Ken's Corner

Moi....a naughty boy (and tease!) ?!?!?!? Saying such things could give folks the wrong idea, ya know?


*hugs, smooches and gropes*

Aww, now that is a terrible shame. What if Betty Page had thought to go around getting rid of all her photos just becaue they were old? :p

Shame to see so many gorgeous pics go....but if you truly feel you must, then I guess ya gotta do what you gotta do. :(

I am doing quite fine...just a tad busy with work and helping my mom after her heart valve surgery. She's ok, just tired, but that's to be expected.

How are things going with you?


I'm a baaad girl for not seeing this a LOT sooner. Spank me :p

Meh.. the pix thing just isn't my thing anymore. Not feeling it. Maybe one day the need and thrill will come back to me. Until then... tame pix remain only.

Sorry to hear about your mom, glad she's ok though *hugs*

Things are good. Finally making are backyard all pretty. Grandpa bought me a fountain last weekend (it's a heavy duty sucker too!)
Otherwise, same ol same ol. Rent movies from netflix, reading, doing the typical household duties, and forever lost in WoW :p

*hugs and smooches*
I'm a baaad girl for not seeing this a LOT sooner. Spank me :p

Meh.. the pix thing just isn't my thing anymore. Not feeling it. Maybe one day the need and thrill will come back to me. Until then... tame pix remain only.

Sorry to hear about your mom, glad she's ok though *hugs*

Things are good. Finally making are backyard all pretty. Grandpa bought me a fountain last weekend (it's a heavy duty sucker too!)
Otherwise, same ol same ol. Rent movies from netflix, reading, doing the typical household duties, and forever lost in WoW :p

*hugs and smooches*

*grins and bends the Sprite over his lap and gives her bottom a firm yet tender paddling*

I hear ya there....but every now and again I get 'inspired' to take pics...for various reasons. Some I keep up, others I take down. *shrugs* And I should be least I get to see some of your pics. :D

Thank you very much. *hugs*

Sounds sweet.....make sure you take care of that bad boy. Fountains can be a bitch to maintain. I know the drill......working, playing games or online and that's almost fact I just got a new game, Ghostbusters for PS3. It is AWESOME. I definitely recommend's got the original cast and the humor from the films, plus a lot of 'in jokes'. :D *geekgasm*

*gives ya a big warm bearhug and some gropes and kisses*

Take care of yourself, Em.:kiss::heart::rose:
*grins and bends the Sprite over his lap and gives her bottom a firm yet tender paddling*

I hear ya there....but every now and again I get 'inspired' to take pics...for various reasons. Some I keep up, others I take down. *shrugs* And I should be least I get to see some of your pics. :D

Thank you very much. *hugs*

Sounds sweet.....make sure you take care of that bad boy. Fountains can be a bitch to maintain. I know the drill......working, playing games or online and that's almost fact I just got a new game, Ghostbusters for PS3. It is AWESOME. I definitely recommend's got the original cast and the humor from the films, plus a lot of 'in jokes'. :D *geekgasm*

*gives ya a big warm bearhug and some gropes and kisses*

Take care of yourself, Em.:kiss::heart::rose:

Thank you Sir, may I have another?? ;)

I'm starting to find that out about the fountain. Bird poop and the water turning green.. blech. Luckily, hubby takes care of it for the most part :p

I've seen a lot of people talking about the Ghostbuster game. Like it's the new BIG thing right now. Did they put it out for Xbox 360?? Might have to look into it.

I shall try my best as I always do. You do the same!
*hugs and deep kisses*
Thank you Sir, may I have another?? ;)

I'm starting to find that out about the fountain. Bird poop and the water turning green.. blech. Luckily, hubby takes care of it for the most part :p

I've seen a lot of people talking about the Ghostbuster game. Like it's the new BIG thing right now. Did they put it out for Xbox 360?? Might have to look into it.

I shall try my best as I always do. You do the same!
*hugs and deep kisses*

Oh you can have several more, Miss. :D

LOL....yeah just keep on top of him....on cleaning the pond. And other ways too. :p

Yes it is. And it is soooo frigging great, I know you'd love it. I'm waiting for the Wii to come out with a neutreno wand controller and back pack for it.

I shall try, thank you.

*hugs, deep kisses and random gropes* :D

Hey Sexy!! :kiss::kiss:

Haven't said hello to you in a while, so I thought I'd drop in and say Hi!
Hmmmmm. That would make a nice place to warm my towel while I'm showering. Lovely. Hope all is well with you. Been a while since I dropped by to say hello. Hello!

Hello Kat. *gives her a big warm bearhug and some gropes*

Oh you think so? But what if I wanted to slip in the shower behind you.....? :p

I am doing quite fine, thank you. Just busy, but that's the way of life.

I hope that you're doing well, gorgeous.
Dear sweet, sexy Kene.....

Hope you had a wonderful birthday, and hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas!!

Missing you, where you been??

Love, kisses and hugs

:kiss: :heart:
I've been asked by a few members to put some pics back up. Though due to the fact I can't find the charger to my digital cam and I don't feel like taking shitty webcam pics at the moment.....some old pics will have to do.
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