always wanted to be a witch?"

OOC: yes we're open to any female characters, I haven't made any other rules other than that.

Keldra looked about her cave, clapping her hands with delight, quite pleased. Already her little coven was turning into quite the success. Mindy, Melissa, Sadie, it would be hard to keep all their names straight. There was even a blonde with a plate of goodies who had yet to be introduced. So many lovelies with so much to learn.

Just then Ilandra, a witch from her old coven, flew in and transformed from a bird to a girl, right in the cave entrance! Keldra rushed over to her, taking her friend's hair in her hands and taking a brush to it, the lovely red tresses had become mussed up in flight. Hopefully no one else had noticed the magic spell, the girls seemed to be busy getting used to each other. And the light in the cave was erratic. A slight spell of confusion was put upon the others.

Keldra whispered lowly so that only Ilandra would here: "Ixnay on the magic-ay!" She sighed. "Some of these girls don't know the first thing about us, you mustn't give it away. They might be IRS people, or Baptists!" she whispered conspiratorially, then smiled and turned Ilandra around, her hair was all brushed out now, looking radiant as ever. She winked at her old friend and took Ilandra's hand and led her over to the rest of the group, gathered everyone together in a bunch in the center of the room.

She raised her fingers and snapped, smiling at everyone. "Merry meet. Very well sisters, you are curious about this coven. As you should be." She gave a tiny curtsy, which with her little skirt, was a parody of the whole gesture. She topped it off with a tip of her cheap Halloween witche's 'hat.' "I am Keldra, and this is Ilandra, who is also Wise. Now, Sadie, and Mindy and Melissa, your names I know, and this blonde, your name I don't know.

"Why don't each of you four come up here before the coven and introduce yourselves, and say why you want to be with us, and how much of the Art you know, if any at all, and then sit back down again." She laughed a little. "And if you brought a plate of baked goods, give us the recipe too."

"Well, I'm Karen, and these brownies are for everyone..." (I pull back the foil and a puff of steam rises from the plate making playful swirls in the air) "...but before I say anything more, I think it should be first come first serve - it's only polite."

(I look towards the woman I think they called Sadie) "What was it you were saying before we so rudely interrupted you?"
Sadie glanced over at the woman with the brownies.. Karen. She wasn't sure what to do. Being on the spot like that made her nervous.

"Oh, I umm.. nothing really" she managed to say. She looked beside her at Melissa, a kind, gentle face looked back at her. The other women were looking at her as well. Sadie began to pick at her dress, not realizing at first that they were waiting for her to continue.

"I don't know a lot about magick and witches, but I think it could be fun. I mean, not fun like games." Sadie bit her lip, and her eyes began to fill with tears.

"Just somewhere to belong" she whispered.
Melissa moved forward, letting her arms come around Sadie. A small single kiss, knowing what it felt like to be an outsider.
"You don't have to put her on the spot like that, poor thing. We all want to belong, I think that's why we're all here."
Giving Sadie a final squeeze, she stood up, looking at the adoring faces before her, "My name is Melissa. I'm here cause I've been trying to practice the art for some time, but without any real teachers, or anyone else really willing to learn, I couldn't do much about it. I've wanted to be a witch ever since I was a little girl."
She sat back down, her legs crossing against one another as she did. It was nice to be with others who understood and cared. It was felt, a place not to exclude, but belong.
She would like it here.