Just taking a stab at the editors,

The volunteer editor list has not been updated in (I think) about a year or so. Many probably don't even do that anymore. I was lucky in that I had one editor who I used, but he/she decided to go back to school and no longer had the time. At least they responded to me very quickly to let me know that.

It was probably not your fault. The volunteer editor program is an excellent one, but one I think that is difficult to maintain.

If you like, I can take a look at your story and give my feedback. I've helped out a couple of people before, and I do have a little time clear at the moment, so... Just PM me if you are interested, and I'll send you my email address.

Otherwise, good luck!
I think the best way to get a story edited these days, is to put up an ad "Editor wanted", or to do like a friend of mine did, and PM someone you trust and ask if they'd like to do it for you.

Just don't forget to scratch his/her back, too!:)
I'm new to the volunteer editing thing, but I'm happy to take a look if you need readers. If you want to take me up on the offer send an email to bridgeburner99@yahoo.com with Literotica in the subject field.


I'm new here and a crap author to boot, but if you ever need anyone to proof read a tale or bit of one from Joe public's point of view just give me a shout. That applies to all of you not just newbies.

Or as an alternative you could do as I do, post it on a board and risk being damned.
If you choose this latter route you must expect the odd flaming from one or more of the Mr / Mrs / Ms perfects, but it will be anon in feedback so no need to worry about who it is.

pops.............e-mail addy in my profile if anyone needs to get in touch.:D