Kooky gifts

Calamity Jane

Reverend Blue Jeans
Sep 19, 2001
Has any one ever purchased these things as gifts? Or for themselves?

Ever received them? Did you appreciate them?

It's a sign that Christmas is almost here when commercials for these things run every ten minutes.

What actually scares me is that I found all these images on a site for 'finding the right romantic gift'



my aunt has her christmas tree on the clapper, cause she can't reach the switch.

It's pretty comical.

My family has a weird tradition of doing a yankee swap with dollar gifts.

My contribution this year is a panda bear key chain that says "I LOVE AUSTRALIA".

one might think they should have used koala bears, since they actually live there, but then it wouldn't be as funny.
perky_baby said:
My contribution this year is a panda bear key chain that says "I LOVE AUSTRALIA".

I would love that!

Sadly, most of my family wouldn't understand why it was funny.
The Butter Butler dispenses a paper-thin ribbon of butter that makes your butter melt faster, taste better and stay fresher. If you're sick of butter so hard to spread that it destroys your bread and messy trays with butter so bad you want to throw it away, then you'll love the Butter Butler. This amazing new machine dispenses and spreads butter for you. Simply slide in your favorite butter or margarine, pop on the top and twist.

No more messy crumbs, no more nasty edges. You won't have to struggle with buttered corn on the cob. Just twist and spread and every kernel is covered. The Butter Butler can turn one stick of butter into a ribbon that's over ten feet long.

I had a chia pet...........grew out real nice...........then died real fast...........didn't do anything when I clapped though..............

think of the disasters if you get your Quick Chop and your Quick Braid confused!!!



though I guess the quick chop is a lot like a manual flowbee.
greybeard said:
I had a chia pet...........grew out real nice...........then died real fast...........didn't do anything when I clapped though..............

my g/f had one.....between her legs. Thank god she didnt me the clap.
greybeard said:
I had a chia pet...........grew out real nice...........then died real fast...........didn't do anything when I clapped though..............


I got a chia herb garden one christmas. Didn't grow at all.

This thing scares me. I get a regular round brush stuck in my hair.

I'll take one of each!

I used to scour the thrift stores for the most horrific and fabulous crap I could find to surprise my friends with. We've sadly outgrown that tradition now, but I remember those swap parties with great fondness.
pagancowgirl said:
I got a chia herb garden one christmas. Didn't grow at all.

This thing scares me. I get a regular round brush stuck in my hair.


They have a different one out now that doesn't tangle (Supposedly). It looks much less cheesier than this one too..

I got myself a
greybeard said:
I had a chia pet...........grew out real nice...........then died real fast...........didn't do anything when I clapped though..............


You clapped it to death!!!!
my wish list is regulated by the ATF.

Glenlivet 21 and a Sig-Saur P220.

I'm getting some shirts, thats it...If I want the toys I would like, I got to buy them myself.