Justice Thomas on President Obama


Literotica Guru
Jun 27, 2010
Q: Did you ever expect to see an African American president during your lifetime?

THOMAS: Oh yeah, I guess I’ve always thought there would be black coaches, heads of universities -- maybe again as I said I’m naïve but the thing I always knew is that it would have to be a black president who was approved by the elites and the media because anybody that they didn’t agree with, they would take apart. And that will happen with virtually -- you pick your person, any black person who says something that is not the prescribed things that they expect from a black person will be picked apart. You can pick anybody, don’t pick me, pick anyone who has decided not to go along with it; there’s a price to pay. So, I always assumed it would be somebody the media had to agree with.

Q: Have you ever met President Obama, have you had a chance to speak with him?

THOMAS: No. Well, in passing more he had the chance to visit the court, it’s not like…I don’t do a lot of Washington and I’m not into politics, so I mean there’s not that many occasion. I shook hands with him at the inauguration to be polite but I’ve had no in depth conversation.

by Publius @ FedSoc Blog
I picture Thomas as having a two hand push shot that tends to go right.

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What is it with all the man on man threads today?
What is it with all the man on man threads today?

I, obviously, cannot speak for whomever else you may be referring to...

...but I'm a homo.

You got a problem with that?