L.A.P.D Lies About Rocket Launchers In Buy Back Program

It must suck to tremble about life the way that you do.

Let's not fret about lying public officials that do so to fool idiots like you.:rolleyes:

You should read your threads and posts.

On a fucking porn board, for God's sake.

I understand politics being part of a well balanced life.

You, though, are all the sky is falling all the time.

Do you like music?


Anything other than predictability and possessions?
I have hundreds of books, and I've read 'em all too. I have a wide range of interests, but of course it's all none of you business.

You could never tell it from reading your dribbling drivel here.

Tedious I am so fucking scared of life moving past me shit.

It's sad. Pathetic, too.

Pursue those multitudes of interests. Be good for you. Us, too.
I do, every god damn day. Ya know. you could put me on Iggy and save your tortured existence, or admit you love my posts and simply can't wait until I log in so that you can fondle yourself and remember how it was when you could ejaculate. That way you won't be so sad every day, and I won't have to put up with your tedious outrage.

The slow drip of threads like yours has changed a vibrant board into pabulum.

I don't have any qualms with making a point of that.
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I do, every god damn day.

You talk about the same shit most of the old, non-educated farts in San Diego talk about.

From what I can tell, there's nothing unique about you, except that you've got more than 100K posts on a porn board - the vast majority of which have nothing to do with porn.
The constant whining and moaning weighs heavily. Imagine living with it.
It must suck to tremble about life the way that you do.

You know, you constantly point out radical groups that are hell bent on infringing on the legitimate rights of citizens. Most of those groups are mostly toothless attention seekers, but it's good that someone is keeping an eye on them just in case they try to make good on their rhetoric.

But you become strangely dismissive of those that do the same when it comes to our public officials. Why is that? Is it your belief that public officials can do no wrong? Or that it's OK to lie to the public if it happens to serve some purpose that you happen to agree with?

And while these groups that you concern yourself with might be capable of causing some serious mischief, there is no doubt in my mind that they would be stomped flatter than a road killed rabbit and in no time flat. One need look no further than the Branch Davidians and poor Randy Weaver and his family to see the truth of that.

But what is the check against public officials that use lies and hyperbole to try to force their own ends? The only real check is the ballot box and the value of the vote is only as good as the information available to the voter. And that information is supposed to come from a free and impartial press. A press that is willing to actually investigate and vet the statements made by the public officials. If there is no press to hold the officials feet to the fire then votes are cast in ignorance. And that my friend is the beginning of the end of a free society.

And given that government is the true deadly force in any society perhaps you should be as concerned about the antics of a Chief Beck as you are the antics of the American Nazi Party.

You know, you constantly point out radical groups that are hell bent on infringing on the legitimate rights of citizens. Most of those groups are mostly toothless attention seekers, but it's good that someone is keeping an eye on them just in case they try to make good on their rhetoric.

But you become strangely dismissive of those that do the same when it comes to our public officials. Why is that? Is it your belief that public officials can do no wrong? Or that it's OK to lie to the public if it happens to serve some purpose that you happen to agree with?

And while these groups that you concern yourself with might be capable of causing some serious mischief, there is no doubt in my mind that they would be stomped flatter than a road killed rabbit and in no time flat. One need look no further than the Branch Davidians and poor Randy Weaver and his family to see the truth of that.

But what is the check against public officials that use lies and hyperbole to try to force their own ends? The only real check is the ballot box and the value of the vote is only as good as the information available to the voter. And that information is supposed to come from a free and impartial press. A press that is willing to actually investigate and vet the statements made by the public officials. If there is no press to hold the officials feet to the fire then votes are cast in ignorance. And that my friend is the beginning of the end of a free society.

And given that government is the true deadly force in any society perhaps you should be as concerned about the antics of a Chief Beck as you are the antics of the American Nazi Party.


Who do think I've named as a defendant in the bulk of the suits I've filed?

Your point about checking government is absolutely valid.

That's not Vette's point, though, is it?
Not much of an ah-ha moment here....the LAPD disclosed from the outset in the mainstream media that the launchers were inoperable.

And they weren't "seized"...they were turned in for Gift Cards LAPD was giving away.

Like a "push, pull or drag" used car trade in sale.

Just another Vetteman non-story C&P moment.
Why would anyone consider the LAPD to be a tower of truth?
Vette apparently hasn't had much to do with LAPD.