ladies, care to tell me what you would do with a 9.5"

I don't share pictures anymore, i've been burned by that in the past. not looking for a repeat. sorry
Plus, it's easy not to care. :) After all, what point is a "9.5" cyber cock"? My husband's cock is real and in front of me for my pleasure any time I want it. It's certainly NOT 9.5" and it DOES satisfy me very well. :) Why would I want "extra" cock sticking out of me to never be used?
Now, ladies...this can be a serious "issue" :)

How would you feel if you had said cock and couldn't locate a lady who could adequately engulf it?
I imagine it would drive me a little insane. And i for one do not want any insane men running around with monster cocks hanging out.

So a bump for the gent with a whopper..I hope you find that special someone. :kiss: