just curious : gratification of being a dom

This has been a refreshing and illuminating discussion - many thanks to the original poster and to all those very experienced people who contributed (with the exception, of course, of the White Witch and her troglodytic acolytes, hoofing into the discussion with all the restraint and grace of a paralytic hippo).

I ought to have made it clearer, as others have, that of course my opinions are purely personal, and in no way did I wish to go down the 'No true Dom' fallacy route. Everyone's thoughtful perspectives on what works for them has made me look at my own motives more clearly, and I'm afraid they are rather grandiose. Still, aim high, and all that...

The closest analogy for what I am trying to achieve within a D/s relationship (each time inevitably failing, but failing better, as Beckett wrote) is what I understand to be the theology behind Free Will. God wishes us, goes the argument, not to be slaves, with no choice other than to obey him - he wishes us to have the option of taking the evil path so that those who choose good, from their own free will, have made a meaningful decision. Similarly, I want a sub to be unsure of what she wants, and to gradually become surer that what she wants is to abdicate, little by little, her own responsibility. To slip into theology again for a moment, I want her to feel that true freedom comes from giving up decisions.

Now if I were to beat this into her (well, quite apart from the fact that it wouldn't work, and that I don't especially enjoy floggings, etc), it would be as if God had implanted us all with an overwhelming desire to choose the good. Such a decision on his part would certainly ensure he had an army of billions to do his bidding - but it would be less satisfying than mere thousands or millions who freely chose his way. I don't want her to be willing at first - otherwise where is my victory? I want her to be nervous, unsure, to take a step back for every step forward - precisely because I want each step to be the result of a struggle within herself to be more submissive.

Doesn't that sound as if I want a brat - someone who will answer back, snap at me, try to push me into a corner so that I lose my temper and my control? Perhaps. The difference for me is that fear, anxiety, nervousness, etc are all understandable - even desirable - emotions, in someone making such a fundamental journey against the Sartrean authenticity of being their own agent. But none of those things have to be expressed rudely, or insolently, or to be a challenge for me.

"I don't know if I can do that. Help me?" would elicit a warm response, a discussion, perhaps a step back, perhaps a breaking-down of whatever task it is into more manageable chunks - in short, I hope, a sensitive, mutual exploration which will still get us to where I want us to go, albeit by a more circuitous route.

"Come on then, bitch, make me!" merely leads to a shut down of any respect on my behalf. It is not my task to force someone against their will. It is my task, as I see it and take pleasure in it, to bend their will itself until it aligns with mine.

I am sure there will be many who see this as absurd, impossible, undesirable, etc - that's fine. Once more, it takes all sorts. I genuinely meant it when I said that I have, perhaps, never before thought so clearly about what motivates me, and that is owing to the thoughtfulness and wisdom of the posters above. Thank you again.
I hope that concept doesn't fry your noodle. :D

* Brain ‘splodes *

I think for my “noodle's” sake I’m going to have to give up trying to work out these definitions. :rolleyes:

A. Some (both dominants and submissives) work within preset boundaries and don't dare break them. They feel that TRUST is key and breaking boundaries is breaking trust, which proves (or disproves) their dominant's or submissives' role is not worthy.

B. Some (both dominants and submissives) test the boundaries of the other because how TRUE is someone's choice role if they do what the other wants and nothing more? Limiting a dominant makes them submissive while empowering a submissive makes them dominant. By testing the boundaries, you prove out the role of who is submissive and who is dominant.

C. Then again, some people are 24/7 and simply say I have no boundaries to my dominance/submission. This is the ONLY way to prove out my role and the role of who I am with.

This, however, was helpful. If I can’t define, perhaps I can categorize. B. I’m a B girl all the way. And I want to be dominated by a B dominant. :D
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* Brain ‘splodes *

I think for my “noodle's” sake I’m going to have to give up trying to work out these definitions. :rolleyes:

The only definition that matters is yours and whoever you are with. You can safely throw everything else in the toilette and flash it down. They are all just a clumsy way people try to communicate about the subject, a tool and not a very good one either.
Because there are just as many definitions as there are people here and we are all different even when we agree on some of them. I am not even going to comment the "brat" aspect of dominant because that is not who I am and how I act. But apparently it is true for somebody else. Nothing is right or wrong per se, the main thing is if it is right for you. If it is, to hell with everyone else and their definitions.

