Just like Rats.


Loves Spam
Feb 26, 2022
I was aware of these studies as early as 1975 but kind of forgot about them until recently when I ran across them again. Between the news and your own observations you see what is going on in the big cities of this nation. I don't know if you are aware but our fertility rate is now below replacement level. A ZPG fertility rate requires 2.1 children/woman. The US is now at 1.84 children/woman. You are obviously aware of what is going on in the schools with transgenderism along with the growing phenomena of "it's all about me" all the while, paradoxically. coupling that with tribalism (you are _______, therefore you must think this __________________.

So without further ado, here is a link to a video, and a write-up with links to the published science.

Universe 25

The experiments go a long way in explaining what we see happening around us today.
It's actually an interesting experiment (and a cute video) - but it focused specifically on the effects of overcrowding that was so bad it led to constant unwanted physical contact between individuals. A far cry from where humans have ever been, even in the big cities.

If you like to consider societal doomsday scenarios like that, I'd recommend the movie "Idiocracy" (2006).
Sometimes that gets scarily close to real life developments, despite being a comedy :)
I've seen that one too.

I have no idea as to your experiences but I do dispute your observations re. humans. While not totally universal....yet.....the human race is depopulating, especially in the developed world. And that isn't necessarily a bad thing for the environment there is a point where our standard of life will become unsustainable. Water and sewer systems, the electrical generation and distribution grid and all the other myriad of workers that no one thinks about that allows us to exist as we do today. All of that before we even begin to address the sociological implications.
I'm not disputing fertility rate drops in the developed world - they are a well-established fact. But in your original post, you implied that the reason for those drops are the same as was seen in the Universe 25 experiment. That seems like a long stretch for me, given that humans have never lived in conditions similar to those of the experiment. And therefore, there's no reason to think that the long-term consequences seen in the experiment will apply to the human race either.

A much more likely development is that the human population stops growing rapidly and instead starts just fluctuating a bit over time - that's a typical population development seen in many other species.
There is a casual relationship. It's not that we've never lived in that sort of environment before, it's that from a form a political and policy standpoint there are those that seem to have that as a goal, Utopia. Or returning to the Garden of Eden, heaven on Earth if you will. Political figures promoting themselves to a God figure. The Universe 25 experiment shows us one possible outcome based on a scientific experiment, while Well's "The Time Machine" exposes yet another. Both with very similar results. In the instance of the Universal 25 experiment you see true Anarchy, in Well's vision there are 'overlords'. Both societies are in a state of perpetual welfare. Both societies want not for food, shelter, of leisure time. And both societies are subjected to cannibalism, real or figurative.

Beware the Greek bearing gifts.
Which is ironic considering the OP barely qualifies as one.
Awwww, c’mon. Living and breathing, things that are automatic. He just doesn’t have the capacity to comprehend a lot of what is read to him.

But he sure can toss in stuff heard on the idiot box from the not-so-news channels or those not-so news sites. Anyone can copy and paste.
You can't just take the results of a scientific experiment and interpret them any way you want. Well, of course you can, but then it stops being science and becomes just.. non-sense..
You just summed up Chubby's scientific analysis process in a nut shell!!

Well done!
You can't just take the results of a scientific experiment and interpret them any way you want. Well, of course you can, but then it stops being science and becomes just.. non-sense..
I haven't 'interpreted' anything. The results of the study(s) are what they are. "We did that and this is what happened."

What I am doing though is extrapolating those behaviors to human behavior under similar conditions. Of course not enough generations (human) have passed for a complete comparison but it seems to be tracking well so far.
I can remember when 'studies' by companies showed that smoking was safe, that Agent Orange was safe to drink, that asbestos dust was safe to breathe.
He’s more alcohol than man.
in cardboardeaux, veritas
