Killer LOVES Harris! Calls her a pussy

Misogynistic autocrat dictator says what?
The World’s Bad Actors Do Not Want Trump to Win in November. “The world leaders who most want to knock the United States of America off of its superpower perch don’t want any part of a second Donald Trump term in the White House. They’ve all been living large on the weakness of the Biden administration. There were probably buckets of tears shed for days in Beijing, Moscow, and Tehran when Biden was tweeted out of the presidential race.”
The World’s Bad Actors Do Not Want Trump to Win in November. “The world leaders who most want to knock the United States of America off of its superpower perch don’t want any part of a second Donald Trump term in the White House. They’ve all been living large on the weakness of the Biden administration. There were probably buckets of tears shed for days in Beijing, Moscow, and Tehran when Biden was tweeted out of the presidential race.”
Bad actors publicly admit what they want..because they are obviously honest brokers 👍🤣🤣
I don't often agree with the neo-McCarthyists on the neoliberal left and neoconservative zombie Reaganite right these days about such things, but I don't believe at all that Putin is sincere here. Putin most of all wants to confuse, divide, discredit, etc. As to who he wants in office, well, I don't believe the hype that Trump is a Putin lackey (he took several steps that Putin hated during his administration, I might add), but I do believe that Trump is not a fan of the military-industrial complex and the national security establishment and the feeling is mutual. Trump tends to go his own way and do his own thing, not being controlled by the usual lobbyists, consultants, committees, etc. He tends to go rogue and that has both good and bad results. But he's his own man. He's not beholden to Raytheon like Warren or someone like that. So, yeah, I don't buy the Harris endorsement. An old chekist is going to do the opposite of what people expect, just to confuse them, anyway. He's a spymaster and engages in maskirovka (Russian for masquerade).

Honestly, Russia is almost a complete non-factor in geopolitics these days, but for their natural gas and their nukes. They are an imploding rump empire desperately clinging to their golden age. It's never coming back, just like ours won't when we collapse. What, if any, superpowers emerge from the disintegration of civilization on a global scale that's coming, we don't know for sure, but we know that it won't be the current USA or Russian Federation, or even China. All three are likely to be Balkanized to a certain extent in the future.
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I don't often agree with the neo-McCarthyists on the left these days about such things, but I don't believe at all that Putin is sincere here. Putin most of all wants to confuse, divide, discredit, etc. As to who he wants in office, well, I don't believe the hype that Trump is a Putin lackey (he took several steps that Putin hated during his administration, I might add), but I do believe that Trump is not a fan of the military-industrial complex and the national security establishment and the feeling is mutual. Trump tends to go his own way and do his own thing, not being controlled by the usual lobbyists, consultants, committees, etc. He tends to go rogue and that has both good and bad results. But he's his own man. He's not beholden to Raytheon like Warren or someone like that. So, yeah, I don't buy the Harris endorsement. An old chekist is going to do the opposite of what people expect, just to confuse them, anyway. He's a spymaster and engages in maskirovka (Russian for masquerade).

Honestly, Russia is almost a complete non-factor in geopolitics these days, but for their natural gas and their nukes. They are an imploding rump empire desperately clinging to their golden age. It's never coming back, just like ours won't when we collapse.
Above all, Putin wants the US to be divided and confused. The chaos of the Trump's corrupt Presidency achieved just that.

The Putin-Bots are all aligned the same way and they do not express support for Biden.
I actually think that Putin just had a personal beef with Hillary and the Trump thing, to whatever limited extent anything happened, was just a way to stick the pin in the voodoo doll. Hillary is a bit of a warmonger, like it or not, and their vendetta is no secret. Putin has a tendency to confuse his interests with Russia's, just as Trump sometimes confuses his with America's (though they sometimes align, such as not starting any new wars), and Hillary tends to confuse the interests of her handlers with America's (sorry, but no, the defense contractors and national security "experts" aren't always acting in America's national interest). He didn't dream at all that Hillary would lose. He hoped to deal with a weakened Hillary that he could provoke, antagonize, thwart, etc. Not even Trump thought that Trump would win, let alone Hillary or Putin.

I'm still of the view that Trump initially ran as a response to a phone call that Bill made to him earlier in 2015, shortly before his announcement. Somehow, the favor turned into a real campaign instead of a strawman, and they've been mortal enemies ever since. Remember, the Trumps and Clintons were such good friends that they even had a famous photo taken smiling together, just the four of them. Essentially, this is the tale of two American oligarchs turning on each other and the top Russian oligarch seeking to exploit the opportunities thus created. Just my take. But then I'm a cynical sort with little faith in humanity. The corrupt and ruthless dominate both countries, and every other nation on Earth. There is not a single state that is truly free, liberal in the classic sense, or democratic in a real, participatory sense these days. It's all just oligarchy with different shades of façade.