Justwanted to share my experience


May 4, 2010
I don't do a lot of writing on this board, up to this point I've really had my writing as an outlet for me and kept it to myself. I recently threw myself out there and went to a poetry reading at a local tea shop and had read to a group for the first time and I loved the experience. For the past couple of years I have been writing a series of short stories that are very erotic, sexual and arousing as most of them revolve around women I know in my life and past experiences with sex. I had no idea the kind of response and rush I would get from writing in that specific way. It's been incredible and opened my sexuality up so much more. I've also noticed that I'd finally opened up to a few people about how I have been writing in this way and how I get more of a stimulation from it than porn ever could. I was in a very healthy long term relationship of almost a decade that has come to an end and it's been tough finding that person that I feel that kind of connection with sexually, since this person was really the first time I had had consistent sex with the same person and just changed my entire view on sex. I'm looking forward to maybe sharing more thoughts and ideas on here and maybe be inspired by you in the process. Up to this point I had pretty much just made complimentary comments on the pics thread here and there. Infact one of my beautiful friends turned me to this board years ago and she used to be active and post pics on here and of course all the guys and some gals fell in love with her and I don't think she is on here anymore. Just wanted to say hey :) Thanks.
...And never let your positivity and sensitivity be destroyed by the 'anons' around the place who will throw the regular missile or two!

Liked your perspective. And, will check out your stories.


Welcome to the AH.
If you ask nicely and listen well, you will learn a great deal round here.