kittens are commin!!!!

Pixie Mischief

Master's kitten
Nov 15, 2002
I think so anyway my kitty looks at you meows funny shes leaking well was leaking lots of clear stuff and now its a funny color think blood... think shes gonna have her kitties soon!!

little brats are gonna be runnin around!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe
Excellent, I hope it all goes well! Will you be able to show us any pictures, once their born?:)
intrigued said:
Excellent, I hope it all goes well! Will you be able to show us any pictures, once their born?:)

of course!! hehe I mean I think thats what is happening... shes leaking and kinda blood. and I know shes due soon.

No bets in town well one but hes not open often.

so I'm praying what I've read and know is right.

I wonder what they will look like hehe shes black and white and her brother (hes fixed) is blackish with very dark gray almost black with a little ittybitty of white
Pixie, do a search online, and see if you can get some instructions? I wish you the best!:)

Good morning Gusty! The air here is getting better and better! I hope you're doing wonderful!:rose:
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intrigued said:
Pixie, do a serach online, and see if you can get some instructions? I wish you the best!:)

Good morning Gusty! The air here is getting better and better! I hope you're doing wonderful!:rose:

I already did.. BF gave me a page.

as for air.. it was -40 yesterday brr
Pixie, just make sure that she's comfortable and has a place to go.

Oh and don't try and take pictures of them right away, they need time with their momma and she will get pissed (trust me, I have the scars to prove it) :)

Good luck!
LadyGuinivere said:
Pixie, just make sure that she's comfortable and has a place to go.

Oh and don't try and take pictures of them right away, they need time with their momma and she will get pissed (trust me, I have the scars to prove it) :)

Good luck!

no I will wait a week to take a picture lol

and I dont know where she will have them we had made her a box but she didnt like it.
I'm sure she will find her own place.
My old cat, the little darling, had them right in the middle of my bed. :) Fun!

A friend's dog who was pregger's, had her pups at my house too, on the couch in the family room. I was looking after her for the weekend and they swore to me that she wasn't due for a least a week or more. Liars. :)

That one I had to actually help her with the last two.

Did you know that a cat can have more than one father for a litter? Yep, if momma cat was in heat and she was being a slut, her kittens can come from different daddies. Freaky! ( I read this and didn't believe so I asked the vet and he said yep, if the do the nasty in the same night/day)
LadyGuinivere said:
My old cat, the little darling, had them right in the middle of my bed. :) Fun!

A friend's dog who was pregger's, had her pups at my house too, on the couch in the family room. I was looking after her for the weekend and they swore to me that she wasn't due for a least a week or more. Liars. :)

That one I had to actually help her with the last two.

Did you know that a cat can have more than one father for a litter? Yep, if momma cat was in heat and she was being a slut, her kittens can come from different daddies. Freaky! ( I read this and didn't believe so I asked the vet and he said yep, if the do the nasty in the same night/day)

so it is true???? I wasnt sure lol
we always call my cat a little slut for joke.. maybe its not such a joke. funny thought

shes 2 years old.. her first litter
All cats are sluts when they are in heat!! Mine used to come and look at me and if I talked to her or patted her, she'd turn around and assume the position!!

LOL..Good age, Pixie, any younger isn't always good.

I only went through it once, any cat after that got fixed at 5 1/2 months because I knew I'd run out of people to give them too!

My own dogs were both snipped at the same age, it's not bad getting stuck with extra cats, but extra dogs?? LOL!
LadyGuinivere said:
All cats are sluts when they are in heat!! Mine used to come and look at me and if I talked to her or patted her, she'd turn around and assume the position!!

LOL..Good age, Pixie, any younger isn't always good.

I only went through it once, any cat after that got fixed at 5 1/2 months because I knew I'd run out of people to give them too!

My own dogs were both snipped at the same age, it's not bad getting stuck with extra cats, but extra dogs?? LOL!

I know shed show me her ass LOL I was like ewwwww lol
we wanted her fixed but couldnt afford it and I think mom wanted a litter lol my male cat is snipped thought.
Yeah I know it can be expensive.

Do you have a humane society there, by chance? I know in Toronto, we do and they provide low cost spay/neutering.

And it's half price for seniors and anyone on Unemployment or Assistance, or a low income earner. You just have to provide some proof. (not insinuating you are any of the above, just stating their price structure)

Generally though, the prices are around 40/50$'s less than a regular vet.

Same with the vaccinations. I take mine there and I don't qualify for the above discounts, but hey..if I can save the $$'s for the same service, why not, plus all the money goes to help other animals in need.

Just a thought, hon! :)
maybe I'll see I know we do have a humane society here.

LadyGuinivere said:
Yeah I know it can be expensive.

Do you have a humane society there, by chance? I know in Toronto, we do and they provide low cost spay/neutering.

And it's half price for seniors and anyone on Unemployment or Assistance, or a low income earner. You just have to provide some proof. (not insinuating you are any of the above, just stating their price structure)

Generally though, the prices are around 40/50$'s less than a regular vet.

Same with the vaccinations. I take mine there and I don't qualify for the above discounts, but hey..if I can save the $$'s for the same service, why not, plus all the money goes to help other animals in need.

Just a thought, hon! :)
Re: PM

concrete said:
CONGRATS...kitty's are nice to have at home..:)

I'm now gonna have 3 lol there sooo little and cute LOL AWWWWW

my aunt is takin one.

I already have a male cat. I have no idea if these are males or female cats.
sanjuaneros said:
ty, have you named them?

no I only get to keep the dark one and dont know if its male or female.. you arent supose to touch them much till there eyes are open.
hope things are still fine...
wait for a few weeks ..4-6..then the real fun starts