Ladies of Lennox ((CLOSED))


Not LitShark
Jul 12, 2010
((Closed for UPH, princesssexci & Emstar303))

Lightning cracked the sky, moving horizontally across the grey sky above Lennox House for the Criminally Insane as burgundy velvet curtains parted to reveal the scene. A slender girl in soaked, filthy pajamas and soaking pigtails. She was flanked on both sides by muscular orderlies who had firm grips on her upper arms, lifting the slender girl off the ground and carrying her inside with her arms held uncomfortably behind her back.

The top button of her pajama top was missing and with her arms pinned back like they were, her ample chest was outthrust against the wet, clinging material.

At the door, Blue was waiting. He stayed under the awning where the downpour wouldn’t reach him, only acknowledging the Father as he approached last of all. Blue handed a clipboard to him, following the procession inside as the sound of thunder rolled over them slowly.

“You’re the Father?” Blue asked, letting the orderlies lead the girl into the facility.

Sometimes it’s easy to forget the things we know for certain.
The things we’ve never been taught but have always known.

That we are worthy, unique and able.
We forget that we all have the ability to fight.

We forget because so many have stopped fighting—
So many will tell us, we can’t.

But no one else makes the laws for the worlds we create.
No one but ourselves is worthy to decide our inner selves.

This part of the story is called: “Struggle”

“We talked on the phone, yes?” Blue continued, the soft shuffling of the girl’s reluctant feet on tile echoing the shuffling of the ball-point pen on the clipboard he’d been handed, “yes, well… I know I said fourteen-hundred over the phone but you see, things are different. You neglected to mention that she’s as violent as she is…”

Blue leaned over to look at the Father’s eye, still baring scratch marks over his brow and cheek where she tried to scratch out his eye.

“Plus, regulations being what they are—the mayor is halfway up my ass about regulations and federal mandates for the treatment of female inmates, blah, blah, blah. I swear, these fucking politicians—they act like the gashes between their legs make these bitches fragile little flowers. You and I know better, though.

“Anyway, the bottom line is that I’m taking on a lot of risk here—so the price is going to have to be a flat two-grand.”

“Now, don’t you try and fuck me around here! We had a deal!” the Father lashed back.

“Look, like I said—the fact that there’s a murder involved makes it harder to just—poof! Make this little Babydoll disappear. Not to mention that we don’t have anyone on staff who can do… what you’re asking. Then there’s the addition of another girl for as long as it takes to bring in a specialist—these girls… it’s like all their cycles synch up together and they just become—”

As if to demonstrate his point, a catfight broke out just as Blue was turning his key and opening the door to The Theater. The orderlies released Babydoll to rush over and break up the fight. Blue took over, holding her upper arm, discouraging her from making an escape attempt—but not grasping and painfully wrenching the girl’s slender arm as the orderlies had done.

“There. You see what I mean? We call this The Theater… for lots of reasons. Some obvious, some less so. Over there, that’s Madame Gorski. She’s our on-site therapist, but she knows her place,” Blue turned back, lowering his voice conspiratorially, “Polish therapy—what an oxymoron, right?

“So, about that money—or would you rather take her back with you?”

The Father sighed, grudgingly reaching into his wallet and adding to the pre-measured wad of folded bills he’d set aside to bribe Blue with. Once he’d counted out two grand, Blue snatched the wad of bills from his hand and pocketed it.

“Ya know, it’s actually kind of fun,” Blue smirked, leading Babydoll down to the main floor, dozens of pairs of eyes following her in, “watching these girls act out who touched them or hurt them or whatever. Nice material for the ol’ spank bank, if you know what I mean.”

“Just relax,” Madame Gorski cooed up to Sweet Pea who was center stage, “let your mind show you where it’s hurting.”

The old reel-to-reel clicked loudly as a haunting melody began to play, flooding the high-ceiling performance hall with undulating sound…

The walls seemed to fade and as if being performed on the stage before her very eyes. Sullenly doing chores—chopping onions through tears—washing floors—washing toilets—being pawed and molested… It was like her whole life was a sandcastle, revealing itself down to the last second as the tide collapsed its walls.

Then she was seated, facing down a shadowy man as he reached out for her—she knew this was the end. Her end. Once this man of shadow laid his hand on her there would be nothing left. She closed her eyes—long lashes landing on her cheek as a single tear passed through them.

The End.

“Stop!” The voice rang out, clear and authoritative—it carried with it a resolve that Babydoll recognized as separate from herself. Was this he Guardian Angel come to save her? “Get away from me! Let me up! Right now!”

Babydoll opened her eyes to a new world.

Gone were the water-stained tiles, peeling paint and mold blooms in the corners of the shabby asylum—in their place were glittering, crystal light fixtures and crushed velvet curtains. The Theater was staged for a cabaret with every surface polished and immaculate. Silver buckets of ice with corked bottles of champagne, brown liquor in crystal decanters, rows of cigarette packs and humidors, crystal ash trays at every place-setting.

“I think that’s enough rehearsal for now,” Blue called over to Madame Gorski, suddenly dressed in an exquisite, tailored suit, “Sweet Pea, come over here. Now, please.”

“Blue, I don’t think—” Madame Gorski tried to interject, now wearing an equally exquisite black, sequined evening gown.

