Kbate Request...Some Conservative Thought

This seems like a trap.

Compromise is the essence of democracy.
Naturally, authoritarian followers such as the Vettebigot have a major problem with this. "Too Complex!" "Too many pages!" yada yada yada.

Notice how the Vettebigot was asked for some conservative thought....and replied with cut-and-paste. That speaks volumes as to the paucity of original conservative thought.
Compromise is the essence of democracy.
Naturally, authoritarian followers such as the Vettebigot have a major problem with this. "Too Complex!" "Too many pages!" yada yada yada.

Notice how the Vettebigot was asked for some conservative thought....and replied with cut-and-paste. That speaks volumes as to the paucity of original conservative thought.

Get over your Vette fixation, you'll never be like him, you are too fat. ;)
Any human activity that requires the cooperation of more than one person requires one to accomodate the other; they do so for mutual benefit and never ever consider compromising their ethics or morals...

That is all democrats, all the way to communists do, corrupt the ethics and morals of everyone in a democratic, or mobacoracratic way...they want your soul.

Don't give it to them.

When good compromises with evil, good loses...thus, never compromse with these bastards...

I do not have any problem and as a matter of fact I DEMAND that the Conservative members of our legislative branch put a HOLD on, DERAIL or ELIMINATE any or all bills that that in their opinion would harm our country or change it into European liberalized socialist shit-hole.

Do the Hoodoo that you Do So well...We will sent you back to the office. :)
Compromise is the essence of democracy.
Naturally, authoritarian followers such as the Vettebigot have a major problem with this. "Too Complex!" "Too many pages!" yada yada yada.

Notice how the Vettebigot was asked for some conservative thought....and replied with cut-and-paste. That speaks volumes as to the paucity of original conservative thought.


"Waaaaah! That's too many pages! Waaaah!"


"That's more like it! Hooray!"
C'mon, Dopey. Hit me with the bogus "rune" thing again. I've been reading Norse mythology since before you were impotent. Let's fulfill your ultimate fantasy and get you airtight with Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh.
Pathetic puke. You've always been nothing and will gurgle off to your grave as nothing. As I've said so many times before...alone and afraid knowing you've been an advocate for racism, sexism, and general stupidity. Forgotten and useless. Your legacy is nothing.