Kind of Mother Fucking COLD This Morning


Guerrilla Ontologist
Sep 19, 2000
Sorry Kotori - you had the right idea but didn't give it enough emphasis.
My nuts froze, fell off and rolled away, it was so fucking cold this morning.
Not as mother fucking COLD down here

but will be tonight! Wish I had someone to cuddle with tonight - guess the flannel sheets will have to do!
His_kitty said:
Colder than a witches tit.

I think Haze is trying the old "HOW COLD IS IT?" joke.

It's SO cold.....

that Dilly's whale is now classified as a Blue Sperm Whale.

(ooh ooh the temp just raised a's now 8F!!)
We're having a balmy Canadian winter here -27C (-16F)!

:kiss: for teddybear4play!
Desert Amazon said:

Usually I wish for colder weather... Anything would be better than these sunny mid-70's days!

I'm on my way to The Phoenix Open though and for once I'm happy we have mild winters!

I'll think about you guys though...sending warm thoughts as I figure out which pair of shorts and tank to wear! ;)

(Something I wrote a few years ago that perhaps you might enjoy:

It was cold. Damn cold. Extremely cold. Really, really cold. No exaggeration. It was very cold. So totally cold that his wire framed glasses froze to the sides of his face. That had only happened once before, in Nam (but that didn't really have anything to do with the cold, did it?). It was truly and exceptionally cold.

How cold was it? Really cold. If coldness was measured in inches it would be 5,000 miles cold. If you took all the vapor streams escaping from the mouths of the people on the streets of New York and laid them end to end they would circle the earth 10 times over. That's how cold it was. Very cold.

It was so cold that his cat Truffles, while sitting at the kitchen window looking out at the cold that was so cold it was a visible entity, accidently pressed his nose against the window and it immediately froze fast to the pane. He had to get a crow bar to disengage the nose from the glass. How cold was it? It was inhumanly cold.

Of course, it was all a matter of perspective. To someone who lived on Pluto it probably was no worse than a normal winter's day. Relatively speaking, of course.

It was cold. Damn cold. Extremely cold. Really, really cold. No exaggeration. It was very cold. So, there was only one thing to do. Stay home.
I just got in from the barn - all the damned "HEATED" water bowls froze over night and I've got horses skating on ice! Problem solved, I come home and there's frost in the INSIDE of my windows....the cat's sleeping in the blanket closet and I've gotta change the sheets on the bed cause the dog took my vacated warm spot. And like an idiot I'm sitting here freezing my fucking ass off at a computer, rubbing the screen every 5 minutes to scrape off the ice chips.

It’s THAT fucking COLD!
Riles said:
I just got in from the barn - all the damned "HEATED" water bowls froze over night and I've got horses skating on ice! Problem solved, I come home and there's frost in the INSIDE of my windows....the cat's sleeping in the blanket closet and I've gotta change the sheets on the bed cause the dog took my vacated warm spot. And like an idiot I'm sitting here freezing my fucking ass off at a computer, rubbing the screen every 5 minutes to scrape off the ice chips.

It’s THAT fucking COLD!

Sounds like you need to get a new furnace for your house, the ice isn't good for your computer.
Its 42 here in Florida this morn. Well right now it is.

On the days I dont have to be at work at 5am its pretty warm. But this weekend...thanks to that Northern blast...I'm looking foward to a cool 20 or so. Course the way you guys are talking, thats like 90 to you.

God I love Florida.

It was nippy. Vex nippy. Dreadfully nippy. Truly, truly nippy. No hoopla. It was verifiably nippy. So altogether nippy that his hawser casing lens iced to the perimeters of his countenance. That had only manifested once heretofore, in Nam (but that didn't actually have anything to do with the nippiness, did it?). It was incontrovertibly and unequivocally nippy.

How nippy was it? Veritably nippy. If nippiness was considered in millimeters it would be 5,000 meters nippy. If you took the aggregate of the haze flows absconding from the orifices of the citizens on the arteries of New York and laid them terminus to terminus they would ring the globe 10 times over. That's how nippy it was. Veritably nippy.

It was so nippy that his feline Edible Underground Fungus, while posturing at the kitchen window glimpsing out at the nippiness that was so nippy it was a palpable thing, mistakenly pushed his proboscis alongside the window and it promptly froze firmly to the glass. He had to get a tire iron to extricate the schnozzola from the window pane. How nippy was it? It was obdurately nippy.

Of course, it was all an affair of outlook. To someone who resided on Pluto it most likely was no meaner than a mundane winter's rotation of the sun. Comparatively verbalizing, of course.

It was nippy. Vex nippy. Eminently nippy. Genuinely, sincerely nippy. No hyperbole. It was rather nippy. So, there was only one course of action. Remain at my domicile.