Ladies: Real Valentines Treats Await Contestants Within Conv/Lit Oriented Thread

The Duke of Oral

Literotica Guru
Dec 9, 2002
Seeking females to become contributing members, to my thread where you can have fun, hang out (post interactivly) and win free Real prizes, and post stories, poems, life's experiences. There is a trivia question there right now, for a contest that I will re-start this eve, and I'm curious if any of you know the answer. If you would like, please post your answers there and also look for the chance to win a box of Valentines Chocolates later this eve (around 8:00 pm C.S.T. with a 24 hour deadline to answer)

The Duke of Oral.
okay, the thread is What I Always Wanted To Know About Love and Sex, But Was Too Busy Fucking To ?