“You’re absolutely right—you don’t think. That’s a very accurate assessment of what you do not do here. I do the thinking and I think what Sweet Pea has had enough. Scratch that storyline, while we’re at it. It’s too… high-brow, anyway. We want to engage the tricks below the waist, not above the shoulders. Know what I mean?

“Sweet Pea. Since you’re done with rehearsal for the night, maybe you could show our little Babydoll around… give her the lay of the land. I know I was supposed to have some private massage time with you after rehearsal but I think you’re the best bet to pull this off.”

Blue’s eyes moved covetously over Sweet Pea’s body in her tight rehearsal garb. She was his bottom bitch—the most down. He trusted her most of all and wanted her to lead the tour, but Sweet Pea wasn’t eager to sacrifice her alone time with the man in charge just to show some new arrival around the place.

There’s always someone watching over us,
Steering us toward the truth that we’ve lost sight of.

We can’t choose the form these forces will take—
Or how much force they use.
Sweet Pea heard the creak of the door as it opened and they were interrupted by Blue, followed by a fat older man and a young, pig-tailed girl who looked to be around her younger sister Rocket’s age. As the music started, Sweet Pea met the newcomer’s eyes. Her expression was tragic like all of the young women who ended up here, like Sweet Pea’s herself.

“Just relax,” Madame Gorski cooed up to her, drawing her attention back, “let your mind show you where it’s hurting.”

Sweet Pea rolled her eyes, but she had to go through with this “therapy” as part of her treatment. Madam Gorski wanted them to relive their trauma or whatever through the arts… and that trauma usually happened to turn on Blue’s tricks, fucked up as that was.

She wasn’t too fond of the new direction Madam Gorski wanted to take her performance. It was like a break-neck trip through one’s worst possible fate at the asylum, demonstrated through dance. As she moved on the dancefloor, the motions felt more over-dramatic than anything - wide arm gestures and lots of floor movements. She felt it was more morbid than sexy, as it ended with Sweet Pea tied to a chair staring down a prop icepick held in Amber’s hand. Sweet Pea was wearing a wig that just so happened to match the hairstyle of their newest arrival. Was her performance meant for this new girl to see in particular?

“Stop!” she shouted. She turned to Amber, who was dressed as a male doctor wielding the ice pick and demanded, “Get that thing away from me!” She turned to her sister Rocket then Blondie, who were dressed as nurses. “Undo these straps. Don’t forget my ankles! Hurry!” She didn’t like feeling confined. It was unnerving. The girls did as she requested and undid her restraints as fast as they could.

Madam Gorski stopped the music. “Is there a problem?”

Sweet Pea scoffed in response, yanked off her wig and strode to the front of the stage. “Yeah there’s a problem! What the hell is this morbid shit? This isn’t gonna turn anyone on! Usually I get your little “skits”. The schoolgirl, the mental patient, but what the hell is this? Lobotomized vegetable? How is that going to turn anyone on? It would be like fucking a corspe.”

She stood up from the chair, angry. Their performances had never been so personal before, so bleak and dark and foreboding of what their future could be, of perhaps what this new girl’s already was supposed to be, if the look on her face was any indication.

“I think that’s enough rehearsal for now,” Blue called over to Madame Gorski, “Sweet Pea, come over here. Now, please,” he demanded.

Sweet Pea sighed almost in relief. Madam Gorski was supposed to be their ally, but this performance really sucked. Blue snapped at Madam Gorski when she protested and insisted she scrap the storyline.

“Thank you,” Sweet Pea said. “You’re absolutely right, as usual.” She brushed her arm against his as she came to stand beside him, staring down the new girl.

Up close Babydoll was even prettier than afar, with bright blonde hair and striking dark eyes, but Sweet Pea wasn’t threatened. Other girls had tried, some had almost succeeded, but in the end Blue always came back to her. He knew he could rely on her.

In fact, he wanted her attention right now. He wanted her to show the new girl around. Sweet Pea looked at him incredulously. “Are you serious? Can’t my sister do it? I was really looking forward to my time with you,” she cooed. She saw him looking at her body and leaned into him encouragingly, placed her hand on his forearm briefly. “Please, let Rocket show her around.”

Rocket and the other girls watched her sister from the stage. She hated when Sweet Pea flirted so obviously with Blue. She claimed to do it for her sake, to keep Blue’s attention away from her and the rest of the girls, but Rocket suspected she genuinely liked being his top girl, even though sometimes she’d come back with welts and bruises.

Rocket heard her name from her sister and went over in her direction in response to meet with Blue and the new girl, leaving Amber, Blondie, and the rest of the performers on the stage.

“The new girl looks so scared. Let’s try to go easy on her, okay?” Amber said. She thought back to when she first arrived. It wasn’t too long ago, and the truth was she still was a little scared. They all should be, for the fate of those at Lennox House was often bleak.
~Baby doll~

Babydoll had fucked up. She hadn’t meant to kill her sister. She was trying to protect her from that son of a bitch who called himself a stepfather. She struggled to get out of the arms of the two orderlies. Babydoll didn’t want to be here. She just wanted her sister back, she just wanted…
Well it didn’t matter what the fuck she wanted.

She didn’t say anything as she blankly stared at the girls fighting on the stage. She was so traumatized by everything she’d done that people and things moved as if she was trapped in some sort of silent black and white movie.

She wasn’t even sure where the fuck she was.

She’d literally been dragged into The building and it almost felt like she’d blacked out because her eyes snapped open at the sound of the crisp voice as she stood in the back of the room watching.

Where the fuck….

What the fuck….

She glanced around and lightly rubbed her arm watching as the girl who had yelled stop went on to argue with the older woman and ….

Not worth paying attention to. Her eyes darted around nervously as she tried to find a way to escape. She was away from her stepdad now but somehow she had a strong feeling she wasn’t safe anymore.

The way this girl what had they called her? Sweet Pea held herself was clearly as an alpha and the way she flirted with Blue was sickening.

Was this going to be her life from now on?


Blondie had to fight to roll her eyes. Honestly, it fucking figured that Sweet Pea was trying to get out of showing the new girl around. At Amber’s words, she scoffed,” Be easy on her? Please. I don’t trust her. Look at how she’s just standing there like she’s can’t move or something.”

The funny thing was that she wouldn’t have been surprised if Sweet Pea got out of what she was asked to do.

“Don’t look at me like I’m crazy. You know we all had plans when we first got here to try and ‘get out’.. Look at her with her innocent looking face, probably plotting right now.”

Blue smirked and laid his hand on the small of Sweet Pea’s back as she sidled up to him. His hand didn’t linger there for long on its way to caress her spandex-clad backside. He shrugged at The Father, wearing the white collar of his station, honestly pleased with Sweet Pea’s display of affection for him—almost unbidden.

“What can I say? These girls love me,” Blue gave Sweet Pea’s round ass an affectionate pat, “fine, have Rocket do it—but don’t let her wander off into girl-talk or whatever. She’s on kitchen prep again tonight and you know how The Cook gets—but I understand that you don’t want to sacrifice our cherished time together. Rocket! Get over here.”

Blue tilted his head, forcing eye contact with Babydoll. He was used to girls being scared—timid even, but this girl seemed borderline comatose. She was pretty enough that he expected her to be an earner, but he’d have to temper those expectations if she was a vegetable already. Blue snapped his fingers just inches from her face while he waited for Rocket to take over tour guide duties.

“Does she speak? Or is she…” Blue’s eyes raised up to The Father.

“I’m not sure what you’re implying, but I didn’t do anyt’ing to that girl,” The Father had affected an Irish accent that hadn’t been there before.

“Look—I don’t care what you did to her. I really don’t, but if your hands were as clean as you’re suggesting you wouldn’t need me to—”

“Alright! I get it.” The Father leaned over to Babydoll, taking her chin between his thumb and index finger, “say somet’ing ye idjut!” The Father taunted Babydoll, just inches from her face.

Madame Gorski

“Blondie! ‘Zat is no vay to talk about someone,” Madame Gorski closed the locking cabinet with some force, storing away the audio equipment since it was clear that dress rehearsal was over for now, “all of us suffered deeply to arrive at this place. Maybe she does hold dreams of escaping—but you all need to help her to understand. It’s not zese walls which hold her—or any of you. It is the trauma of your past that holds you prisoner. It is that trauma you must escape from. This is why we dance.

“Take your places and begin stretches.”
Sweet Pea

“Thanks,” Sweet Pea cooed to Blue, whose hand had quickly wandered from her lower back to her round ass. She could tell by his slight smile and affectionate squeeze that he liked the attention she was giving him. Good, for Sweet Pea had been a little worried she’d be reprimanded for talking back to him, even if it were merely a plea to spend more time with him.

She was genuinely glad her time with him remained intact, but she would not admit this to her little sister. As far as Rocket needed to know things with Blue were just as horrible as they’d always been, and she dreaded all the attention and private massages… Yeah, right. Sweet Pea wasn’t even fooling herself anymore. She’d been at this asylum way too damn long because her feelings for Blue had somehow morphed from initial disdain into genuine lust for the guy.

Rocket rocketed over to her sister and chirped, “You called?”

“Hey sis, you’ll give our little Babydoll a tour around, won’t you?” Sweet Pea asked. She placed her arm around her sister while Blue’s hand still rested on her ass. “You know how important my sessions with Blue are.”


Rocket almost rolled her eyes at her sister’s request, but still answered in the affirmative. “Sure, no problem.” Yeah, she knew how important her sister’s sessions with Blue were. She was their top performer after all, so Blue spent a lot of time with her. Meanwhile, Rocket got stuck in the kitchen with the sleazy cook!

She looked at the new girl, who seemed kinda out of it. Blue asked The Father the same thing Rocket was thinking, what exactly had he done to this girl? But The Father insisted he hadn’t done anything to her. Right. Rocket had heard that before. An instinctive protective instinct washed over her, and she took Babydoll by the hand, attempting to pull her out of her Father’s grasp.

“Let me show you around. Come on, I don’t bite very hard.”


Up on stage, the girls were discussing the latest arrival. Amber insisted they should go easy on her. Blondie scoffed in response, saying the new girl looked suspicious. Amber just rolled her eyes at that. She looked towards the new girl, whose eyes kept darting all over the place like a rabbit being hunted. “I think she’s just scared.”

Madame Gorski interrupted the girls to give them a mini lecture, as she tended to do. This time it was the “Don’t try to Escape” lecture, but it quickly turned into “Escape your Inner Trauma through Dance” lecture. Amber wondered how they could escape their past trauma if Madam Gorski kept making them relive it, but she wasn’t the therapist. For the most part she respected Madam Gorski, so Amber would do as instructed.

She sighed as she took her place along the wall beside Blondie and began to stretch. Her eyes wandered over to the new girl periodically. Not much new happened here at Lennox House, so a new arrival was always a little exciting.

“I wonder how long it’ll be before Blue gets his claws into her,” Amber pondered aloud.

She didn’t want to be here, Babydoll wanted nothing more than to be in her bed. Better yet, with her little sister. There had to be a way out of this shit hole. The snapping of what’s his name…Blue was it? The snapping of his fingers brought her back to what was actually going on around her. Her eyes narrowed. It wasn’t that she couldn’t talk, she just didn’t feel like talking.

“say somet’ing ye idjut!”

And the sound of her stepdad’s voice just grated on her nerves.

“Fuck you.” She hissed before spitting on his shoe. What was he gonna do beat her in front of all these people after claiming to not have touched her? Though she couldn’t say she was safe but probably safer than she’d ever be with that asshole.

When the blonde girl with the pixie cut pulled her out of her dad’s hand, she let a out a sigh of relief that she hadn’t even noticed she’d been holding. She glanced one more time at her step dads face as she walked away from him. Her brow furrowed as she followed behind the girl.

Once they were out of earshot she said,”So how long have you been here?”

She was really trying to figure out how long everyone had been here in hopes that she wasn’t trying to hope for something that was impossible.


Blondie watched as Rocket did as requested, going to show the new girl around. She sighed heavily biting back another urge to roll her eyes at Madam Gorski. Okay, sure she was the new girl and should be given a chance and blah fucking blah.

Taking a deep breath she got on the floor and leaned forward to grab her ankle, stretching her legs some as was ordered. It was a bit ironic that she was as bitter as she was. At one time she’d had hopes like every new girl that came here; that there was a way out of here but eventually Blondie learned…they all did that there was no getting out.

Some people were blessed with a life that wasn’t such a shit storm and then there were people like her and the rest of these girls who had to make do with the hand they were given.

Hopefully the new girl would get it too or she’d get all of them in trouble.

“I say about a week or two tops. It’s not like she’s an ugly one. “ Blondie said to Amber with a light shrug. “Sweet Pea better watch herself. She might even have some competition.”

An unmistakably lascivious smile crept over Blue’s face as Rocket complied with his request. Sweet Pea had that talent, making Blue do what she wanted while making him believe it had been his idea—at least since their “extracurricular” work had become a regular thing. The way she was leaning into his affection—even in front of this new girl and her apparent patriarch was turning him on. His large cock was hardening down the leg of his cream-colored, tailor-fitted slacks.

“That’s settled then,” Blue smiled, his hand still squeezing and caressing Sweet Pea’s ass, his ringed finger slipping lower between her legs, “I’ll give you a week to send the rest, for now though, I think you’d better go.”

Blue instructed the Father. The Priest just nodded and backed away sharply when Babydoll lashed out at him.

“You’ll get what’s comin’ to ye when the High Roller comes!” The Priest shouted, wiping his polished, wing-tip with a handkerchief before turning back to Blue, “You’ll get your money, ye covetous wretch. May God forgive ye for what you’re doing…”

“I guess that’s between me and God,” Blue smirked as Rocket led Babydoll away, “Bye now, via con dios!”

The Priest left through the security gate, Mr. White triggering the mechanism that allowed him to pass through the heavy, metal, automated gate.

“Let’s adjourn to my office,” Blue whispered into Sweet Pea’s ear, just the two of them remaining as Blue’s fingers began tracing her pussy lips through her spandex leotard.

They stayed like that, entangled, as he led her back to his office, unlocking the door with the Master Key that he kept on a slender, gold chain around his neck. The door was barely closed behind them before Blue tugged the blinds closed and deep kissed Sweet Pea on the mouth—both hands now squeezing her toned, dancer’s ass.

Madame Gorski

As she paced between the girls slowly, Madame Gorski tapped her cane on the stage, keeping time for their stretching routine. She moved behind Amber, pushing herself gently up against her backside and forcing her to keep her legs straight as she also pushed gently on the small of her back, forcing her to stretch deeper. Stretching her hamstrings to the point of discomfort before moving on.

“You girls need to let go of these entanglements from your past,” Madame Gorski’s tone was different, changing from the caring therapist to reluctant disciplinarian, “if you earn Blue’s anger, I won’t be able to protect you. This is your home now. These are your lives. Your bodies are the tools of your survival—”

Madame Gorski’s cane came down slowly to rest between Blondie’s shoulder-blades as she stretched on the ground. Slowly but steadily, she leaned more of her weight on the cane, forcing Blondie into a deeper stretch—more and more until her round breasts were pressed against the stage.

“You must keep your bodies in top condition. You must keep your minds focused and unpolluted by the entanglements of your past. This is what you are now. This is all you will be. Accept it and give yourself over to the process.”

Just as it seemed that Madame Gorski would cause Blondie an injury from forcing her into such a deep stretch, the cane was lifted. And Gorski left the stage.

“Group therapy is over for today. Amber, get to your chores. Blondie, come into my office. I have some things to discuss with you.”


The hidden screen flipped open from within Sweet Pea’s high-tech gauntlet, crackling to life with a face that oddly resembled David Carradine in Sci Fi cosplay.

“Greetings, Agent. I trust that your infiltration was a success.” The voice played through her small, in-ear headset.