No need for brain exploding at all.
Don't worry. I have to have my little princesses delete they're posts. Apparently this thread is reserved for Bondage. Dungeons. and Dragons ! :0

So I'm just trolling through and cleaning out al the junk My Princesses posted.

Sorry we bored you.

I'm really just an interested bystander, not one of the regulars - but I'm always fascinated by the wonderfully intelligent thought-provoking discussions here.

I don't have much insight or knowledge to add compared to the wise and intelligent posters here, but I do try to read and understand and think a bit before just jumping in.
I am adivised that that kind of behaviour is not permitted in this cute little bunnies and dandeliaons and sunshine and muppets thread! :)

But oh yes. The are the Princesses of Perv for a reason ;)
It sure would be a long crap...
I still see only dicks flapping around show.
So where are the princesses?
"I don't know if I can do that. Help me?" would elicit a warm response, a discussion, perhaps a step back, perhaps a breaking-down of whatever task it is into more manageable chunks - in short, I hope, a sensitive, mutual exploration which will still get us to where I want us to go, albeit by a more circuitous route.

"Come on then, bitch, make me!" merely leads to a shut down of any respect on my behalf. It is not my task to force someone against their will. It is my task, as I see it and take pleasure in it, to bend their will itself until it aligns with mine.

I am sure there will be many who see this as absurd, impossible, undesirable, etc - that's fine. Once more, it takes all sorts. I genuinely meant it when I said that I have, perhaps, never before thought so clearly about what motivates me, and that is owing to the thoughtfulness and wisdom of the posters above. Thank you again.

Not at all absurd or undesirable. Thank you for articulating your thoughts on this. You have said much that has resonated with me and I've enjoyed your points of view, especially this one...

As free human beings our autonomy is our most precious possession. To loan that to someone else - let alone hand it to them, as in some astonishing Master-slave dynamics I know of - is the most astonishing gift of trust one can make. I don't think I'll ever cease my sense of wonder at sensing that metaphorical placing of the hand in mine.

This is deeply touching. It is the trust that I'm giving, the complete handing over of control, the absolute surrender, suffering for him because I trust him, because it's what he wants me to do. That is the psychology behind my submission as well as my masochism. Perhaps, there is a "guilt" factor in that, where my masochistic tendencies are concerned, but I have not explored that in depth. It's not a "make me" thing for me. That holds no appeal.
This, however, was helpful. If I can’t define, perhaps I can categorize. B. I’m a B girl all the way. And I want to be dominated by a B dominant. :D

Well, as I said, nobody has made a compendium with definitions and because nobody can agree on what definitions to use, it's all a moot point.

Those categories are just half contrived you realize. Don't go up to the next dominant you meet and say "I'm a category B submissive, are you a category B dominant??" because they will likely look at you like you have three heads! XD
Well, as I said, nobody has made a compendium with definitions and because nobody can agree on what definitions to use, it's all a moot point.

Those categories are just half contrived you realize. Don't go up to the next dominant you meet and say "I'm a category B submissive, are you a category B dominant??" because they will likely look at you like you have three heads! XD


I had to opt for category C, which definitely made me feel like I had 3 heads. I didn't even want to face myself for a brief moment, but I got through it!

Gee, thanks LWulf :rolleyes:
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Well I am the Ž category.
I bet most of you dont even have it on your keyboards least know how to pronounce it.
Those categories are just half contrived you realize. Don't go up to the next dominant you meet and say "I'm a category B submissive, are you a category B dominant??" because they will likely look at you like you have three heads! XD

Oh no! Those categories are real! :D

My SO just walked into the bedroom. I informed him he had to become a B category dominant. He said, "Uh-huh", and wandered off to the shower.

Sometimes I don't think he listens.... :rolleyes: