Katya's nights of fun series, # 1, the hockey player star


Literotica Guru
Jun 2, 2011
This is a series of straight-to-sex stories I'm doing to improve my writing. If you want to participate, just PM me (preferably if you have something not already done in one of the other chapters in mind ;) ). So if you think I can learn from your writing... Contact me! And we can start another chapter

HottieKatie & Ikely

Katya's nights of fun
series, # 1, the hockey player star (and the architect)

Katya sat at her usual place at the bar. She didn't even had to order a drink. As she was a usual customer, Tina knew well what she drank. As her cute round butt touched the stool, a perfectly prepared cocktail always appeared in front of her.

As she sipped from the glass, Kaya started scanning the place for her next prey. What was it going to be today? A guy? A girl? Maybe one of each? She didn't say no to anything, she was always looking for new experiences, she liked trying to get anything different each night. Katya just wanted to have fun. New different exciting fun.

As the pretty young lady she was, she always found it easy to get someone to spend the night with. Some were frightened by her directness, but she could always find someone with whom share a bed upstairs. That was why she liked to pick people in the hotel bar, they didn't have to move far to get started.

She took a look at herself on the mirror behind the bar. Stunning, as usual. Her long straight red hair sparkled like a diamond. Her green tight dress, showed exactly enough to get anybody's attention on her nicely shaped body. All those hours at the gym were more than useful.

Another sip from her glass and the drink would be finished. Luckily she had found what she was looking for. She left a banknote with a quite nice tip for Tina under the glass and got up, walking directly to her soon-to-be mate for a night of fun.
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Character Appearance: http://p.models.com/-239204/images/image2073.jpg

“Oliver….across the blue line….over to Coles, at the far circle….COLES DOWN LOW….FORTIER….SHOT, SCORE!!! HAT TRICK! Patrice Fortier with the hat trick. He now holds the record for most points in a season for a rookie!”

Patrice Fortier showered after the game then spent the better part of an hour speaking with media. He got all the standard questions and even some about winning the Stanley Cup.

Patrice loved the game of hockey. It showed as the rookie phenom was breaking a record for a rookie in almost every game.

The rest of the team was going to some club but Patrice just wasn’t feeling it.

Instead, he thought he would try out the hotel bar. It was a road game and he had been in there on a previous road trip and liked that it was quiet. There was a chance he wouldn’t have to deal with all the hotties. The groupies could be a pain. They also could be good lays, but Patrice just wanted to be unknown for just an hour, drink a beer then go to bed.

But it did not work out that way. He was jumped by 2 hotties as soon as he went in. The girls were like models, and probably would have a fantastic career in porn. He signed one autograph for the first girl and was in the process of saying hi to the second when he saw the red head.

She was incredible. The long red hair made Patrice want to run his fingers through it, and her green dress covered a very tight, toned body.

But what got his attention the most was that she looked right at him but made no effort to run up and mob him. Instead, she took her time and drank from the glass she held in delicate hands. She knew she was hot and didn't need to make a spectacle. She knew she could have any man she wanted. Patrice loved her confidence hoped she wanted him.

As one of the groupies leaned in and whispered in his ear, “I want to have your baby…” Patrice saw the red head get up. Instead of leaving or meeting with another guy, she was moving towards him.
James Stuart - http://stylebasha.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/business_man_suit.jpg

The seminar had gone longer than expected, and James had looked at his watch more than a couple of times in the last hour. But as everyone filed out of the large hotel conference room, he ducked and weaved through the crowd and filed straight into the bar. He needed a drink. These corporations were strict, and even though he was confident in his designs, he was one fish competing with hundreds of other fish to land his career job.

Only six years ago he had completed an Architectural Engineering degree, and had already worked up a stunning portfolio. His main aim was mixing aesthetics and functionality, and making any building look sexy and new without compromising on space and storage.

But he was also in the city hoping to freshen up on his skyscraper and smaller building design, a skill that most corporations would expect to see on his rather fancy resume.

And that was why he moved past a rather well built guy with two girls fawning over him, and straight to the bar. But it was a fragrance as he checked his watch, passing a woman with long smooth legs, that stopped him. He turned, and for a moment couldn't find his tongue as he watched her walk away.

