Kidlings birthdays


Biker Chick
Jun 30, 2001
We had a birthday in November and my littlest one's birthday is today.

While we celebrated the truly blessed event yesterday, my children's birthdays always give pause for thought.

I think back to before I was expecting, the highlights of the pregnancies, and yes, through the delivery and post natal period. I remember every detail vividly. I remember the dreams I had as a mom of two babes and how those dreams have shifted and changed while some have remained the same.

I wonder if all parents find introspect with their children's birthdays.
MissTaken said:
We had a birthday in November and my littlest one's birthday is today.

While we celebrated the truly blessed event yesterday, my children's birthdays always give pause for thought.

I think back to before I was expecting, the highlights of the pregnancies, and yes, through the delivery and post natal period. I remember every detail vividly. I remember the dreams I had as a mom of two babes and how those dreams have shifted and changed while some have remained the same.

I wonder if all parents find introspect with their children's birthdays.

I do that too, not just on birthdays. Mine is a teenager now, and each time I see the adult she will be peek out, I remember the baby she was, and just have to smile.
It is kind of nice.

Well, it is bittersweet in that many things are not as they should be for my little ones. However, a series of choices starting years before their birth have led us to where we are today.

And, I think there will always be a piece of them that belongs to me, exclusively, as their "mommy"

I do.:( It is so hard, I don't know how else to say it.

I remember my first born's first birthday, 13 years ago. All I heard from everyone is how its time to potty train, it's time to take the bottle and all this other stuff, and I was ready for a whole bottle of valiums. I cried for 2 days. I was a single parent with him, and we were very tight, so it was extremely hard to watch him go through all the changes that seemed to take him a step further away from me. When he started kindergarten, it only lasted 2.5 hours a day, and those two and a half hours were spent on the phone with his dad, just whining and all out bawling, for the entire first week! I wanted him to *make* them give me my baby back.:D

Does anyone remember my thread about my daughter starting kindergarten?:eek: I completely fell apart, it's all I talked about for 2 weeks....and its still a little sad for me. It's tough giving up the control you have to someone else, to realize you can no longer be the one they run to when they're hurt, or someone is picking on them, or their just plain out of sorts.

It is funny how when you look back at all that you envisioned and dreamed of for them that it has changed so much, yet, it hasn't. Mostly, I just wanted them happy and healthy and doing their own thing, and though that "thing" changes all the time, they are 2 happy little kiddlings. They are very unique, strong minded, tough little brat children that attempt killing eachother or pushing eachother other to insanity daily, but they are two damn fine kids.

Happy birthday to your kiddling!:rose:
MissTaken said:
It is kind of nice.

Well, it is bittersweet in that many things are not as they should be for my little ones. However, a series of choices starting years before their birth have led us to where we are today.

And, I think there will always be a piece of them that belongs to me, exclusively, as their "mommy"


We all have things we wish we could change MissT, especially if we think our choices hurt our little ones. But ultimately those choices are for their benefit and that's what counts.

No one can ever replace "mommy" hun, whether they're 6 or a 106.:rose:
I understand completely what you are saying, intrigued. Sending my little man to school was heart wrenching. He is tiny for his age and for soem reason, he pulls on my mother bear protective type heart strings. I think because he has a tough exterior and saves his sensitive side for me. He is a little boy growing up so fast.

My youngest, well she is a terror in her way. She is five today and going on 15. :D

They are both bright and beautiful and very strong willed.

When I close my eyes at night after tough day with them I think to myself, "Well, no one will be able to walk on them when they get older!"
*goddess*emi* said:
We all have things we wish we could change MissT, especially if we think our choices hurt our little ones. But ultimately those choices are for their benefit and that's what counts.

No one can ever replace "mommy" hun, whether they're 6 or a 106.:rose:

Yes, I know that my choices are for the best for all of us.

So far, anyway....until I screw up as we mommies/humans do!

Happy birthday for your little one MissTaken. :)

I feel this way when my kids are having birthdays and when they are sick, how quickly they have grown, how time has past so quickly from when they were babies, what will life bring them etc. How much I love them.

On my son's 14th? I thought? :eek: I am a 33 yr old mother of a teenager. Ewwww. :D
MissTaken said:
I understand completely what you are saying, intrigued. Sending my little man to school was heart wrenching. He is tiny for his age and for soem reason, he pulls on my mother bear protective type heart strings. I think because he has a tough exterior and saves his sensitive side for me. He is a little boy growing up so fast.

My youngest, well she is a terror in her way. She is five today and going on 15. :D

They are both bright and beautiful and very strong willed.

When I close my eyes at night after tough day with them I think to myself, "Well, no one will be able to walk on them when they get older!"
LOL, thats my KOoKoo! I was actually scared to send her to kindergarten for fear that they would be calling me every day telling me she had knocked someones lights out!:D
My girl is tough. :)

It is a good feeling to know that few will truly mess with them, but I'll tell ya can be unbelievably cruel. I had a fit with my son being a bully target because he was always the biggest kid in the class (very tall) and he's the brainy type, plus he has way too much "me" in him, he's very soft hearted. It was very hard to watch him go through all that he did, and though it's lessened, he still has only one close friend, and is pretty much on the "uncool" list. At one point, he was on the "hit list" of a very troubled child. Damn, school sure has changed.
debbiexxx said:
Happy birthday for your little one MissTaken. :)

I feel this way when my kids are having birthdays and when they are sick, how quickly they have grown, how time has past so quickly from when they were babies, what will life bring them etc. How much I love them.

On my son's 14th? I thought? :eek: I am a 33 yr old mother of a teenager. Ewwww. :D

Ahh but you were your age and family well!

intrigued said:
LOL, thats my KOoKoo! I was actually scared to send her to kindergarten for fear that they would be calling me every day telling me she had knocked someones lights out!:D
My girl is tough. :)


Sounds like my little one. She is a leader. She is a brute and feels things deeply.

Happy birthday indeed!!!

almost had a Christmas baby eh Miss Taken?
i remember being for the delivery of my 2 when they were born.

they are in their 20's now. i see them and remember the times when they were little. LOL
enjoy them while they are small cause they grow up too damn fast.

good to see you again sweetie! Muah!!:rose:

and i bet you looked cute expecting too!;)