King Charles and Queen Camilla


This is my story……
Mar 20, 2021
So I know not everyone is for the new upcoming coronation and some people are. I for one am.

I am super excited to see the pictures and videos of this historic event. I am excited to see where King Charles and Queen Camilla will take on this journey. Now when it comes time for William and Kate I am going to be super excited for it.

Now for this article. Jill Biden is over there in London with her granddaughter to take place for Joe Biden. I’ve read the article and it says Joe did call Charles to congratulate him. He had plans to go over there but plans change and they will meet up in the future but Jill is over there representing the US. I am thrilled to say that the UK and US are now working things out and on a level to where we could reunite again.


I know the past and I truly have a heart for Diana but now it’s not the time for all of that!

I understand not everyone is for it but I’m going to share this because I am thrilled to this historic event!

So since it is going to be 5am here I am going to say this now

Happy Coronation to King Charles and Queen Camilla!

Jill Biden goes to Coronation to take Biden’s Place
It’s great that Jill took one of the grandchildren the family hasn’t rejected. They’re kinda selective about which grandkids get admitted to the family and which get scorned.
No President has attended a coronation yet. Good to see precedence maintained.
It’s great that Jill took one of the grandchildren the family hasn’t rejected. They’re kinda selective about which grandkids get admitted to the family and which get scorned.
No, they are not. They simply handle it the way most families would.
I’ll take that to mean you and your family. Fine folks.
1. It's none of your business how anyone else's family - mine, Biden's, anyone's - handles a situation like this.
2. My last name isn't world-famous or a symbol of being extremely well-connected, ergo no one is going to try to claim it for selfish reasons.
They don't need someone with great mental competence. It's a job for a talking mannequin to maintain the tradition.
They don't need someone with great mental competence. It's a job for a talking mannequin to maintain the tradition.
On the other hand, it's a job Trump managed to fuck up when he visited the late Queen.
In Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales there is a hospital named 'Prince Charles Hospital'.
In Bridgend, South Wales the hospital is named 'Princess of Wales Hospital'.

A new hospital was built at Llantrisant, almost exactly between those two towns. It's named 'Royal Glamorgan Hospital', but everyone calls it 'The Royal Camilla'.
Lol. Total clusterfuck of a family. Yet so many Brits love them like Trumpster dumpsters love their criminal idol. Says a lot about the moral structure don't you think?
Lol. Total clusterfuck of a family. Yet so many Brits love them like Trumpster dumpsters love their criminal idol. Says a lot about the moral structure don't you think?
since i grew up there and lived there for 58 years, i've a better handle on what brits do or don't 'love'.

the fondness was for the Queen (for many reasons and despite the whole Diana debacle), not 'the family' as a whole. The Queen had earned respect, whereas most of the rest of the family have been shown for what they are. Notwithstanding that, it is largely accepted that Charles was the Queen's successor, with people remembering his mother investing him as Prince of Wales and her first born son, successor to the throne, so it is almost an extension of that respect he will receive, though not the 'love' those who grew up with her as a presence through the war and other times of british troubles. Those days are long gone, even if some factions attempted to reignite that kind of sentiment by framing Harry as the Queen's successor, using Diana's death as a spring point.

He is seen as mainly benign, good-hearted and concerned about the value of life for brits, with his stands for ecology etc.... The main anti-Charles sentiment is all through the Diana business, which nearly fractured the family beyond recovery. It is because he has no power to make laws or directly interfere with the economy that he can be viewed this way. Most brits would sooner have a benign, largely powerless figurehead than a president... trump showed people that.
since i grew up there and lived there for 58 years, i've a better handle on what brits do or don't 'love'.

the fondness was for the Queen (for many reasons and despite the whole Diana debacle), not 'the family' as a whole. The Queen had earned respect, whereas most of the rest of the family have been shown for what they are. Notwithstanding that, it is largely accepted that Charles was the Queen's successor, with people remembering his mother investing him as Prince of Wales and her first born son, successor to the throne, so it is almost an extension of that respect he will receive, though not the 'love' those who grew up with her as a presence through the war and other times of british troubles. Those days are long gone, even if some factions attempted to reignite that kind of sentiment by framing Harry as the Queen's successor, using Diana's death as a spring point.

He is seen as mainly benign, good-hearted and concerned about the value of life for brits, with his stands for ecology etc.... The main anti-Charles sentiment is all through the Diana business, which nearly fractured the family beyond recovery. It is because he has no power to make laws or directly interfere with the economy that he can be viewed this way. Most brits would sooner have a benign, largely powerless figurehead than a president... trump showed people that.
I think i have less concern about individuals...but the system...the "Firm" the sick issue I have with the whole bullshit. I trust none of them.

