
QuickDuck said:

any particular reason behind it?

Just curious mate.

Three years in 1NZSAS.

And there's nothing wrong with curiosity buddy. How long til the big move man?:cool:
SAS to erotic fiction.
Well leapt.
BTW, Love the toasting you gave to fucknuckle Hanns.
Nice one cousy-bro!;)
NorthwestRain said:
SAS to erotic fiction.
Well leapt.
BTW, Love the toasting you gave to fucknuckle Hanns.
Nice one cousy-bro!;)

Cousy-bro??? :eek:

Am I detecting a transplanted Kiwi service person here???
Re: Re: Kiwiwolf

kiwiwolf said:
Three years in 1NZSAS.

And there's nothing wrong with curiosity buddy. How long til the big move man?:cool:

*chuckle* I knew there was a reason I shouldn't piss you off ;)

as for the "move" ... well that might be getting a little ahead, but the journey commences on the 3rd March.
Re: Re: Re: Kiwiwolf

QuickDuck said:
*chuckle* I knew there was a reason I shouldn't piss you off ;)

as for the "move" ... well that might be getting a little ahead, but the journey commences on the 3rd March.

Buddy I am probably one of the most placid guys you would ever run across. I am fiercly protective of friends and family but that is it.:eek:

I wish you and your lovely lady all the best for the move man... I actually envy you the freedom to do that...

I'd love to tip a few back with you one day man. If you are ever in my AO look me up. The beer is on me.:D
nitelite33 said:
So what colour IS the boathouse in Hereford? :D

LMFAO... how the fuck would I know... I was NZ SAS... Hereford is the English SAS base. Never been there regretably. And shame on you for memorising lines from Ronin. De Niro did well in that one though.:D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Kiwiwolf

kiwiwolf said:
I wish you and your lovely lady all the best for the move man... I actually envy you the freedom to do that...

I'd love to tip a few back with you one day man. If you are ever in my AO look me up. The beer is on me.:D

Thanks mate, and one day, i reckon i will take you up on that offer... just so long as it isn;t stienlarger ;)
kiwiwolf said:
LMFAO... how the fuck would I know... I was NZ SAS... Hereford is the English SAS base. Never been there regretably. And shame on you for memorising lines from Ronin. De Niro did well in that one though.:D

HAHA Busted!!!

My friends and I play it that we have to buy the beer if someone gets caught 'dropping' a movie line and someone can locate it...

I feel like I should paypal you the cost of a pint for that one...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Kiwiwolf

QuickDuck said:
Thanks mate, and one day, i reckon i will take you up on that offer... just so long as it isn;t stienlarger ;)

Steinlager is shit man... I drink Millers Genuine Draft if I'm drinking beer... love the stuff. And ANY time you can make it you are more than welcome buddy.:cool:
Actually Kiwiwolf... help settle an argument with your unbiased opinion ;)

UK SAS, Australian SAS and NZ SAS..... they would kick US "elite" butt right? (eg Delta and the SEALs)
nitelite33 said:
HAHA Busted!!!

My friends and I play it that we have to buy the beer if someone gets caught 'dropping' a movie line and someone can locate it...

I feel like I should paypal you the cost of a pint for that one...

LOL... no problems man... welcome to lit... I figure you'll fit in just fine here. :cool:
QuickDuck said:
Actually Kiwiwolf... help settle an argument with your unbiased opinion ;)

UK SAS, Australian SAS and NZ SAS..... they would kick US "elite" butt right? (eg Delta and the SEALs)

Delta and SEALs no... but they would make mincemeat of your average Green Beret or Ranger. SEALs are scary motherfuckers... I met a few in Singapore in '84. Those boys have a real genuine 'don't fuck with me' aura. They know their shit.

I was on exercise once with guys from Marine reconn and they impressed the shit out of me. They were really switched on. I had only limited contact with Green Berets but from what I saw they seemed lazy.

Then again I can only speak from my limited and dated experience.

Who is the arguement with?
kiwiwolf said:
LOL... no problems man... welcome to lit... I figure you'll fit in just fine here. :cool:

Cheers mate,

I keep waiting for some sort of hazing, but then I figure maybe Hanns and Yayati are the hazing ;D
kiwiwolf said:
Who is the arguement with?

Girly :)

She apparently dated a SEAL for a short time but i am being patriotic and saying the SAS would still kick arse. ;)
QuickDuck said:
Girly :)

She apparently dated a SEAL for a short time but i am being patriotic and saying the SAS would still kick arse. ;)

You can believe anything you like dear. ;)

Hiya Kiwi, how are you doing today hon?
nitelite33 said:
Cheers mate,

I keep waiting for some sort of hazing, but then I figure maybe Hanns and Yayati are the hazing ;D

Hanns and Yaytwat are nothing... flyspecks on the window of Lit... nothing more. Actually they are fun to fuck with if you're feeling pissy but nothing serious. :cool:
cybergirly1989 said:
You can believe anything you like dear. ;)

Hiya Kiwi, how are you doing today hon?
well if he couldn't balance a ball on his nose and make "arf arf" noises.... what good was he? :p
Nope, sorry Kiwi, full blown Aussie all the way.
Went to NZ once, have heaps of kiwi friends, but no, I don't like Steinlager either. It's dutch beer for me!

Hey, curious as to your opinion on the Iraq crap going down, as an ex-SAS man.

I might join in your little pissup though. You know those Aussies!
cybergirly1989 said:
You can believe anything you like dear. ;)

Hiya Kiwi, how are you doing today hon?

LOL... I'm okay now... had a bit of a rough start but doing much better. Hey you gotta cut the little pond hopper some slack here Girly. Remember that my info is almost 20 years old. I've been out of the Squadron for a hell of a lot of years.

You also have to remember that NZ and Aussie in particular don't have the technology available to the SEALs and other elite US Forces so they concentrate more on the development of the individual soldier. Man to man I would back the SAS any day. As a unit the honours would have to go to the US units.

Hope this has muddied the waters enough for ya QuickDuck.:D
NorthwestRain said:
Nope, sorry Kiwi, full blown Aussie all the way.
Went to NZ once, have heaps of kiwi friends, but no, I don't like Steinlager either. It's dutch beer for me!

Hey, curious as to your opinion on the Iraq crap going down, as an ex-SAS man.

I might join in your little pissup though. You know those Aussies!

You are welcome to join the piss up any time mate. The more the merrier... the cousy-bro reference was pure NZ Services... thats what got me jumping.:D

Iraq? Well I think that Bush isn't going to be happy unless he has his war... It's a foregone conclusion.
kiwiwolf said:

Hope this has muddied the waters enough for ya QuickDuck.:D

Oh gee thanks... big help that was!

sheesh :D

NorthwestRain: reckon we could do serious damage to his bar bill? ;)
Originally posted by kiwiwolf

Hope this has muddied the waters enough for ya QuickDuck.:D


Thanks alot buddy.

Actually as long as he doesn't start talking smack about the airforce we'll be ok. Being a airforce brat I'd have to defend my families honour. ;)

I'm glad your days gotten better.
cybergirly1989 said:

Thanks alot buddy.

Actually as long as he doesn't start talking smack about the airforce we'll be ok. Being a airforce brat I'd have to defend my families honour. ;)

I'm glad your days gotten better.

Air Force???? Oh Shit!

Run Duck! It's not too late buddy... run man run... hehehehehe:D