Ladies, your.....

I want to add to the question. After how many times did you get or want to be on top? Was it better?
I want to add to the question. After how many times did you get or want to be on top? Was it better?

Good Evening Mr. Sneaky,

First time, I was on the bottom and liked it. I mean who doesn't the first time. We were good together, very good. The second time we made love I was on top and I loved that more. I loved the feeling of power I had, that I controlled his passion.

Which do you like better, top or bottom?
Good Evening Mr. Sneaky,

First time, I was on the bottom and liked it. I mean who doesn't the first time. We were good together, very good. The second time we made love I was on top and I loved that more. I loved the feeling of power I had, that I controlled his passion.

Which do you like better, top or bottom?

I prefer to be ridden. :)
;)Jeez it's been so long...I was on the bottom and I hated every minute of it. My first time was terrible...I didn't have a clue what was happening (he didn't either). I honestly don't know when I finally got on top.......I've always liked it from behind the best though. Is that top or bottom?
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Oh my, from behind? I don't think I had a girl from behind till I got married. I LOVE that though.

I love the feel of a tight hot wet pussy sliding up and down on me while I watch it. Feels great! And, its wild to watch. And when I cum and she doesn't stop or slow down, it's amazing. And the boob view? *whew*
Bottom. Damn SoCo! Honestly, I didn't even know it had occurred. It was THAT fast & THAT small. I didn't get on top for about another year, with someone I had been dating about a year. His uncle was drunk at a bar and we were supposed to pick up him and his minivan. We killed some time while we waited on him to stumble out of the bar.

I enjoy them both, among others :)
My first time.

My first time, I was bottom. I was also 19. .. And didn't use anything. I was a little bit TOO naive!
Bottom and scared the first time. I do like the control of being on top though and the penetration seems to go deeper like that :D
I was on top, he'd done it before and said it would be better. I didn't argue, and still won't ........

Bottom. my first time on top was probably about the 6th time or so. By then, I'd done doggy-style and preferred that the best.
top, well actually first time was sitting and facing him, which quickly flipped to bottom...LOL
Bottom. It was ok.

Few years later with someone different, my first time with him (second total) was on top. Oh my! It was amazing! Bottom and doggy is amazing with him too :D
Bottom,for the entire 8 seconds. Thank goodness that guys get better with experience;)