It wasn't that he was a crude or objectifying person, but his eyes followed those legs that had caught his attention to the hem of her green dress, to thighs that called for him to keep looking. But he pried his eyes off the soft white flesh and gazed at her round hips and narrow waist, and a well supported ass. He couldn't see what her front looked like, but if it was anything to go on, he wouldn't be disappointed.

Moving towards her, he touched her arm briefly and tried not to startle her.

"Excuse me, miss," and waited until he had her attention, even if briefly, before continuing. He even moved around her enough to partially block her view of the hockey player.

"I couldn't help but notice your perfume. It's exquisite." Flashing a white toothed grin, he looked at her empty hands. "Would you care to join me for a quiet drink?"

The words flowed, and it was obvious he knew how to speak to a lady. But he had just interrupted her path, and she may not appreciate any interested joe pulling her aside. With her physique and looks he didn't doubt men threw themselves at her all the time.

James stood just shy of six foot tall, his straight back and good posture making the most of his height. In his late twenties, he dressed neatly and presented well, but didn't have that proven professional look yet. He was just as comfortable wearing a button up shirt as he was a t-shirt.

However, considering the business nature of today he wore a suit. Even if during his rush to the bar he had unbuttoned the tailored jacket and loosened his tie. Something he regretted now, having spotted the beautiful woman.

For someone who got to know James further, they would find out that he spends a couple of mornings at a local gym each week, and enjoys sailing on the nearby lake. Or chilling out in front of the TV with mates watching the football, or hockey.
When Katya saw the guy, he didn't look familiar to her. But he must be famous somehow, as he was signing autographs for a couple of girls.

Anyhow, she wanted him. He was so athletic... he must be some kind of sportsguy. Katya didn't watch TV that much, so it was not so strange for her not to know about him.

She spent quite a time looking at him, and finally she got his attention. And yes, he was interested. The girls around him didn't make him take his eyes from her, so she finally decided to approach him.

But on her way, some guy stopped her.

"Excuse me, miss. I couldn't help but notice your perfume. It's exquisite. Would you care to join me for a quiet drink?"

That was strange.

She was usually hit by thousands of guys, but they weren't usually as nice as this one. That was why she preferred to choose the guy herself.

"I'm so sorry. I am on my way to inviting that guy to my room upstairs." she said, pointing at the sports guy.

She loved being so straightforward, and he had interrupted her, so he deserved a punch like that.

"But... I like you too. So I would really like it if you could join us..."

She couldn't wait for an answer, or the other guy would lose interest in her. But she needed to convince this one too, so she made a quick but reassuring trip to his inner thigh, to let the suit guy know she was being completely serious.

"I'll be waiting for you", she finally whispered in his ear as she kept looking directly at the first guy, making sure he wouldn't leave without her.

It had been long since she had had a threesome. She hadn't thought about repeating it today, but the moment was more than fine. She had found two wonderful guys. She just needed them to want it too.

Quickly she reached the sportive guy, who had got rid of the two girls in the meantime.

"Hi gorgeous," she started as she touched his arm. "I have this terrible problem. I liked you from the moment you entered the bar. So I'm going to invite you to my bed. But, I like that guy too, and I invited him to. But I think we could easily turn a problem in a wonderful party for three. right?" she finished as she sensed the suited guy approaching them.

Luckily the athletic guy seemed interested. Not every guy would say yes to a proposition like that. But luckily for Katya, a few men were fun enough to do whatever they asked of them.
Patrice took one step towards the beautiful woman who now had his complete and undivided attention.

Then he watched as another man moved up to her. The red head never took her eyes off of him. They stared at each other and Patrice felt the sexual energy in the bar. Every person in the bar had to feel the sexual energy this woman was radiating. Including this second guy.

They exchanged words and it was clear he was into her as well.

Patrice decided that he was cool with whatever happened. But if she came up to him he was going to do whatever he had to, to get her naked with her legs spread.

She came in close to him. He smelled the fragrance she wore and it was intoxicating.
Then he felt her touch his arm.

Patrice stood 6’2” and weighed in at 195 pounds. His height allowed him to look into her eyes, it was incredible.

As she spoke, Patrice switched his focus to her luscious lips. He could see her hot pink tongue as she spoke and he already felt the pressure of his thickening cock in his jeans.

Then he shook it off and actually heard what she was saying, and it made his nostrils flare and his jaw clench.

"Hi gorgeous…I have this terrible problem. I liked you from the moment you entered the bar. So I'm going to invite you to my bed. But, I like that guy too, and I invited him to. But I think we could easily turn a problem in a wonderful party for three. right?"

