just pet!


Literotica Guru
Feb 20, 2002
how the hell are you?



how's life?
Ginny said:
how the hell are you?


how's life?

Sometimes it is just for the birds
How's your cloaca, dear?

Decided to meander back to the GB
Missed you
my lil bird butt is just fine thank you very much.......;)

glad you found your way back over......i see you posting here and there.....but i've missed you, too....it made me smile to see your name this morning.....

so how is the orgasming going?

Ginny said:
my lil bird butt is just fine thank you very much.......;)

glad you found your way back over......i see you posting here and there.....but i've missed you, too....it made me smile to see your name this morning.....

so how is the orgasming going?


Avoiding the talons is the key

I have a link to a website if you're interested...

Could use a bit more of that orgasming action

Work is brilliant, actually. Starting to work with spinal cord injury patients and getting amazing results.

I've been hiding out in Amateur pics. Did you happen to catch the discussion of post-modernism and deconstructionism on my thread a while back? I thought of you.
just pet said:
Avoiding the talons is the key

I have a link to a website if you're interested...

Could use a bit more of that orgasming action

Work is brilliant, actually. Starting to work with spinal cord injury patients and getting amazing results.

I've been hiding out in Amateur pics. Did you happen to catch the discussion of post-modernism and deconstructionism on my thread a while back? I thought of you.

one of the lil miracle's boyrfriends in kindergarten this year is named Talon.....;)

that's too cool on working with spinal cord injuried individuals.....i'd imagine it's greatly rewarding to be seeing results.....

and you know big words scare me.....<wink>.....i must have missed that discussion......i'm almost scared to ask how your mind drifted to me in an ideology discussion.....birds, buttholes or masturbation?
It was the use of irreverent use of illustrations
My Google image search addiction had taken full hold
aaaahhh yes.....i'm quite addicted as well....as you well know....we need a ImagePostersAnonymous around here....

i'm just a visual person....i like images.....along with words.....or in lieu of words......makes my eyes happy.....you know?
Ginny said:
aaaahhh yes.....i'm quite addicted as well....as you well know....we need a ImagePostersAnonymous around here....

i'm just a visual person....i like images.....along with words.....or in lieu of words......makes my eyes happy.....you know?

Sometimes there is an image that sums up a thousand words, and I don't have to spellcheck. I like happy eyes. In fact, I like happy parts.
happy parts rock!

i'm all about the happy....

so cool seeing you, JP......i'm zipping out to lunch.....mad dash around town running errands.....vroommmm.....irkkkkk.....and a lil phonesex with my turtle....

take care nice lady....;)
Okay it hasn't worked yet......

Okay i got the thing in my email.....but it still won't let me log on......and what is with the parental form????.......Torty!!! Help...lol.......Ya'll know i'm comp retarded......Ohhhh some hot guys.....woohoo.....i really need some hot guys....BADLY....anyways......tell me what i did wrong.....Lace
Re: Okay it hasn't worked yet......

Unregistered said:
Okay i got the thing in my email.....but it still won't let me log on......and what is with the parental form????.......Torty!!! Help...lol.......Ya'll know i'm comp retarded......Ohhhh some hot guys.....woohoo.....i really need some hot guys....BADLY....anyways......tell me what i did wrong.....Lace

you're such a dick.

I would assume that i would have to be male to be a dick......excuse me Queen i don't know you......I'm friends with Ginny and Torty.....Ginnyyyyyyyy......i'm already getting bashed and i haven't even figured out what the deal is with my registration.......Queen i'm FEMALE......sorry to disappoint you.... lol.......LACY.......as in FEMALE
Re: hmmmm

Unregistered said:
I would assume that i would have to be male to be a dick......excuse me Queen i don't know you......I'm friends with Ginny and Torty.....Ginnyyyyyyyy......i'm already getting bashed and i haven't even figured out what the deal is with my registration.......Queen i'm FEMALE......sorry to disappoint you.... lol.......LACY.......as in FEMALE

Im sorry I thought you were the other person. my bad.
Did I walk into the wrong thread?

Try logging in under your newly assumed moniker on the first page of the Boards (at the bottom)

And Queen, who's a dick? I didn't get the memo.
Re: Okay it hasn't worked yet......

Unregistered said:
Okay i got the thing in my email.....but it still won't let me log on......and what is with the parental form????.......Torty!!! Help...lol.......Ya'll know i'm comp retarded......Ohhhh some hot guys.....woohoo.....i really need some hot guys....BADLY....anyways......tell me what i did wrong.....Lace

I have no idea why it's not working, Lace. Try clicking on the "Control Panel" link at the top of this page. It should take you to a login screen, where you can enter your username and password.
Couldn't pass by a JP thread without sayin' "How-do?" Poppin' out.

- Judo
Decided to wander back to my home base.
Re-expanding my horizons, if you will.
Been lots of entertainment here and I realize I have been missing out.

And what a nice welcome

Nope. i cancled doc's appointment this week because I took my son to the ER.. then my daughter fell ill with the same thing he has today! So no time for me! I have another appointment next week.
just pet said:
Does this mean you'll be kissing up to me?

It's the least I'll do.
In regards to you I acted in a manner shameful to me,so penance is the way to go.

Wow,I couldn't sound more stilted if I tried.