Katie fuckin' Porter strikes again :D has witnesses play JeoparDOD in house hearing


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
she used a board to question witnesses in a house hearing; they were John Tenaglia (DOD) who started out with 100 points, Brett Mansfield (DOD Office of Inspector General), and Asif Khan (U.S Government Accountability Office).

“The president who called how much we spend on defense ‘crazy,’ but let defense spending grow by over $100 billion in one term,” Porter read. Tenaglia blanked on the question, so Porter answered “Who is Donald Trump?”
the game ended with totals that read: Tenaglia —100 points, Mansfield — 500 points, and Khan — 200 points.
Porter moved past these totals to make the point that “the winner here should be the American people, because no matter who uncovers the most waste, the important thing is that we provide long overdue oversight to the taxpayers.”