I disagree with any country that rounds up protestors and arrests them just because they were holding signs. If they were violent...sure. But that doesn't appear to be the case. But Brits always have considered themselves better than the rest of the World
No negativity, huh?

Well then I’ll wish him the best of luck. Given conditions around him, he’ll need it.
A brief history lesson. Edward I (Longshanks, the Hammer of the Scots) was involved in endless wars with the Welsh, who were very independently minded, and lead by Welsh Princes notably Llewellyn. He built many massive castles using local slave labor, one of the largest of which was at Caernarvon. He brokered peace with the locals by offering them a Prince of Wales who was born in Wales and could speak neither English nor French (the Norman language).

His wife had a baby son, also called Edward (later to be Edward II) at Caernarvon in 1284. Thus was born in Wales and could speak no languages at all. Edward II was imposed and is viewed as a historic sleight even now.

Charles was invested as Prince of Wales at Caernarvon as a deliberate reference to Edward II. Some English are puzzled by Welsh antipathy to the institution. I'm not.
No negativity, huh?

Well then I’ll wish him the best of luck. Given conditions around him, he’ll need it.
I have zero negativity to a bunch of people that stole gems from other countries. I expect scum to act like scum. I have a shitload of negativity to those that turn a blind eye to their transgressions.
They are like Mickey and Minnie Mouse at Disneyland. Dated and washed up mascots for their decrepit and crumbling tourist trap. They should just replace them with foam rubber ones and have them run around doing comedy skits like a high school football half time show. Sell some cotton candy and maybe add a water slide or something. That's their one and only tourist attraction and as it is, it pretty much sucks. Nobody goes to the UK for the food or the beaches.

i can't help it if Americans don't understand the solemnity of millennia when it comes to ancient and historical matters. After all, the USA is still a bawling baby by comparison.
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i can't help it if Americans don't understand the solemnity of millennia when it comes to ancient and historical matters. After all, the USA is still a bawling baby by comparison.
One that kicked your fucking ass twice and you needed us to bail your ass twice more.
One that kicked your fucking ass twice and you needed us to bail your ass twice more.
idiot. i'm hardly that old. don't be a twat. and you didn't lift a finger, either, in those particular wars, did you? no, of course not. maybe try growing up a little; you used to be less of a dickhead.
i can't help it if Americans don't understand the solemnity of millennia when it comes to ancient and historical matters. After all, the USA is still a bawling baby by comparison.
Can't argue with you there. :D

Someone on Twitter mentioned that Liz' coronation stopped the entire world when it happened. Not in broadcast so much, but in reverence to the occasion. That kinda thing can't ever happen again in the world we have now. OJ's freeway chase stopped the world, that's what we remember. We've pulled back the layers of mystery and the corner curtains hiding the OZ wizards in regards to anyone who lives above the regular.

I remember as a kid watching Charles' and Diana's wedding on TV. I remember my mind at that age feeling it was a special happening and that this was what those upper class royals do. I had a kid's understanding of that social structure then and felt it was what the world was. There was a high and a low and there were still kings, queens, castles, all of it. If I could have it for me, a marriage in that celestial castle, it would be so cool.

So much has flipped since then. We're all now laughing at a literal king. Not the first time a king has ever been laughed at, mind you, but...this one hits reeeeeeally different. For a whole lotta reasons on a whole lotta levels beyond my station in this life.

I dunno. I think personally I'm indifferent to the monarchy now. If it was me getting crowned, I get the solemn aspect, cuz, you know we do this churchy kinda stuff too, but...I would also want everyone to be happy? I'd be cutting it up, cracking jokes, dancing jigs, high-fiving everyone, hugging my subjects, winking at the cameras, all that. Like it was my birthday. That's what it kinda is, right? A new beginning.

I dunno.
I remember as a kid watching Charles' and Diana's wedding on TV. I remember my mind at that age feeling it was a special happening and that this was what those upper class royals do. I had a kid's understanding of that social structure then and felt it was what the world was. There was a high and a low and there were still kings, queens, castles, all of it. If I could have it for me, a marriage in that celestial castle, it would be so cool.
I remember that too. Among the few things I remember now was the announcer explaining they'd be sitting down to a wedding breakfast of lamb, and I thought "Lamb for breakfast?! Gross!"