Sweet Pea was dressed from neck to ankles in a black, latex catsuit that looked almost painted onto her athletic body. She was tucked into the corner of a stainless-steel ventilation shaft. The pale blue light from the screen illuminating her face.

“As ever, you are the tip of the spear—the infiltration arm of a much larger operation. If you are discovered, you have been provided with a cyanide pill, as Command wishes you not to be taken alive. Of course, your allegiance will be disavowed if you’re discovered—so, in short, don’t get your ass caught.”

Heavy bootsteps passed by the vent behind which Sweet Pea was hiding, speaking in some proto-robotic jargon that no human could understand. The shadows passed by, cutting through the blades of light that passed through the vent slats.

“You alone possess the discipline and skill to execute this mission. A fact-finding mission. While remaining undetected, you’ll need to make your way through the stronghold. We need an accurate estimation of the layout and defenses in place. Aside from roving patrols, there is also an automated laser network that you’ll need to navigate and chart to aide future expeditions. Your exfiltration will be yours to execute—ideally, you’ll come out the way you came in. But if that proves impossible, you’ll have to do some improv.”

As the steps moved further away, there came a whooshing of automated doors and a sudden rush of red light as the laser grid reactivated.

“To reiterate, remaining undiscovered is your top priority. And remember, the world is yours—as long as you don’t let anyone in.”

The feed terminated abruptly.


The cherrywood desk rattled against the marble floor as Blue bent Sweet Pea roughly over the edge, loudly ripping through her tights as he yanked the crotch of her leotard to one side. The large, crowned head of his 9” cock spread her pussy lips—which were fortunately wet, because if they hadn’t been, it seemed unlikely that Blue would have held back to continue further foreplay.

“Arch your back,” Blue commanded, his polished shoes scooting the girl’s legs apart as he thrust himself inside, the desk skidded on the floor from the impact, “more, damnit! Arch your back.”

Slam, slam, slam, slam—despite how much he seemed to want her to arch her back, he wasn’t waiting. Already fucking her at full force—slam, slam, slam, slam.

There was nothing at all gentle about Blue.


Slam! Slam! Slam!

The automated security that Sweet Pea’s handler had mentioned was already becoming an issue. Further down the ventilation shaft, the way she’d come, Sweet Pea could see barbed spikes firing from above and below, overlapping to close each block of the shaft, closing then opening again before the next section slammed shut…

Slam! Slam! Slam!

The nearest laser to the vent’s opening cut at a diagonal, to escape the penetrating spikes she’d need to move quickly—but to get past the laser without breaking it she’d need to scoot forward on her belly.

She’d need to arch her back.


The Chef looked over at the bags of uncut onions, carrots and celery. He needed mirepoix to start the stock pot for the next day and Rocket still hadn’t come to do the prep work. He checked on the duck in the oven, rendering rich fat into the pan as he’d hoped it would—but without peeled and sliced potatoes, he was unable to begin the scalloped potatoes.

Where the devil was that girl?

He heard her obnoxiously chipper voice down the hall, colored with what he thought was a terrible, grating accent.

“Roquette!” The Chef shouted down the hall, leaning out of the kitchen with his heavy, French accent, “Mis en place! Mis en place! Mis en place!

It was a well-known expression to students of French cuisine, meaning “everything in its place.” And Rocket was not in hers. The Chef would sooner delay dinner than do his own prep. He didn’t recognize the stunning blonde who was walking with her, but his mind was preoccupied with the stock, the confit and several cook times that needed to coincide within a window of roughly five minutes.

“What are you doing?”
Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea wasn’t impressed when Babydoll spat on her father before he left. That small light of rebellion she held inside would be extinguished soon enough. Sweet Pea had long since accepted her fate, and so had the other girls. She just hoped her little sister Rocket wouldn’t get pulled into Babydoll’s dangerous orbit.

Worrying about her easily-impressed sister, she didn’t notice she was alone with Blue until she felt his fingers tease the outline of pussy lips through her leotard and his breath tickle her ear.

“Let’s adjourn to my office,” He whispered. His fingers kept teasing her through her leotard, getting a little rougher, a promise of what’s to come.

“Mmmof course, Blue,” Sweet Pea agreed, giving his arm a squeeze.

Blue teased her all the way to his office, making her pussy grow wetter and wetter. Her body always responded to him whether she wanted it to or not.

This was what she wanted; she’d insisted on her private time with him, but as she began the familiar walk to his private office the usual dread filled the pit of her stomach. Though Blue had been affectionate with Sweet Pea in public, that did not mean he was going to be gentle in private. In fact, he was generally anything but gentle. Blue seemed to use Sweet Pea’s body as an outlet for his anger. Perhaps she was the only one who could handle his brutal fucking.

When they got inside his office Blue pounced on her, lips crashing to hers forcefully. His hands squeezed her ass as he kissed her deeply, like he needed her. Some of the dread in her stomach disappeared and was replaced with warmth. He was a good kisser, and he kissed her passionately enough that sometimes she’d fool herself into thinking she meant something to him.


Rocket was just about to pull Babydoll away when the newest girl lashed out at The Father. “Fuck you,” Babydoll said with venom in her voice, then she spat on his shoe. Rocket was impressed immediately. Anyone who was strong enough to fight back tended to inspire her. As she stole away with the new girl with the blond, almost white pigtails, Rocket was excited to be the first to spend time with her… she was also excited to get out of her kitchen duties for a while! She’d heard the sigh of relief as she’d pulled Babydoll away from The Father, and was even more eager to get them far away fast.

Once they were out of earshot Babydoll asked, ”So how long have you been here?”

“Uhh…” Rocket pondered. How long had she been here? It was easy to lose track of time in a place like this. “Probably about 3 years.”

She had a feeling that was not the answer the new girl had been hoping for and tried to cheer her up quickly. “But it’s not all bad! Really! We all look out for each other and have fun when we can.”

Rocket showed Babydoll to the guest bedrooms next. They were far more lavish than any of the beds the girls had to sleep in, but these bedrooms were not for sleeping. Most of them had beds shaped like hearts and were cast in dark, romantic lighting. Rocket sat on the bed in one of the guestrooms, crossed her legs, and leaned back to look at Babydoll. “This is the… well, this is where we “entertain” the men,” she started. She hated explaining this part. It usually came as a shock to the newbies to learn their real purpose here was not for them to get better, but to become slaves for Blue’s fucked up burleque club.

“That’s why we’re all learning how to dance… so we can earn our keep here. The men watch and choose which one of us they like for… a private show, you could say…” she paused for a moment to let her words sink in with Babydoll before she continued, “Anyway, I’m not sure what’s worse, the men or the chores! But I don’t think I need to explain how scrubbing floors work, do I?”

She flashed Babydoll a smile, trying to be as welcoming and lighthearted as she could be to someone coming to a place like this.

“I’ll show you where we sleep next. It’s just this way.”

As the pair of young women walked by the kitchens, Rocket heard the grating call of the Chef, and he was looking for her. She sighed audibly and rolled her eyes in Babydoll’s direction. “Feel lucky your first duty is to clean the floors. Working with the cook is the worst!” Before she could elaborate further, the large man himself appeared.

“What are you doing?” he demanded, glaring at her.

“I’m giving the new girl a tour. Is that alright with you?” Rocket shot back with noticeable sass. “Sorry, but you’re gonna have to slice your own potatoes tonight.”

Normally Rocket would not talk back like that, but she was feeling emboldened by Babydoll’s earlier rebellion towards her father.

Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea was always wet for Blue, no matter how roughly he treated her. It must be some mental defect of hers to want him the way she did. She craved these moments with him, even though they were painful.

“Arch your back,” Blue demanded as he slammed his large cock into her tight, dancer’s pussy. Sweet Pea cried out at the sharpness of it; it always stung at first despite her wetness. Blue was thick and big and far from gentle. Sweet Pea did her best to arch her back as requested, but it wasn’t enough for him. The desk skidded against the floor from his forceful thrusts as Blue fucked her harder, working in deeper with each slam of his hips against her toned, juicy ass.

“Ah! Fuck! Yes, Blue!” She cried. They’d been doing this for so long that Sweet Pea wasn’t sure anymore where her act ended and the real Sweet Pea began. She wasn’t even sure she’d recognize what a real, genuine moan of hers sounded like anymore. There were too many blurred lines and fucked up desires. But Blue was none the wiser, for Sweet Pea was an expert at putting on a show.

Sweet Pea closed her eyes, clutching the desk for leverage as Blue thrust roughly inside her over and over… riding the powerful waves of pleasure-pain.


Amber figured Blondie was correct in that it wouldn’t be long before Blue personally taught Babydoll what it meant to live at Lennox House. He always tried out the new girls, but the only one who’d managed to keep him hooked long term was Sweet Pea. This new girl, however, did seem special. Amber thought Blondie might be right in that Babydoll would give Sweet Pea some competition. Amber was secretly glad about that. She was tired of Sweet Pea bossing them all around, but she knew the older girl meant well… usually.

Madam Gorski put an end to Amber and Blondie’s gossip about the new girl. When Amber moved into a new position, her instructor got behind her and physically pushed her body against hers to guide her into a deeper stretch. Amber grunted softly as her thighs protested, but eventually yielded to Madam Gorski and stretched deeper. When Madam Gorski was satisfied with Amber’s efforts, she moved on and did the same to Blondie, but even further, pushing the brunette down against the stage as she told them yet again to accept their miserable fate. It was as if the woman thought if she didn’t keep reminding them they’d try to escape from this place.

“Group therapy is over for today. Amber, get to your chores. Blondie, come into my office. I have some things to discuss with you.”

Amber glanced at Blondie, wondering if she had any idea what Madam Gorski wanted, but couldn’t read her expression. She shrugged and waved goodbye to the other girls and left to go scrub the bathroom floors. Somehow, she always seemed to get stuck with the worst chore assignments.
Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea tried to steady her breathing as her mission was relayed to her through the screen embedded in her gauntlet, but it was difficult as the great importance of her mission was explained to her. Failure was not an option and would likely mean her death.

Her breath shook as she saw the shadow of a hulking metallic figure through the ventilation shaft, but the sound of her commander’s voice through her headset helped calm her down. This was a simple infiltration mission, no combat involved, she just had to memorize the layout of the entire stronghold! Good thing she had a good memory.

With the mission relayed and the giant robotic guard moving to another room, it was time to move. She heard the electrical buzz of the lasers turning on in the room underneath her. Sweet Pea maneuvered through the surprisingly wide vents from room to room. It was straightforward at first… but then she heard a resounding clang clang clang from behind. Sweet Pea whipped her head around and saw giant metallic spikes rising and falling together… and moving in her direction!

