keep it down this morning please


a long way up
Apr 17, 2002
Went up town last night

started on martinis

someone then thought it a good idea to buy champagne ,

ended up in an overpriced restaurant drinking RED wine - yes big mistake

So not feeling my best this morning

But I suppose it is Friday and I can recover later

Thanks for sharing :D
T.H. Oughts said:
Ok, we will not talk to loud on your behalf today

appreciate that

* reaches for second alka seltzer *
T.H. Oughts said:
Damn... you ate garlic at dinner didn't you?


well I had Thai fish cakes for starter !!

that settled nicely on 3 martinis and a half bottle of champagne !!
Manhunter said:
Walks in and tip toes out leaving more alka selzer on the table.

Thanks - my blood is slowly becoming alka selter - it is fizzing around like the fizziest thing that ever lived in Fizz town fizzarona