ladies how do you like your lovers cock?

Blended with sugar and a dollop of whipped cream - like my cappucino.
nebraskajoe said:
in case you don't want you answer public

Awwww. How considerate of you! See Freaky? He's just looking out for our modesty.
nebraskajoe said:
in case you don't want you answer public

BWAHAHAHA! This board has had discussions on eating dried pussy cum from pubic hair. Why would we be shy about cocks? :p
nebraskajoe said:
my e-mail
Just wondering if size matters?
Does it matter if a cock is cercumsized or not?

Your friendly Spelling Buddy sez:


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Rubyfruit said:
I can't help it Nora. Smart men make my panties wet.

Ditto that, gf. I like it when they can spell "circumcised" too.
freakygurl said:

wyomingjoe.. or whatever is name is.. (i'm to lazy to scroll up and see) isn't a retard.. he has an IQ of 153..

Well I was just referring to Nora and myself, but he can easily be included. :D