Ladies, gents, thoughts on bald men.


Literotica Guru
Jul 12, 2019
I had a full, if receding head of hair and a full beard until Halloween, when I had my head shaved and then shaved off my beard. Any thoughts as to how people feel about this in terms of attraction? Is this sexy, ugly, or something else? Ladies, gay and bi/pan guys, your thoughts?
Enlisted in 92. Shaved my head to a 000. Never had any issues. I got out of the service 8 years ago now I shave it with a #0.
Being a bald guy not by choice I'm finding there's three camps of women. Some women LOVE it. Some women are repulsed by it. Other women are indifferent.
I started shaving my head about 15 years ago and never got so much attention from the ladies. After shaving the noggin, I had women straight up hit on me for the first time in my life. I've had women, complete strangers, ask to kiss or touch my head.

I hated losing my hair, but if I'd known the result of shaving my head, I'd have done it long ago.
I started losing my hair at 30 I’m now in my 50’s.

I’m fortunate enough to have enough funds to get a hair transplant if I wanted to but I’m really not that bothered.

I think it very much comes down to personal choice - if it affects your mental well being then go ahead and do something about it.
…also wanted to say if you are overweight and struggle to present your self physically, you could have an entire head if hair and you would be equally unattractive as a bald guy.

If you want to maximise your chances of attracting a partner - try and get to the gym and eat healthy. It’s a great starting point for your health and general mental well being.
I just saw a pic of John Travolta now, and he's in the shiny pate club. Still looks good though