Kneel or Perish...The TOLLY RANTERS of the LEFT!


Jan 23, 2011
Kneel or Perish

In a letter to the editor of the News-Leader newspaper in Springfield, Missouri, Jane Pitt wrote that she was a Christian and planned to vote for Mitt Romney in November. They were comments that initially attracted very little attention.

Pitt cited Romney’s pro-life views and said he shares her “conviction concerning homosexuality.” The letter stated that President Barack Obama “is a liberal who supports the killing of unborn babies and same sex marriage.”

That’s when the roof blew off the house. It was made public that Jane Pitt is the mother of popular actor Brad Pitt, and a storm struck with all the angry contempt that has come to identify the intolerant left.

There were the usual news media stories accusing Jane Pitt of being “anti-gay,” but the worst sort of vitriol assaulted her via Twitter. Crude sexual epithets were used to describe Pitt, she was told to partake in sexual acts in the most vulgar of ways, and outright death threats were hurled at her.

Jane Pitt has since refused to comment any further on the episode, becoming yet another voice silenced by those on the secular left who hate Christianity. Mission accomplished.

Cultural totalitarianism

All in a day’s work, as the old expression goes. But what happened to Jane Pitt is not the result of recent work but that of a decades-long assault against the Christian foundations of our nation.

It is not simply an effort to carve out a niche for atheists and other secular rebels who exist within the otherwise religious landscape, according to Peter Hitchens, conservative author of The Rage Against God and the brother of the late, outspoken atheist Christopher Hitchens.

Instead, he said, this secular offensive is “a dogmatic tyranny in the making.”
hey yo, Anquan Jihad

You sure sound like that crazy shithead, BBII!:rolleyes: