Key to site symbols


Alicia Worsley
Nov 17, 2022
In Control Panel, when I look at My Stories, there are a number of symbols attached to each story. The meanibg of some of these is obvious (eg. 'NEW') but some of the others are a mystery to me.
Is there a key, or explanation anywhere? A page called 'How to use the Site' would be useful.

H = Hot which means the story has at least 10 votes and a current score of 4.50 or above.
W = Contest winner. Themed, Monthly, or Annual.
E = Editor's Pick. Laurel found the story to be of special note, and chose to recognize it.

Lists = a number that combines favorites + all other reading lists members have added the story to.
Thanks, and what about the little bar chart icon?
That's views. What it represents is the number of times the story has been opened. How many of those are humans and how many of those humans read more than a paragraph or so is debatable.
If you are on Windows, most icons will reveal what they mean if you move the mouse pointer so it is over them, but do not click.
For example, in this case, I drifted the mouse pointer over the star next to the two numbers.
