Just one of dem days...


*insert random title here
Feb 23, 2002
Ever have one of those days when it's not quite bad enough to be a true shitty day but bad enough that you wonder "what the fuck else is gonna go wrong today?"

I had one of them today.. I submit the following:

8:55 AM - Almost late for work after sleeping in (because I didn't set the alarm).. trying to slide into pants while going to the fridge at the same time, I fall flat on my face.

9:21 AM - Co-worker in an effort to help customer exchange merchandise royaly screws up by not only refunding the first purchace to his Visa but also giving him an instore credit for the same amount AND not making the customer pay for the new stuff he is taking. In total we nearly give 350 dollars away in credit and merchandise away. Nearly I say, because as senior person on staff and no bosses in today I make the call to the customer informing him there is a mistake and he needs to come down so we can fix it.

The customer (thankfully) understands and isn't too upset or even bothered. Disaster averted.

9:32 AM - Same co-worker buys coffee and doughnut as a way to say thanks for getting him out of a jam that would have gotten him fired.

10:45 AM - Another co-worker drops a florecent bulb.. On a clothing rack.. A clothing rack that had a shirt I was gonna buy later that day not to mention other clothes covered in glass and dust.

10:46 AM - Realize at least it's 70 bucks I won't spend now...

11:27 AM - Just before lunch break a snotty woman comes in with 7 pairs of skates and needs them sharpened by noon. No one else in store can do them as quickly and as good as I can and good lord if I say no the bitch may explode like Mt. Saint Hellans..

So lunch gets put off a half hour.

12:15 PM - Get home, open fridge.. where in the hell is the leftover KFC from a day ago?

12:16 PM - Remembers best friend was over that night and always helps himself to what ever is in the fridge.. Kinda remembers him eating his popcorn chicken.... Vows to kill him or at the very least make me buy lunch on Monday.

2:03 PM - Upset hunter comes into store.. The info on his licences was inputed wrong by the first co-worker. Again I am the only one who knows the in's and out's of the licincing system so I work to correct it. Turns out the hunter now has to buy everything he needs all over again and then hope against hope that he can get the money he spent the first time around on the wrong stuff refunded on Monday.

Hunter was decent to deal with, but stressed out about it all... I hope that doesn't come back to haunt us on Monday or else he won't be so easy to deal with.

2:15 PM - Point to co-worker and let him know he may owe me another coffee again...

3:29 PM - Pissed off customer bitches over and over about his bike not being fixed by Friday even though he was told it may not be ready by Friday and that he was to call to find out if it was done and if not, to find out when it can be.

I find out shortly after being yelled, cursed and hung up on that the bike repair is very minor and could have been done three days ago.

3:34 PM - Smoke break.

What's that you say? I don't smoke?

Wanna bet??

3:58 PM - Get told skate sharpening machine is down and broken and there are still 10 more pairs waiting to get done, 5 already paid for and 3 of them needing to be picked up in an hour...

10 minutes later I fix the problem like I said I was right from the start - I can fix these kinds of things because hey, I'm the senior guy and I know how things work.

Second co-worker though had started calling people teling them we couldn't sharpen skates anymore.

"Who in the hell told you to start calling people??"

"Well no one.. I just thought people should know.. None of them sounded happy that we can't.."

"Well news freekin flash.. we CAN!"

"We.. Can?!"

*LT walks away shaking head and muttering something about Miller time very soon...*

4:35 PM - Allow guy to pay for 200 dollar purchase by check after being asked by a third co-worker. Not an unusual thing to do for a customer until I learn:

"So you don't think that check will bounce?"

"No.. Why should it?"

"Well I am just surprised you allowed him to use it after his bank card said insufficiant funds!"

"It WHAT?!?"

"Yeah it said that.. That's why I..."

"Why in the hell didn't you tell me that first?!"

"Well I thought you saw it for yourself!"

"For christ sake I was across the store in the football section!! How would I have seen it?"

"Well.. I.. Don't.. *pauses for a bit* .. Well what was I supposed to do? Just yell out "Hey this guy has insufficiant funds can he write a check??"

*LT again walks away shaking head*

5:30 - Closing time.. Turn out all the lights.. Lock all the door... ahhh shit here comes some nimrod needing new skates and he just HAS to have them tonight.

6:00 - After a few tence moments.. the tills and cash balance.. Remarkably something positive for once today! Now lets go for a drink.. or four!

And just to top it off as I sat at the bar (no hockey on, no baseball.. Just boxing as what the bar owner wants) I watched the scoreboard flash the following:

End of first period - Dallas Stars leading St. Louis Blues 2-1

End of second - Stars winning 3-2

Final score - Blues win with a comeback.. 5-3

:rolleyes: Somehow that just topped the day off perfectly.

Thanks for the time.. I am now done bitching about my day.. So how was yours?? :D
Oh you poor baby....... I can just imagine how tense you was after a day like that.

Maybe next week wont be as bad.
The positive...

1. You woke up this morning.

2. You had a job to go to.

3. You are a respected person at your job.

4. You have money to spend on things you "want".

5. You have food to eat.

6. You have a roof over your head.

7. You have eyes and ears to hear and see all that happens around you.

*ducking* as I'm sure you may hurl something at me now.
PacificBlue said:
The positive...

*ducking* as I'm sure you may hurl something at me now.


Nah.. I'm a fairly positive person. Even when I have days I like this I still find it easy to remember that this is all I have to bitch about and not worry about finding shelter or a meal or any kind of crap like that...

Not that it makes days like today any easier... Just a way to put things into perspective. :)
Liontamr said:
Not that it makes days like today any easier... Just a way to put things into perspective. :)

Nope, it doesn't make it any easier. Lately, when I think things are going down the crapper, I ask myself if it will matter two weeks from now, if it won't...I quit wasting time and energy on it.

Perspective can be a wonderful thing.
StrawberryPez said:
*huggles Lion*

You should have came with me tonight. You'd have no voice either. ;)

You know I would have loved too..
That would have been nice, I'm sure Tyger was tired of me holding onto her and screaming in her ear. :D

that sounds so dirty :p
Sign of a true Californian...

I was wondering why you would sharpen roller skates.
StrawberryPez said:
That would have been nice, I'm sure Tyger was tired of me holding onto her and screaming in her ear. :D

that sounds so dirty :p

Sounds like something that may happen soon huh? :p