She increased her speed, but one could only crawl so fast! She had to get out of these vents! She frantically crawled to the nearest opening, the laser blocking which cut at a hard diagonal towards the bottom. Sweet Pea leaned forward, lining herself up, but there wasn’t much time to second guess herself. She arched her back deeply to slip under the laser, barely breathing as she slid under it. She with the spikes closing in behind her. She was mere inches from her toned butt setting off the laser, but managed to slither underneath by arching her back impossibly deep.

Sweet Pea grunted in pain with the effort of it, the deep stretch and the intense pressure of the spikes closing in. And now she had these lasers in this room to deal with. She needed to find another vent before one of those robotic guards came in to patrol this room. It was only a matter of time. Sweet Pea expertly navigated through the laser grid quickly, her lithe and agile body avoiding even sweeping lasers and intricate detection patterns, all the while her eyes darting all over the place looking for another ventilation shaft. She had to lift her leg up ridiculously high to get over some of the lasers. The grid put her in an array of difficult positions, but Sweet Pea handled them all, and at last she spotted an opening. It was blocked with a laser straight down the middle this time.

“Shit.” she cursed. And she’d thought she’d had to arch her back deeply before… Sweat Pea groaned as she somehow managed to press her body flat enough to squeeze just under the laser. It was really her ass that gave her the biggest problem, but somehow she managed just as before. Sweet Pea began maneuvering through the building again, unseen within the ventilation shafts. She tried to move in a grid-like pattern so it would be easier to recall the layout later. It was easier moving in the vents than in the lasers… provided no more traps showed up!


Blue was getting even rougher. Sweet Pea’s large, perky breasts pressed hard against the wood of Blue’s desk with each powerful thrust. She stared dully at the map of the asylum on his wall, half of her mind someplace else as she endured… no, accepted Blue’s viscous fucking… Her back was arched impressively, her ass high in the air as she took his pounding. Despite the pain, Sweet Pea had grown to like Blue’s rough treatment, though she would never admit this to the other girls.

“Fuck! You’re so… fucking… deep!” Sweet Pea moaned. Tears stung her eyes from his forcefulness and she gripped the sides of his desk tighter. Her toned ass and ample tits bounced with each of his powerful thrusts.

“Probably about 3 years.”

Three years? She’d been there three years? Babydoll wasn’t exactly sure how to feel about that. It wasn’t a long amount of time but it wasn’t short either. Babydoll let out a slow breath.

“But it’s not all bad! Really! We all look out for each other and have fun when we can.”

This wasn’t exactly the life she’d been looking forward to. She’d had plans to go to college and meet some guy who wasn’t an asshole like her stepdad. She would’ve brought her little sister with her too to make sure that asswipe wouldn’t touch her anymore.

That was all gone now, wasn’t it? Just echoes in the wind.

She didn’t even know what would even be considered fun around this place. That Blue guy seemed like a bigger dick than her stepdad and that was saying something considering her strong dislike for the man who married her mom.
After being shown the guest rooms her brow creased when Rocket mentioned entertaining the men.

“Wait…what do you mean by entertaining the men?” She said after a few quiet minutes of being caught in her own thoughts.

“That’s why we’re all learning how to dance… so we can earn our keep here. The men watch and choose which one of us they like for… a private show, you could say…”

She slowly nodded her head grasping a slow understanding,”So…like a …like a strip club?” Had her stepdad sold her to mental hospital or strip club. Either way, she felt like she was gonna puke.

All Babydoll could think of was trying to figure a way to get out of here.

“Anyway, I’m not sure what’s worse, the men or the chores! But I don’t think I need to explain how scrubbing floors work, do I?”

Babydoll laughed lightly,”No you don’t. I should be good when it comes to that.”

Babydoll started to ask about whether anyone had tried to escape or if anyone succeeded if they had tried but the grating sound of some guy calling for Rocket interrupted her thoughts.

She could always ask later, it was probably best to not let anyone know what she was up to right away.

“Feel lucky your first duty is to clean the floors. Working with the cook is the worst!”

As if Rocket had summoned him he seemed to just pop up from around the corner.

“I’m giving the new girl a tour. Is that alright with you?” Rocket shot back with noticeable sass. “Sorry, but you’re gonna have to slice your own potatoes tonight.”

Whoa, watching Rocket mouth off to the cook like that was …inspiring. However, she needed to do some intel on her own if possible. The look on the cooks face was a forced to reckoned with.

“Uh, sorry I didn’t mean to distract you from your own chores.” She gave Rocket an apologetic smile and then back at the cook. “If you need to go I can probably do some exploring on my own. That’s the best way to get to know a place right?”

A good way to see where all the exits and emergency exits were, learn schedules….


The silence filled the room as the gossip began to slowly die off and stretches were being resumed. Blondie sat on the floor and stretched her legs out. She hadn’t put her full body into her stretch and of course Madam Gorski pushed her down even further until practically her whole top half of her body was touching her leg then even further still as Madam Gorski forced her down even more.

She made little grunts of displeasure when she was pushed down to the ground where almost her boobs were touching the ground. Tears welled up in her eyes but like hell, she was going to cry.

