killermuffins tattoo


Apr 18, 2001
i've been waiting for someone to start this thread but nobody has yet :)

i wouldnt want a tattoo for myself i dont think ... but i really like killermuffins one its very sexy

but i've been trying to figure out where it exactly is ... its either the leg or side of tummy i think :)
omg, I was avoiding bringing it up to keep her mind off of getting a new one.
KillerMuffin said:
It's on my left thigh, outside.


thank you im happy now ... its very nice :)

and i know what you mean angel i was thinking if i start a thread about it i bet killermuffin will change it ... i guess if she does you can blame me :)
I would love to see some closeup pics. I am a tattoo nut!
I think tattoos are sexy period. Not sure if I'll ever get one myself though.
So far, so good, Angel. I won't have the cash to pay for another until January so I hope the urge will get weaker by then.

It's a dragon in the tribal style.

I can't get any good pics of it until I find the cord that connects my digital cam to the computer.

I'm done getting tattoos. I want to cover one up first though - other than that I'm done.

No really.


God, Hannsy, just because I won't have sex with you, I'm a ho. Whatever makes you feel better about yourself.

Did you ever find your dick or did that nanoparticle research not help any?
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Freya, did I fucking ask for your opinion bitch?

If ever I want the opinion of a fat ass ignorant dribbling hamster brained retard....i'll look you up

Or you could just talk to yourself - seems that's what you do most days anyways.
KillerMuffin said:
:) Thank you, angel.

did it hurt? how long did it take? I want angel wings on my arm. i was going to have it done on my back but i cant afford it.
Hey KM, awesome tattoo. That looks like a Balinese dragon tattoo I believe. Can we get a closeup?

P.S...Nice leg too.
It looks really good, I like tribal type designs. A good friend of mine had major abdominal surgery several years ago that left a really big scar. I keep telling him that he should get a zipper tattooed around it.
InnocentAngel81 said:
did it hurt? how long did it take? I want angel wings on my arm. i was going to have it done on my back but i cant afford it.

Muah, i told you Mami, i'll pay for it, just figure out when your ready, well find out a price and i'll save up, *hugg*
Yep, it hurt. A needle going into your skin over and over? Painful. I slept through most of it. It took just over an hour to do. It is a pretty simple one, though. One color, not a lot of artistic interpretation.

Tats hurt. You either put up with the pain or you don't. It's not as bad as getting a shot, needles not that deep, but it's not painless either.
KillerMuffin said:
Yep, it hurt. A needle going into your skin over and over? Painful. I slept through most of it. It took just over an hour to do. It is a pretty simple one, though. One color, not a lot of artistic interpretation.

Tats hurt. You either put up with the pain or you don't. It's not as bad as getting a shot, needles not that deep, but it's not painless either.
i have given a shot or two...but mine make people "happy":D
The pain to me is a part of a rite of passage. I will endure and Will have forever a reminder. Each one I have is an intregal part of who I am or who I was, forever etched into this transiant body of mine.