Kingdom Hearts story Finnal apporved


Literotica Guru
Jun 17, 2002
the chacter are now aduls. The heatless are corrupting the world making the worlds a lot differnt. About 9 choices at the begging. a lot of worlds. Only ones missing are the Winnie the Pooh and The nightmare before christmas. Because well it would be kind of weird. But thier are still paths to this world

Thing have change due to the Heatless

Never Land is now a seedy toruist attraction with mini malls and Cansions. Alice is grown and the new evil captain

The hercules board has a big Collesium with battles both sexully and physical. You need to fight here if you want a ship to get off. Think of Rome at it last days

Hallow bastion. Malfiecent (sleeping beuty) is now the Queen

Tranvsers town- This the toons and Final fantasy chacter hang out spot there is a big brothel here. It like the casablanca of toon cities

Argrabah- Jasmine being dethrone. you can save her or just look around

and more