Lactate w/o nursing?


Sep 14, 2002
Does anyone know how to start lactating when you don’t have a baby? I checked out La Leche League and they said something about pumping every two to three hours. I did that when I was nursing and that is just a pain in the butt. I have been thinking about just sucking on them myself, but I don’t know if that will do it. Ideas? Comments?
lost said:
i can't be the only one who has thought of this

Nope, you're not the only one -- there are at least two other threads buried wherever old posts go when they die.

I don't think an adult can apply the same sort of suction that a Baby does, and I'd be very surprised if you could start lactation by sucking your own breasts.

In theory, you probably could, but the difficulty of getting the right amount of suction in the right place while you're contorted enough to suck your own breast will probably prevent success.
thank you
no contortion nessicary. one day i'll get the guts to put up a pic and you'll see why for yourself. i'll try searching again.
the thread i found said the breast need to be done 7-10 a day for 10 min each side. do i have any volunteers?

There was a thread on this on the GB yesterday. Here is the link I think. I have never linked a thread before and don't know how much info you need.

I have lactated only while nursing a child and can sympathize with the hassle factor that you mentioned. That said, I can't imagine that it would be less work to produce milk when you are not physically required to. Good luck. I bet that LLL has the best information. They help adoptive parents nurse, those parents would be in the same physical state as you are now.

If anyone knows how much of the thread to include for this kind of link let me know. Thanks.

Nevermind after a few trials I think I figured it out for myself

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Always there to help someone in need.. If the problem arises that you need someone.. Just let me know.. *wink*

i have been in 2 adult nursing relationships. the first with an x girlfriend that i helped her induce. it was a lot of work for both of us,, yah i know some of you are probally thinking how hard is it to suckle a pretty womans breast for the most of the day? well it does get in the way of leading a "normal" adults life. you need to both be commited to this or it WONT work.

for him no going out with the guys a few night a week you need to suck,, no overnight camping trips you need to suck,,, no heading off to the NASCAR races for the weekend you need to suck,,, ect,, ect,,, ect,,,,!

on her end the same thing goes no sleeping through the night you need to be suckled at 2am then again at 6am,, you cant run off to go shoping or for coffee(also bad for inducing) or to the gym after work, you need to go home to be suckled ect,,,,,,,

it did work and it was very satifing for both of us, until her hormones went haywire and she went into a tailspin :( stopping our nursing cold turkey! also VERY BAD

the next time i had the opertunity to nurse was with my wife after she had our daughter, i only got leftovers, but thats good enough for me. its very inportant to empty the breast COMPLEATLY or she'll get engorged witch from what i understand is horibble and painful a natural remady is to nurse the hurting, aching, tender, full breast and put cabbage leaves in your bra !

if you lived closer id suckle from you to help get you going (my wife is ok with that as long as there is no sex)

well good luck

:cool: :kiss: :kiss:
Amazing thread. A friend of mine adopted a child and actually went through self induced lactation so she could nurse her child. Her doctor was willing to give her a Rx that would stimulate the <ilk ducts, but she opted to do it Au was a lot of work, but, she was able to stimulate her Breasts enough that in 2 weeks was producing milk...Now...Let me also tell you that she had to supplement her babies feeding with a protien and vitamin rich all the proper nutrition would be gotten..but I assume nutrition isn't your main priority..Lol.

Good Luck...And keep us posted!:kiss: