Keurig or a pot of coffee?


Loves Spam
Feb 18, 2012
In recent years there has been an uprising in the debate over which is the better machine to help us greet the day. Originally, it was the Coffee Pot. Tried and true.

Always there when we needed it with a fresh pot of Joe to crack open our tired eyes and send us on our way. Recently, a new challenger to the throne is the Keurig Coffee Maker. An interesting hybrid of the coffee pot meets single cup service, the Keurig indeed does things its predecessor cannot, but does that mean it is a better product?

Which do you prefer?
The Keurig should be banned due to the amount of plastic waste it creates.

If they came up with a paper coffee supply, perhaps I'd get one - but at $0.90 a cup and with the waste it creates, Keurig can piss off.
Eww to either one.

I use a coffee pot to brew my tea to make my sweet ice tea.
Keurig is great for one reason: convenience. Nice to be able to brew a single cup of decaf in the afternoon, for example.

But the coffee isn't great. The best ones are good at best, usually too edgy or bitter or weak. We switched back over to a pot a four years ago.
I use a French press and grind my beans as I need them.

The Keurig is wasteful and expensive. One of itself biggest selling points is the variety of coffees you can make with it, including flavored cofffees. I hate flavored coffee.
Keurig is great for one reason: convenience. Nice to be able to brew a single cup of decaf in the afternoon, for example.

But the coffee isn't great. The best ones are good at best, usually too edgy or bitter or weak. We switched back over to a pot a four years ago.

We are a family of four who enjoy the coffee pot. Two males who drink black coffee,one female and one male who load the cup down with unnecessary crap.

BTW RARHC sounds like my kinda people. Just Play NO POLITICAL VIEWS!!!
I want a Kuerig because I'm the only one in my house that drinks coffee. I've told about 5 people how much I'd like one for Christmas. We'll see. I also drink a lot of coffee. If I make a full pot on the weekend then I'll drink it. Maybe the single Kuerig will help decrease my coffee intake.
I can make one cup of coffee in my French press. Just put less coffee and water in it. Viola!
During the week when I have to head off to work the Kuerig is great because I'm only around long enough for one cup.

On the weekends I enjoy brewing a pot because I drink coffee like a fiend while I'm writing.

Also, one of the true pleasures in life is the smell of brewing coffee.
The Keurig should be banned due to the amount of plastic waste it creates.

If they came up with a paper coffee supply, perhaps I'd get one - but at $0.90 a cup and with the waste it creates, Keurig can piss off.

In the grand scheme of things the waste the Kuerig creates is not what's going to cause the world to go up in smoke.

I truly believe we are the last generation walking this earth before it blows up, so they can waste all the plastic they want,
I had to google this to find out what it is.
Turns out, it's a coffee-pod machine.
I have a Cafitaly single cup coffee-pod unit, and I don't give a Damn about the little bitty plastic waste that comes from it - I love it!
Quick, convenient, and it takes all the brands of coffee pods, so depending on my mood I can have espresso, dbl roast, kenyan, whatever.
Best Mothers Day pressie ever!
If I'm hanging out? Pot... If I have 15 min to get out of bed, wash my butt, get dressed and GTFO...Keurig.
Fresh roasted, home ground beans only. No excess waste and wonderful coffee every time. You can dispense with flavour and aroma for convenience but not me.
I can make one cup of coffee in my French press. Just put less coffee and water in it. Viola!

seriously. i can do that with my cheap, old mr. coffee as well. it's not that fucking hard to make one damned cup of coffee.

lazy shits.
The Keurig should be banned due to the amount of plastic waste it creates.

If they came up with a paper coffee supply, perhaps I'd get one - but at $0.90 a cup and with the waste it creates, Keurig can piss off.

Ditto. I make coffee in a french press pot: cheap, easy, doesn't take up a lot of space or waste plastic or filters and it makes great coffee. And I can make a single cup in it if I so choose.