

Mind fucked and broken
Feb 2, 2001
Don't be a butt-banger hater.

You should just remember that that leaves more women for you.

There you go, you have nothing to worry about. No threat comes to you at all from men fucking other men. Just remember if you ever don't have a woman, you could look it at that way.

So don't worry about it. right?
Starfish said:
There you go, you have nothing to worry about. No threat comes to you at all from men fucking other men. Just remember if you ever don't have a woman, you could look it at that way.

So don't worry about it. right?

Silly lady, haters always hate.
ChilledVodka said:
Who said I was a hater?


Okay, CV. You wanna know about what is up with David and I? That is pretty clear. So?

Do you want me to tell you here or in private? I don't care either way. what you want...I'm all for it....I dont even think I am a homophobe....I just dont encourage homosexuality.

There are lots of things that I dont encourage, that I am not in fear of.
Angel said:
Silly lady, haters always hate.

i always wonder why guys feel its allright to launch into vulgar insults when a girl turns them down.

at least some guys.
Angel said:
Silly lady, haters always hate.

You're baiting me into wanting to lick you all over again to prove that I am not silly.

Stop it. :p
glamorilla said:
i always wonder why guys feel its allright to launch into vulgar insults when a girl turns them down.

at least some guys.

I wouldn't know ....I've only been turned down by a woman once.....I was 12, and I just moved to the next one.
Killswitch said:
I wouldn't know ....I've only been turned down by a woman once.....I was 12, and I just moved to the next one.

and you're going to live forever too.
Killswitch said:
I wouldn't know ....I've only been turned down by a woman once.....I was 12, and I just moved to the next one.

Wow, you really know how to attract women.
glamorilla said:
i always wonder why guys feel its allright to launch into vulgar insults when a girl turns them down.

at least some guys.

I would never turn you down, Glam.

glamorilla said:
and you're going to live forever too.

I feel like I am.

I am Lestat

I am cursed with imortality.

Edit to add.....YIKES....I am the hetero Lestat....yeah yeah thats the ticket!!!!!

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Careful there, Lestat preferred young boys.

The only aesthetic he ascribed to.

Killswitch said:
I feel like I am.

I am Lestat

I am cursed with imortality.

i'm pretty sure that's a big part of his poblem.

but i wouldn't want to implicate anything here.