Apparently, there are an increasing number of kids, with no physical or cognitive disabilities whatsoever, who are entering kindergarten without being potty-trained. This is hard to fathom. In the past, the vast majority of children were fully potty-trained around three years old, give or take a couple of months.
However, today, kindergarten teachers often report to We Are Teachers that 15–20% of their classroom is not potty-trained and that even a few first-graders are still in pull-ups. (Again, this does not include kids with medical issues, or physical or cognitive disabilities.) Sadly, there is a growing trend of children reaching the age of five without being potty-trained.
Many teachers have taken to online sites such as Reddit to opine and vent their frustration with yet another unpleasant issue with which they must deal. Some blame the lack of training on the new phenomenon called "gentle parenting," wherein parents hope to foster a healthy relationship with their children by validating their emotions instead of coaxing and punishing. These parents purport to respect their children's individuality and feelings — and often believe that it is harmful to force children to learn how to use a toilet before they express that they are ready.
However, today, kindergarten teachers often report to We Are Teachers that 15–20% of their classroom is not potty-trained and that even a few first-graders are still in pull-ups. (Again, this does not include kids with medical issues, or physical or cognitive disabilities.) Sadly, there is a growing trend of children reaching the age of five without being potty-trained.
Many teachers have taken to online sites such as Reddit to opine and vent their frustration with yet another unpleasant issue with which they must deal. Some blame the lack of training on the new phenomenon called "gentle parenting," wherein parents hope to foster a healthy relationship with their children by validating their emotions instead of coaxing and punishing. These parents purport to respect their children's individuality and feelings — and often believe that it is harmful to force children to learn how to use a toilet before they express that they are ready.