Patrice felt some butterflies in his stomach.

Patrice had had a number of 3 ways this season. All of them had been Female, Female and Male.

He had never done the Male, Male, Female thing.

But the thought of it really excited him.

Patrice looked over her shoulder at the guy.

The guys was tall and wasn’t a troll. He was good looking, Patrice thought.

Patrice saw the guy looking at them, and Patrice gave the guy a quick, very subtle, almost imperceptible nod. Then Patrice leaned in and butterfly kissed the left side of her neck while sweeping her hair away from the left ear and whispered, “I would love to join you in your bed…and anyone else you care to invite.”

Patrice then stood to his full height and turned to look at the other guy.
Katya found the sportsguy answer quite nice. Those subtle kisses on her neck turned her on so much.

“I would love to join you in your bed… and anyone else you care to invite.”

So he was definitely in.

As the guy stood up and turned to look at the suited guy, Katya did the same. But he didn't seem as daring as this guy. He seemed to stay still trying to decide whether to join them or not. So Katya decided she'd let him think about it without any pressure.

Katya grabbed the guy next to her by the arm and started walking towards the other one, as she looked for her spare key in her purse.

She finally approached the suited guy and put the key on his hand, as she whispered in his ear:

"We would really like you to join us. Just don't think too much about it. I promise it will be fun!"

If he finally decided to come upstairs, he'd find the number of her room on the key. If not, she'd have to tell the hotel manager she had lost one of her keys. It had happened before.

But as he made up his mind, she didn't want to lose another minute and take the time to get to know the sportsguy.


As they entered the room, they could see a quite big apartment, with a little bathroom to the right side, a big bed by the left wall. A wide mirror on the right wall, and the window and balcony at the front. There was also a leather armchair at the left corner and a little desk at the right one.

"So, welcome to my little chambers", she said as she closed the door behind her and jumped off her high-heel shoes.

She checked she had left one of the drawers open, where she kept all of her toys, so that her guest could notice they had plenty to play with.

Katya didn't want to loose anymore time. If the other guy was going to join them, he'd better be quick, because she was already feeling like taking off her dress. But she decided to wait for another couple of minutes.

"So, what kind of famous sportsguy are you Mr... ?" She might want to look for some information about him the following day and it would be handy to know his name if there were finally three of them on the bed
Patrice could not believe his luck. The hottest, most beautiful woman in the hotel took him by the arm and was leading him up to her room.

She stopped at the guy in the suit. She began whispering in his ear. Patrice only heard the tail end of what was said.

He heard, quite clearly, “…I promise it will be fun!"

Patrice smiled at the guy. He nodded at him, and then indicated with his head towards the bank of elevators.

Patrice and the vixen made it to her room.

As she came out of her shoes, Patrice gazed at her feet, then tracked up her toned calves to her knees then stared at her thighs. Patrice felt his cock begin to swell. Patrice removed his leather coat and draped it over the back of one of the chairs. He went ahead and untucked his polo shirt from his jeans.

He moved around the room and noticed the open drawer with all kinds of sex toys. Was that a strap on dildo? He was not sure.

This woman was just oozing sex, and Patrice was willing to go all in with her.

"So, what kind of famous sports guy are you Mr...?"

Patrice moved up close to her, so that her tits were pressed against his chest.

“Patrice…Patrice Fortier. I play hockey for the Montreal Canadiens.” Patrice ran his thumb over her soft, glossy lips as he stared into her eyes.

His cock was now straining against his jeans.

“And you are…?” Patrice asked in a whisper. Not that names were important. They were just going to fuck then he would leave, or at least that was how he thought it might go.

But, either way, he had a long night in front of him.
"Katya, my name is Katya." she said, against his thumb still over her lips.

"Well, Pat, I hope you don't have a training session tomorrow, because I plan to keep you awake all night long", she said as she started undressing him with her right hand and grabbing his hand on her face with her left hand.

Slowly but surely Katya started moving towards the bed, pulling him with her.

Soon she had his finger inside her mouth, and started licking it to show him what soon he'd have around his cock, a playful wet frisky tongue.

As she got closer to him, she could feel his cock pressing agains his jean. As soon as she got rid of his shirt, she'd make sure to release his pumping cock from its tight cage. And then it would be all hers to play with.