King Kong is scarier than Harry Potter

Dixon Carter Lee

Nov 22, 1999
King Kong was on the other day. My wife had never really seen more than the climbing the Empire State Building sequence, and thought my son would like to watch the funny monkey movie.

I said, "Uh, no, wait, keep watching".

She watched as Kong steps on people, pushing their heads into the mud, crushing them to death, bites them, eats them, pulls them out of sleeping beds and drops them 30 floors, hits them, pounds them, shakes them off logs so you can watch their bodies smash into rocks while they scream...

"Oh." she said. "Okay."

I hadn't seen Kong in a while, and I forgot about the slightly racist smart-ass way the natives are regarded. "Gunpowder is something new to them." "Yeah, I guess blondes are scarce around here." Nothing really bad, just, you know, superior sounding.
still one of my all time favorites. faye ray from the original version just died a few weeks ago. the scene where kong dipped her in the pool and then gave her a blow dry is still pretty hot stuff.
Fear of the black phallus

It's obvious that the enduring appeal of the King Kong story lies in white male fears about the potency of the black penis, and that white women would be impregnated by same, diluting the inferior, decadent Caucasian race into oblivion.
Re: Fear of the black phallus

It's obvious that the enduring appeal of the King Kong story lies in white male fears about the potency of the black penis, and that white women would be impregnated by same, diluting the inferior, decadent Caucasian race into oblivion.

Either that or you're a fuckin moron. It's a toss-up.
Re: Re: Fear of the black phallus

Problem Child said:
Either that or you're a fuckin moron. It's a toss-up.

No wait, I want to hear his theory on Harry Potter.

Don't even get me STARTED on Tarzan! Oi vay!