Kazaa virus - alert 28th sept 2002 (Win XP SP1 cracker.exe)


Really Experienced
Jul 11, 2002
Kazaa virus - alert 28th sept 2002 (Win XP SP1 cracker.exe)

Win XP SP1 cracker.exe

W32.HLLW.Efno is a worm that attempts to spread using the popular KaZaA file-sharing program.

The worm spreads using the file name "Win XP SP1 cracker.exe."

This causes the worm to be accessible to other users on the KaZaA network.

When this worm runs, it changes several KaZaA registry keys. . However, it is possible to change the file name to other names that may appeal to people.

NOTE: If KaZaA is not installed on the computer, this worm does nothing.

Also Known As: W32.Efno.Worm
Type: Worm
Infection Length: 24,576 Bytes
Systems Affected: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me
Systems Not Affected: Windows 3.x, Macintosh, Unix, Linux
yes it would have to be. My comp detected it via Norton Antivirus so it picked it up str8 after i DL it and opened the .zip file. Mx
acitore_vuli said:
This has to be hidden in a program or zip file though right? I hope. I mean you can't put an executable file in an mp3 or mpg, or have they figured out a way to do THAT now?
If you change the extension of any executable file to mp3, it can pass. But I assume that it wouldn't work and would only attempt to play music.

Just don't download any 24Meg files.
MechaBlade said:
I know yall hIf you change the extension of any executable file to mp3, it can pass. But I assume that it wouldn't work and would only attempt to play music.

Just don't download any 24Meg files.

very true. The same for any file type. The only thing you will not be able to do once you change the file type is after you change it, it will not allow its self to be apart of a multi part down load. Tell me if i'm wrong.