Kuntmode's Thread


Literotica Guru
Nov 28, 2002
She was tight and actually split the skin on my shaft a tad, but all in all a very nice specimen. Pity she is an up herself spoilt little bitch.


My old high school fuck buddy Lucy Daniels.

:( Miss her actually.

Yes we use to kiss under the stairs and share a joint.

She married some fucking corporate cunt name Sandy from LA. :devil:
Here's Lucy


In answer to your query she ended up being dropped off on the side of the road in the pouring rain.

That's what split shaft skin feels like. :D
i love the whole 'white-sock-black-sandal' thingy you got goin' there kunt...

verra sexy.
Re: Here's Lucy

Kuntmode said:

In answer to your query she ended up being dropped off on the side of the road in the pouring rain.

That's what split shaft skin feels like. :D

I like the look of Lucy. Worth putting up with a few holes in the old epidermis.

What do you think?

Sucked in to all those chicks who put me on ignore. :p

I might be old but I still pull a few.

honeylick said:
i love the whole 'white-sock-black-sandal' thingy you got goin' there kunt...

verra sexy.

Damn!! I was taking the photograph at the time, but knowing you go for that kind of thing, I'll head down to the clothes shop and snap me up some socks and sandals.

Might go for fluorescent(unfortunately I mispelt this word and a fuckwitt named Phrodeau evolved his whole life around it and even made a specific reply about it)- Anyway --> orange shorts though. My fave

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honeylick said:
how do you feel about your beginning balding phase?

Usually men either go grey or start balding when they reach their mid 30's. :) I still seem to attract the tasty ones. So no complaints here.

How do you feel about your ass getting fat? And using the vibrator more regularly? ;)
Re: n/a

Kuntmode said:
Usually men either go grey or start balding when they reach their mid 30's. :) I still seem to attract the tasty ones. So no complaints here.

How do you feel about your ass getting fat? And using the vibrator more regularly? ;)

a fat ass gets spanked more.

and i'm not a vibe user... i like fingers better.

yeah, you get the tasty ones alright... the ones that split the ol' shaft skin. i didn't know you liked the rough stuff.
Oh, that was so close! I was about to congratulate you for spelling "fluorescent" correctly. Nobody else does.

Okay ladies. I need advice on this one. This girl is from Florida and is going to Europe for a holiday around Christmas.

She wants me to meet her in Prague.

I am having an online affair with her, and fact is, it is beginning to become complicated. She calls me everyday and sends me gifts.

She even bought me a webcam and sent it over to me just to get me to take nude shots of my ass and cock.

What should I do? I don't love her, but don't mind jacking off to her live cam once and while?

Re: Re: n/a

honeylick said:
a fat ass gets spanked more.

and i'm not a vibe user... i like fingers better.

yeah, you get the tasty ones alright... the ones that split the ol' shaft skin. i didn't know you liked the rough stuff.

Well she was only 17 at the time. She is 18 in that photo, so of course she was a little tight. She was also a bit dry in the morning when I slipped it in mischeviously, but it was only a small tear. I rather tear my shaft skin than end up having the really sore ass she did. :)

Enjoy dipping your fingers in and don't fret, I don't mind girls with a little bit more on the backside. Good to slap into. Good support and a bit more to grab hold of. :p
Re: Re: Re: n/a

Kuntmode said:
Enjoy dipping your fingers in and don't fret, I don't mind girls with a little bit more on the backside. Good to slap into. Good support and a bit more to grab hold of. :p

why if i didn't know better... i would say you are being complimentary.

(looking for lightning to strike)

4laterer said:
he obviously thinks it cool to conduct (imaginary) online affairs

and he's old


Is that so huh? Well if what you say is true, and that I think it's cool to conduct (imaginary) online affairs, then what about those people who are online actually having (real) online affairs?

Are you cool too 4L? I mean you were on here earlier today carrying on like a love sick puppy all over Rambrat. ;)

How old is he again?

Don't tell me you were being sarcastic now.

I won't bother with Hanns comment, but will say it is ironic how he pops out of the woodwork, yet seems to forget his total fucking online obsession with that leso Sexy G.

I would at least fall for a chick that likes cock :p

Fuck up the pair of you. It's my day off from the war. :)
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Literotica Guru

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 2403
Re: n/a
the pm's do work..

No, I cannot give you my number

but if you give me yours, I'll call

red guy!

Now now!

Don't try to play all miss innocent. You seem to read things and take it all in on face value.

I think you have a tendancy to kind of contradict yourself somewhat in a lot of what you do on here.

I did not give you my number, nor did I give you my email address or even contact you. I merely played the game of trust, and it soon showed what a transparent person you are.

Maybe I should have posted up everything you sent to me, and even after I kind of shut off from you, you PM me back asking me what was the PM I tried to send.

That would have been the address where you could have logged on and seen those high school photos of Hanns you were so 'desperately' wanting to get from me.

I threw in the little phone number thing to test your level of trust, however, you seem to think I was Hanns for some reason.

Maybe you should look at how you act and post on here. You've been glued to him for that long, you are beginning to even act like him. :)

I won't forward Hanns all those PM's you sent to me. I am sure he already knows the opinion you have of him ;)

Are you on aol tonight? :p

4laterer said:
you can forward what you like to him

I couldnt care less

you seem obsessed by us, him more so than me

perhaps he pissed you off a while ago, and you were left looking the fool

I'm on aol now, you prick

So why are both on my thread then?

Care to explain?

I have been merely posting on this board to do with relative war things, and I don't recall saying much to you, yet for some reason you pop up with that 'I thought Kuntmode was a nice guy, until he pissed me off, now I hate his guts' mentality. :)

If I ask you whether or not you rubbed your clit last night, are you going to tell me?

I ask you a simply question, you reply with such vehmence.

That time of the month huh?

Maybe someday I will forgive you for being a turn off. :p