Justice System Reform

Sean Renaud

The West Coast Pop
Feb 5, 2004
In America we have a shit justice system from top to bottom. Not just the two tiered justice system. The way the police, courts and judges work, racial disperities, job opportunities upon release. The way cops react much of which stems from our having way too many guns, the amount of people of all races that get shot are is unacceptable. Some of it is a rational fear and some of it is not, shooting someone who is running from you is bullshit, if you can't catch him let him go.
I see two very large problems with our so-called justice system.

First our prison system makes criminals worse. If any convict comes out of the prison system less violent or less prone to crime it is in spite of the system not because of it. This is not at all helpful to the individual or to society as a whole. One of the other big problems I have is the bail system in which essentially if you have enough money you can experience being a criminal entirely differently than somebody who does not. In essence criminal acts can be purchased. And that says nothing of access to excellent lawyers.