just getting it of my chest


born wrong
Oct 10, 2001
i called an old girlfriend today.
she has a child i fell in love with and i send presents to anonymously on her birthday and holidays. with the last package i enclosed a note asking her to let me know if she still approved of me sending gifts, as a friend of mine had recently suggested she might not appreciate it and that it may in fact not be good for the girl.
she never got back to me and i'll be starting my christmas shopping soon.

when i called the child answered the phone.

i could be wrong, but i swear hen she told her mother who was on the line she sang out my name.

turns out she hasn't gotten the last three packages (boy am i pissed. any advice?) but does appreciate them.

"how is she? she in school? doing good? getting along with the other kids?"
"yeah she's doing good. she can hold a converstion now. do you want to talk to her?"
"...um, no, actually."
good man.

Keep sending them. Do so with your name though, from now on. The little one will appreciate it.
I think that this is wonderful, not enough biological fathers care as much as this.

Yes I'd still send them, I agree you should start putting your name on them as well - if the ex has no problem with this, why not? :)

As for your undelivered packages, did you happen to insure them?
i was kinda hoping her piece of shit father would take the credit for them. as far as letting her know who i am...does she really need two losers in her life that are only part of the way there?
I agree - keep sending gifts and put your name on them. She's a lucky little girl! :kiss:
His_kitty said:
I think that this is wonderful, not enough biological fathers care as much as this.

Yes I'd still send them, I agree you should start putting your name on them as well - if the ex has no problem with this, why not? :)

As for your undelivered packages, did you happen to insure them?
no, butit's not the money i'm pissed about.
paganangel said:
i was kinda hoping her piece of shit father would take the credit for them. as far as letting her know who i am...does she really need two losers in her life that are only part of the way there?

lighten up.
paganangel said:
i was kinda hoping her piece of shit father would take the credit for them. as far as letting her know who i am...does she really need two losers in her life that are only part of the way there?

You know you are not a loser, paganangel. Kids can never get too much love! Put a personal note in with the gifts. She will always remember it.
I think this pretty much proves you aren't in the loser category.
paganangel said:
i was kinda hoping her piece of shit father would take the credit for them. as far as letting her know who i am...does she really need two losers in her life that are only part of the way there?

Well I don't know you, but in my opinion no one who sends a lil girl presents anonymously could be coined a "loser".

You are just a special friend who recognizes special moments and events in her life. :)

As far as insuring those packages, I was actually thinking they could possibly be traced. Find where they may have been sent to, as opposed to getting back money for the lost items.
SpiceCake said:
You know you are not a loser, paganangel. Kids can never get too much love! Put a personal note in with the gifts. She will always remember it.
i just meant that to her i'd be one more person who can't be there.
at first even her mother didn't know it was me. after 9/11 i had put a return address on one of the boxes so her mom knew it was me. a note might be a bit much for her. now she knows someone is thinking of her out there. i would hate for her to get too emotional about it. as long as it's just material things with no personality attached she has less of a chance of getting hurt.sure it would be nice for her to know me, but it's nicer to know i'm not hurting her in the long run.
paganangel said:
i was kinda hoping her piece of shit father would take the credit for them. as far as letting her know who i am...does she really need two losers in her life that are only part of the way there?

My friend, the fact that you care this much takes you out of the loser column, and into the great memories for a child column
*bratcat* said:
Better two than none.
i was actually rather hoping for contributing to the creation of one. just a good fairee for her to believe in until she can handle the real world.
It's not that you can't be there; it's the fact that you don't have to and yet you choose to step up to the plate. Even as a fairy goddee, she will appreciate the male influence. You have no idea what the little things will do to a girl's self esteem.

You're very cool in my book. :kiss:
The Other Side of The Coin.

I'm going to take the other position in this.

Here's why:


This is not your child;

The woman is an ex-girlfriend;

She has not given you express permission to send presents; in fact, she has not replied to your request;

Some of the presents are allegedly lost.


My Conclusion:

Sometimes silence is a "no".

She is an ex-girlfriend that knows you became attached to her daughter and she doesn't want to hurt your feelings directly , so she is passively asking you to please stop and let it go.

By saying nothing and the presents getting lost, she is in fact saying something.


I think you know this to be the possible truth and I think someone should lay it out for you as I have...because many old flames simply won't.

Chin up old cock! You've done good; now it's time to take that big heart to a new place....one where you'll be openly and warmly appreciated, always!

Re: The Other Side of The Coin.

Lancecastor said:
I'm going to take the other position in this.

Here's why:


This is not your child;

The woman is an ex-girlfriend;

She has not given you express permission to send presents; in fact, she has not replied to your request;

Some of the presents are allegedly lost.


My Conclusion:

Sometimes silence is a "no".

She is an ex-girlfriend that knows you became attached to her daughter and she doesn't want to hurt your feelings directly , so she is passively asking you to please stop and let it go.

By saying nothing and the presents getting lost, she is in fact saying something.


I think you know this to be the possible truth and I think someone should lay it out for you as I have...because many old flames simply won't.

Chin up old cock! You've done good; now it's time to take that big heart to a new place....one where you'll be openly and warmly appreciated, always!

i guess i wasn't clear. she didn't respond to the note, so i called. she said she recieved all but the last three presents and that they were all appreciated and that i could indeed keep sending them and that they made the child very happy. she said she was excited just to get mail
Re: Re: The Other Side of The Coin.

paganangel said:
i guess i wasn't clear. she didn't respond to the note, so i called. she said she recieved all but the last three presents and that they were all appreciated and that i could indeed keep sending them and that they made the child very happy. she said she was excited just to get mail

Ahhhhh....Perhaps I misread the first post, it's late here.

(looks, sees: "but does appreciate them. " in first post. Yes, Lance has missed a Fact. Damn!)

If that's the case and you want to be a friend to this child, then by all means, let the present shopping begin!

But yeah, put your name on it. You can be Uncle Paganangel. Why not?


Re: Re: Re: The Other Side of The Coin.

Lancecastor said:
Ahhhhh....Perhaps I misread the first post, it's late here.

(looks, sees: "but does appreciate them. " in first post. Yes, Lance has missed a Fact. Damn!)

If that's the case and you want to be a friend to this child, then by all means, let the present shopping begin!

But yeah, put your name on it. You can be Uncle Paganangel. Why not?


uncle paganangel? wierd.