Katya's nights of fun series, # 1, the Industrial Welder


Literotica Guru
Jun 2, 2011
Katya's nights of fun series, # 3, the Industrial Welder

This is a series of straight-to-sex stories I'm doing to improve my writing. If you want to participate, just PM me (preferably if you have something not already done in one of the other chapters in mind ;) ). So if you think I can learn from your writing... Contact me! And we can start another chapter

HottieKatie & st_fornicate

Katya's nights of fun
series, # 3, the Industrial Welder

Katya sat at her usual place at the bar. She didn't even had to order a drink. As she was a usual customer, Tina knew well what she drank. As her cute round butt touched the stool, a perfectly prepared cocktail always appeared in front of her.

As she sipped from the glass, Kaya started scanning the place for her next prey. What was it going to be today? A guy? A girl? Maybe one of each? She didn't say no to anything, she was always looking for new experiences, she liked trying to get anything different each night. Katya just wanted to have fun. New different exciting fun.

As the pretty young lady she was, she always found it easy to get someone to spend the night with. Some were frightened by her directness, but she could always find someone with whom share a bed upstairs. That was why she liked to pick people in the hotel bar, they didn't have to move far to get started.

She took a look at herself on the mirror behind the bar. Stunning, as usual. Her long straight red hair sparkled like a diamond. Her green tight dress, showed exactly enough to get anybody's attention on her nicely shaped body. All those hours at the gym were more than useful.

Another sip from her glass and the drink would be finished. Luckily she had found what she was looking for. She left a banknote with a quite nice tip for Tina under the glass and got up, walking directly to her soon-to-be mate for a night of fun.
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Tommy O'Ryan had had a bad day. Probably the worst day he'd had in a long, long time. He had come home from a long, hot day at work. He'd been welding big-inch pipe, up in a lift, and it was probably a hundred and ten degrees outside. That kind of work only raised the temperature, too. He'd burned himself more than a few times, but kept at it.

Only to come home to find his lovely wife in bed with another man. After much yelling and screaming and some broken furniture, he'd left, and found himself at this hotel. He'd gone up to his room, showered and put on jeans and a tee shirt and headed down to the bar to the drown his sorrows in the bottle.

He was well built, solid from years of hard work in construction, welding at a variety of different power plants, mostly. It was hard, dirty work, but it paid well and the union benefits were good. He'd been married about three years, and now he had to wonder just how long that bitch had been fucking around on him. He was thirty five years old. There was some grey in his dark hair. His hands were large and rough, rugged. Scars of work were visible on his muscled arms.

He sat down at the bar and ordered a beer and a shot of whiskey. He downed the shot, and the beer followed quickly. He ordered another one as he noticed an incredibly beautiful woman approaching him...
Katya found the jeans and tee shirt interesting. It was not such a common outfit around there.

He looked bit older than her, but his well built body was calling for her. It didn't take a while for her to approach him. He looked distressed, drinking too much too quickly... and she didn't want him drunk for her purposes. She needed him in perfect condition.

Katya moved quickly and sat by his side.

"I know of a better way to forget about that shit you are trying to drown", she said as she placed her hand on his thigh.

As she kept looking at him, she moved it upwards and upwards.

"You just have to follow me upstairs. I promise I'll get you to feel better.", she said as she showed him the keys to her room.

At first she had a different room each night. But now she had decided to rent a room for the whole month. Sometimes she even thought about leaaving the apartment she was renting... But it was nice to have somewhere to come back to the following morning.
At first the hotel staff thought she might be a hooker, but after a business week meeting that was held at the hotel, they started treating her with more respect. She just had enough money to pay for a hobby like that.

Katya didn't wait for the guy's answer. Sometimes she liked to do that. There was no need, they always followed more than quickly.
OOC: apologies for the extended delay! I'm back with a slightly altered pen name, and am looking fwd to continuing this!


Tommy couldn't believe the words coming out of this gorgeous woman's mouth. He was stunned, to say the least. He wasn't about to let such an opportunity just walk away, however! He quickly drained what was left of his beer, threw some cash on the bar, and followed after her, catching her as she was pushing the button for the elevator.