Blondie was flexible, it was true but that didn’t mean that it wasn’t a hard stretch. But Blondie was the type of girl who was a people pleaser so to speak.

It was one of the things that pissed her off about Sweet Pea, Blondie could do everything right but if there was the slightest hair out of place or one turn executed incorrectly during a dance number and Blue would flip out.

But let Sweet Pea do that exact same thing then bat her fucking eyes…

It was annoying as hell. She almost hoped that this new girl pulled the rug from under Sweet Pea’s toes. It would show her that even she had something to compete for every now and then. The mantra of accepting their miserable fate was repeated over and over. The brunette had to almost roll her eyes at it. She was already well accustomed to knowing that this was the deck of cards that had been handed for them. There was no escaping this miserable hell and to make the best of it or suck it up.

“Group therapy is over for today. Amber, get to your chores. Blondie, come into my office. I have some things to discuss with you.”

Blondie stood up and stretched her body to pull out the kinks that had been pulled while in the floor stretch. She glanced at Amber but didn’t have a readable expression because with Madam Gorski it was hard to say what she would call you into her office for.

Following Madam Gorski to her office, she took a seat and brushed her hand idly over her dark yet sheer black panty hose.

“You wanted to see me, Madam Gorski?”

“Yeah—yeah—yeah,” Blue was panting as he continued to slam his cock inside of Sweet Pea, “that’s right—Deep Blue!”

Sweet Pea was Blue’s ‘Bottom Bitch,’ so termed because of all the women in Blue’s care, she was the most down. And Sweet Pea was down for anything, it seemed. The legs of the desk were pounding the ground each time Blue withdrew his huge cock, only to rock the heavy piece of furniture forward again with his next thrust.

Blue swung his hand down, slapping Sweet Pea’s round, athletic ass hard. It was slightly less satisfying than usual, as her nylons and spandex athletic clothing kept her supple flesh tightly constricted. His palm landed with more of a whap than a slap, but after it landed, the tight clothing made the squeeze of his hand on her ass more satisfying than usual. Breaking even.

“Fuck, you’re so wet, baby,” Blue must have been getting close, calling her ‘baby’ instead of ‘bitch,’ which was more common, “you keeping this wet pussy nice and tight for me?”

The question was mostly rhetorical. The point was that it—she belonged to him.

“That’s my good little fuck toy. Cum for me! Cum hard for Daddy Deep Blue.”



Just as Sweet Pea seemed to have made it past the security measures within the ventilation system, escaping the spikes and wriggling her latex-clad body around the laser beams, just as she was setting her whole weight on her knees again, there came a metallic click—and the bottom dropped out.

The ventilation shaft opened up like a gaping maw, sucking her down into a downward chute with no hope of slowing her fall. She tumbled out of the slide into a brightly lit room with no windows. A dozen or so polished robots snapped to attention, aiming their guns at the girl as she tumbled into the room.

“You thought you could sneak past me, did you?” the far wall crackled to life, it was a screen. On the screen was the wrinkled, misshapen face of the mad scientist, thick goggles obscured his eyes, “nothing worth having ever came easy! Ha, ha! –yeah—yeah—yeah— Now you’re going to die!”

Within her headset, the voice of the Commander crackled to life.

You have all the weapons you need—now fight!


Madame Gorski watched Blondie approach over the rims of her reading glasses, the corner of her canine tooth dragging over her bottom lip. The angular rotation of her hips, the subtle jiggle of her tits and ass each time her foot landed on the ground. Blondie was thick in a way that most of the other girls were not—and while this limited her potential as a dancer, it made her a likely target for the Polish therapist.

“Blondie, yes. Come closer, darling girl,” Madame Gorski rose from her chair, using her cane to aide her in standing, “I require some comforting, and I was hoping you would help.”

While Madame Gorski was far from insatiable or lurid as Blue was known to be, she was a woman and she did have needs. She reached back, unzipping the hem of her tight, pencil skirt—the motion thrusting her round breasts forward against the tight fabric of her blouse.

The skirt fell neatly from her hips to pool around the high arches of her stiletto heels. She was wearing black lace panties that matched her garter belts and black nylons. She styled herself after the Parisian burlesque dancers that had taught her the ways of weaponized sexuality and the power of skillful dance. She grew up idolizing the burlesque dancers, often fantasizing about the life they led—though she was a successful therapist in the wider world, she held a narrow but deep sliver of jealousy for the girls of Lennox House.

It was that sliver that kept her trapped here.

“Kneel down,” Madame Gorski smirked, leaning harder on her cane as she raised one leg to plant her heel down on the seat which was positioned facing her desk, “your instructor has more, yet to teach you.”

The black lace panties were pulled to the side, revealing smooth, wet lips—nearly dripping with moisture already.

“I want to feel your tongue on me.”



Blue had wrapped his arm around Sweet Pea’s slender torso, his forearm resting between her breasts as his hand wrapped neatly around her slender throat, not gentle, but not exactly choking her. He was still slamming her hard, his other hand reaching over the top of her to grasp the far edge of his desk.

“You’re such a good whore,” Blue was panting next to her ear, “I’m gonna fill you up, slut. Fill you like a proper cum dump. Thank me when I do!”

Blue grunted again, his sweat was soaking through Sweet Pea’s spandex, leaving a wet outline of his body across her muscular back. His cock jerked upward and his balls clenched as the first glut of his cum spilled out of him and into his Bottom Bitch.
