Kate Middleton / LeBron


Apr 1, 2015
There are some photos of LeBron with his arm around Kate in front of Prince William.

Found it really hot and she watch the game there is lots of photos. I would love it if someone made it a cuckold interracial story.

Gang bang in chapter 2? Does it sound like a good basis for a story.
God yes. It'd be great if there was a line about her paying him for sexual favors, and it turns out he's one of many.
One day someone really will have to explain to me this utterly absurd fascination with slebs. I've never understood it. It seems to have replaced religion as a modern 'opium of the masses'.

I guess newspapers and the advertisers are glad of anything they can hitch their financial wagons to and so, of course, they go out of their way to encourage such vapid obsession.