"Tell me," he said, leaning against the wall, next to the elevator door, "what exactly did you have in mind?" He allowed his eyes to gaze over her body, drinking her voluptuous figure in and savoring the moment. The elevator dinged and opened next to him.
It didn't take him long to reach her. Wonderful. He was in for the fun.

"Well, I prefer to improvise", she said, as the door opened and she got inside, followed by him.

They went all the way up without looking at each other. She liked to let her preys to get a good look at her, so that they could start amazing and fantasising about how ravishing and passionate she would be.

"But I can assure you you'll forget about all your problems with me", she said as they reached her floor.

Her room was perfectly placed in front of the elevator, so it didn't take more than 5 seconds for them to be locked inside her room, as she gracefully grabbed her companion's hand as the elevator door opened, and dragged him across the hall while she opened the door.

Once inside, she didn't even let him take a look of the room, as Katya rushed for his lips as she closed the door with her foot.
As soon as the door was shut behind him, Tommy found the beautiful busty woman pressed into him, their lips meeting. Tommy returned the kiss eagerly, his strong, callused hands gripping her body and pulling her into him, just to feel her tits mashed into his chest.

Blood rushed to his loins, and filled his cock to stiffness immediately. There was no question how this would end, and his body was hungry for its fill of womanly passion! He could not recall the last time his wife embraced him so eagerly. Needless to say this was a welcome turn of events!

He pushed her away from him then, but only momentarily, to let his eyes take her in for a moment before he pushed her up against the wall and kissed her again, eagerly, his tongue greedily slipping past her full pouty lips, his hands roaming her body freely...
Katya sensed he was in desperate need for passionate sex. Maybe his wife or girlfriend had dumped him, or she was just too boring in bed. His eyes told her that he was lacking the kind of passion she was so eager to share with him.

He needed her as much as she wanted him right then.

She found it so cute when he stopped for a moment to admire her. She was like a goddess that had gone down to calm a crying baby.

And down she would go.

As his hands wandered around her body, not knowing where to stop, she knew exactly where to go. Her right hand grabbed his ass cheek, round and hard. Her left hand grabbed his already stiff and sharp rode.

They had the whole night for themselves, but Katya wanted him to know how much she desired him
Tommy groaned into Katya's mouth when he felt her hands on him, her grip on his stiff dick sending chills through his body. God he needed this, and bad. Now. His passion and desire increased rapidly, and his cock throbbed in need. His hands found her tits and squeezed the luscious globes, his mouth leaving hers only to descend on her neck, his teeth grazing along her tender flesh.
Everything had rushed so much as soon as they got into the room. But they were not some wimpish couple making love for the first time. They were adults, wanting to have a good time, the whole fast and furious one night experience.

So Katya didn't waste any other minute, and she started unzipping his jeans as she went down her 4 inches heels.

She went again for his lips angrily, now from a lower perspective. It was a bit more difficult, but she didn't expect to be standing on her feet for too long.

As soon as she unzipped his pants, she lowered them down his thighs and she pushed him a bit, so he fell on an armchair that was strategically placed behind the place they were standing just seconds before. With him sitting there, she finished removing his jeans and threw them away. As well as she unzipped her own dress and let it slip down her body.

Now, with just two pieces of underwear on, she sat on his lap, her lips sinking again on his, as her fingers tangled up his soft hair.
Tommy welcomed Katya into his lap, her legs spreading to straddle him in the chair, their groins rubbing together through thin material. His cock shuddered at the pressure; the heat from her pussy making her passion and desire quite apparent. He grabbed her firmly, his hands going straight to her round butt, gripping her and pushing her down against him as their lips locked in a heated embrace.

One hand moved up to grab at her luscious tits; the mounds so close to his face, pressed against his upper chest. He tugged at her bra greedily, and then both hands went up her back, his fingers digging into her skin until he found the clasp holding the bra together, and swiftly and skillfully unfastened it, and tore the garment off her, freeing her tits!