La Shiznita


Equal Opportunity Enjoyer
Oct 26, 2001
¿Si le ofreciera crema y las cebolletas amargas usted compartiría su taco con mí?

Si la vida no te sonria, hazle cosquillas.
Mis tacos son míos. Obtiene tus propios tacos, puto. :p
This must be the first thread I've ever seen that talks about Mexican food with a sexual innuendo...
Pyper said:
This must be the first thread I've ever seen that talks about Mexican food with a sexual innuendo...
Where have you been?
Pyper said:
I learned spanish from Steve Martin's Correspondence School of Foreign Languages. Once you realize they have a different word for almost everthing it goes a lot easier.
LukkyKnight said:
I learned spanish from Steve Martin's Correspondence School of Foreign Languages. Once you realize they have a different word for almost everthing it goes a lot easier.

LOL, altavoz español. :D
Altoids have nothing to do with it, la shiz, they are merely... um... pleasant.
LukkyKnight said:
Altoids have nothing to do with it, la shiz, they are merely... um... pleasant.

Is this gonna be like that thing with the Pope? ;)
Altoids would put the old boy into myocardial infarction faster than you can say "medic!"
LukkyKnight said:
Altoids would put the old boy into myocardial infarction faster than you can say "medic!"

When I went to Rome, the guy I was travelling with went to see the Pope. I went to see Pompeii. Dead guys versus almost dead guy. It was an easy choice.
OOOOoooooooooh, Rome? Did you get to Tuscany? I have a thing for Tuscany. It's a wine thing.
LukkyKnight said:
OOOOoooooooooh, Rome? Did you get to Tuscany? I have a thing for Tuscany. It's a wine thing.

Nope, I'm a loser. I only made it to Rome, Pompeii, and Naples if you count zipping through the city on the above ground metro.
I count anything, but I count best when it's cases of Tuscan wine in question. :D
LukkyKnight said:
I count anything, but I count best when it's cases of Tuscan wine in question. :D

You know what I like? The Spanish brand red wine Don Simon from a cardboard carton, mixed with lemon Fanta.

Truly classy.
Pyper said:
You know what I like? The Spanish brand red wine Don Simon from a cardboard carton, mixed with lemon Fanta.

Truly classy.

I miss that *sigh*
Spanish reds are fine indeed, though I don't know this Don Cardboard you speak of. Tuscan reds, though, when done well are the epitome of the craft.

I'll stop now, I think I've already done three threads on this topic in the past month or so.
LukkyKnight said:
Spanish reds are fine indeed, though I don't know this Don Cardboard you speak of. Tuscan reds, though, when done well are the epitome of the craft.

I'll stop now, I think I've already done three threads on this topic in the past month or so.

I'm not talking about mixing La Rioja with Fanta. (I tried it once...not good.)

You gotta get that sixty cent litre.
Rioja con Fanta

~El rodar en el piso que ríe mi asno apagado!~
Re: Rioja con Fanta

LukkyKnight said:
~El rodar en el piso que ríe mi asno apagado!~

Oh my god, there is just so much wrong with that sentence...but you knew that, didn't you? :p