Killed my second cat last night

It is sad.

My babies are indoor cats.

Do something good for yourself.
I myself, or my wife I should say, owns 3 cats. They are free to roam. They come in a out of the house as they wish. We have never had a problem, for as long as I can remember, with the cats being out of the house.

You just seem to have badluck with cats on the road.

If I give you my address, do you think you could spend some time driving my neighborhood?
don't feel bad aci.......folks talk about "eating" pussy (godd i hate that expression)....every day around here.....and no one gets offended......;)
<shaking head>

and don't you say muff diving either......;)
Don't feel to bad. I am an animal killer. That's my lable in the family. Yep.

When i was 4 I killed 6 baby chicks on easter because i surrounded them with candy and they ate it all got sick and died.

When I was 12 I had a pet bunny in my room. I left my sheets on the floor one afternoon and the bunny was still out. I came back that afternoon to find it dead in my sheets.

when I was 18 I was washing my clothes. When I went to throw them in the dryer (I didn't look in there because I needed to take a shower for work. When I came back all I could hear was loud thumping sounds. i thoght someone threw their shoes in there to dry. Nope.. it was our cat.
It is sad.
On the other hand, why is it that when there's a conflict between cars and - anything else in the world - cars always win?
Sandia said:
It is sad.
On the other hand, why is it that when there's a conflict between cars and - anything else in the world - cars always win?
Not against tanks, monster trucks, H-bombs and ...other cars.
A few months back, either a dog or a coyote ran into the side of our 50 mph moving car on a dark stretch of road. The force actually pushed our car sideways a few inches. I heard the little guy yelp unhappily. We turned around and tried to find the animal, but it was gone. We felt like assholes, but what could we do? The animal hit US.

Cats should be spayed/neutered and kept inside IMHO. Life's too dangerous for them otherwise. In the boonies, there's coyotes and other animals that will eat them as fast as they can catch them. I have so many friends who've lost pets to coyotes. In the city, they get run over by cars or die in fights with other cats.

As many of you know, we have a huge problem with feral cats in my area. This is caused by people allowing their unfixed animals to wander freely. The feral cats destroy the native wildlife, and life short, brutal lives - dying in the road, from sickness (I've seen two white cats die of skin cancer that spread into their head), from fights with other cats or neighborhood dogs.
My youngest son brought home a very young cat, found her in a street drain about to go down the thing. She is now a much loved and special part of our lives. (She had kittens, I kept one. Cute little thing.) They are both scheduled to be, (fixed?) spayed actually.
acitore_vuli said:
I ran over a cat last night. It was late. Dark. He/She came out of nowhere. I attempted to swerve, but it happened too fast. I stopped and turned around and went back to the scene of the accident. The cat was dead, so at least he/she didn't suffer.

I feel like shit. This is the second time this has happened to me.

If any of you here on lit own animals and let them run freely, you are taking a great risk (especially if you live in my part of the world).

I guess, if you live out in the country, it's one thing. But if you live on or near a main road, like the asshole owner of the feline I hit last night, you should keep your animals indoors or not have any animals at all.

For the record, I was not driving fast or drinking.

Anyway, the cat's in the freezer now. Anyone have any good cat recipes?

;_; That sucks...I have ran over a cat of mine before. God that sucks.
acitore_vuli said:

Great, now I'll be labeled for life as a Kitty Killer. Cats big and small will come from far and wide to challenge me.

I think I'll start walking more.

Good Idea.
I ran over a dog not long ago, and I knew I had killed it. I stopped and picked the dog up with the blanket I keep in the back of my truck. I had seen this dog lazing in the yard before, so I knew where he lived. I was crying so hard, and I hated to tell the owner. When she came to the door, and saw what had happened, she started yelling at me and accusing me of killing her dog on purpose. I was startled, but kept apologizing, even though I felt she should have kept the dog in the fence they have in the back yard. I left, wondering if I should have just left him laying in the road, but I knew I had done the right thing. She still gives me evil looks when she sees me.. I love animals. I would never have deliberately killed that dog. :(
So would I, Siren. And if I saw they were already upset, I certainly would not begin tearing into them. People react differently I guess.
The only animal I've ever run over was a possum. I still felt terrible.

My daughter's cat was recently hit by a car (we think). Thankfully, he's going to be ok, but we're $500 poorer because of it. Even though we live in the boonies, I'm pretty sure he's going to be an inside cat from now on.
Forgot about my sister n laws dog I ran over once :( It was a cute lil thing and I really liked her a whole lot. Name was Sugar Spice (she was on a spice girl kick). Very loveable dog. Well I was backing out of the driveway in a huge surburban we had and she ran under the truck about the same time.

I was so upset i didn't even realize I still had our cordless phone in my hand 20 minutes after i called my mother n law at work to see if she would come bury her.